The UN in Zionist hands:

Hans Blix´s and Kofi Annan´s Jewish Connections

20th December, 2002


The UN chief weapons inspector Hans Blix, currently the man who has a great deal of saying wether there should be an "American" invasion of Iraq - judging to if he believes Iraq has "satisfied" his inquires or not - is a man of Jewish ancestry and has a background in Zionist circles of his native country, Sweden.


Mr. Blix has a firm Jewish linkage, even noted and boasted of in the leading Swedish Jewish paper Judisk Krönika ("The Jewish Chronicle").

The Judisk Krönika, nr.4-1985, writes in its big exposé of famous Swedish personalities having a Jewish background that Hans Blix "got his Jewish ancestry through his father Gunnar Blix, a well known nutritional fysiologist. The mother of the Blix the Elder came from the [Jewish] family of learning, Lamm".

Note: The Lamm family is one of the oldest Jewish clans in Sweden, whose founders immigrated to Sweden in the late 18th century with members active in both Swedish industry, politics and culture.


In his political career Mr. Blix was on of the top figures in the extreme pro-Zionist liberal party - "Folkpartiet" - a party whose top has been filled with major Zionist activists like Johan Schück, Jan Friedman, Gabriel Romanus, Daniel Tarschys, Ernst Klein, Olle Wästberg (Hirsch), and Mr. Israel himself, Per Ahlmark (the personal and close friend of the Jewish terrorist Elie Wiesel and currenly a strong advocate for an "American" invasion and occupation of Iraq).

Hans Blix was the vice chairman of Folkpartiet´s youth organization 1959-1961, made a career in the Foreign Department and was Sweden´s Minister of Foreign Affairs during 1978-1979.




The other chief UN-personality when it comes to the organizations relationship to Iraq is of course the Secretary General of the United Nations, Mr. Kofi Annan, himself.

Mr. Annan is married to a woman, Nane Annan, who comes from the top capitalist circles in Sweden, and she is herself also of Jewish ancestry, backing to the early 19th century.

Nane Annans mother, Mrs. Nina Lagergren, was a sister to the acclaimed Swedish diplomat from the industrialist and banking Wallenberg clan, Mr. Raoul Wallenberg, a man hailed in the Zionist Press for his actions in Hungary during the Second World War when he was supposed to have helped tens of thousands of Jews escaping the Nazis.

Mr. Raoul Wallenberg´s - and thus also his sister Nina Lagergren´s (Nane Annans mother´s) - Jewish roots are also hailed in the Judisk Krönika, nr.4-1985, which writes that Raoul Wallenberg "is the sondaughterdaughterson of the [Jewish] Germanborn banker och industryman etc, Michael Benedicks. This long neglected fact that Raoul Wallenberg had Jewish ancestry does not in any way downplay his desperate struggle to save the surviving remnants of the Hungarian Jews".

The famous Jewish banker Michael Benedicks. A leading personality in Sweden´s Jewish community.



The Jew Baruch Tenembaum, founder of the IRWF - The International Raoul Wallenberg Foundation - with Kofi Annan and Mrs. Nane Annan, wife of the world leader and niece of Raoul Wallenberg, at a meeting at the Secretary General’s residence in New York to commemorate the day of the 90th anniversary of the birth of the Swedish diplomat Raoul Wallenberg.

The IRWT writes about the event in its offical Homepage:

"Finally, Mrs Annan, the daughter of Wallenberg’s sister, Mrs Nina Lagergren, showed Mr Tenembaum an album of Wallenberg's photographs and a book containing hundreds of letters written by the diplomat, mostly to his mother, Maj Von Dardel. In his last letter to his mother, written in December 1944, Wallenberg sent his greetings to his sister Nina "and the little girl”. That “little girl” is precisely Mrs Annan, now a renowned international lawyer and painter, who dedicates most of her time to UN educational and child-care programs. Mrs Annan assured Mr Tenembaum that both she and her mother are delighted with the work carried out so far by the IRWF."
To prove our point:
Below we have an overview of the abovementioned article from the Swedish Jewish magazine Judisk Krönika, nr.4-1985, about famous Swedes with Jewish ancestry. To read the original article click on the respective pages and you will be linked to the pages in original size (remember to maximize the pages in your Browser).

The mentions about Raoul Wallenberg´s and Hans Blix´s Jewishness in the article can be read in the first page (1st column) and third page (2nd column).

Note: One should also not forget that Kofi Annans predecessor in the post as the Secretary General of the United Nations, the Egyptian Boutros-Boutros Gali, was married to an openly Jewish woman.




Another chief weapons inspector, the Swede Rolf Ekéus, was also revealed as to having direct links to the Zionist state of Israel.

The Jewish journalist Arne Lapidus, the correspondent to Israel for the big Swedish (Jewish owned) newspaper Expressen and a regular columnist in Judisk Krönika (Lapidus has even been its editor) wrote in Expressen on the 30th of january 1998 under the headline: "Ekéus on a secret visit to Israel". In the article Lapidus revealed how the former UN chief weapons inspector to Iraq, Rolf Ekéus, had been to a "top secret visit to Israel" "as part of Israel´s almost desperate hunt for information about the plans of Saddam Hussein".

Lapidus revealed further how:

"Ekéus, the former chief of the UN weapons inspectors in Iraq, told [the Israelis] what he knew about the Iraqi poison missiles - which soon could be fired against Israel."

"Ekéus met with the Minster of Defence Yitzhak Mordechai and the Army Command. The talks were about Iraq said the Israeli Minster of Defence´s advisor, Avi Banayahu, to Expressen yesterday. "The Minister thanked him [Ekéus] for his efforts when it came to tracking the Iraqi weapons of mass destruction. Israel has a lot to thank Ekéus for"."



After his work in the UN, Rolf Ekéus came to work for the Stockholm International Peace Research Institute - SIPRI - an Stockholm-based organization headed by Zionist Jews like the "Pole" Adam-Daniel Rotfeld and Daniel Tarschys, the latter a Swedish Jew from Folkpartiet with connections to the World Zionist Organization.



Daniel Tarschys.