27 (pt. 2)

"The Jews have been through their traumas," a [Jewish] Democratic politican explained, "Be we have always survived. We are a separate and destined people. I have no illusion that the U.S. is paradise. America is Babylon. We must ask the question, 'Do we want death by assimilation? Do we want death by intermarriage? Or do we want to preserve our traditions?"
-- from Jonathan Reider, 1985, p. 47

      With all these political factors about Jews -- as well as the evidence from the rest of this volume -- what hypotheses might we make about the recent configuration of the Clinton Democratic White House?  Open discussion about Jewish influence in American politics is forbidden, says Israeli commentator Israel Shahak, "which in my view is due to their great political influence in general and their predominance in the media in particular. The Hebrew press [in Israel] does not have such inhibitions. This is due, among other reasons, also to the fact that the power of the state of Israel depends to a considerable extent on its ability to use the organized American Jews and their power for its own interests." [SHAHAK, BAR-YOSEF, Jews Who]
      As reported in the Israeli magazine (1994), Ma'ariv, by Avinoam Bar-Yosef, and translated from the Hebrew by Shahak, seven of eleven top members of President Clinton's National Security Council -- "Senior Directors and Advisors to the President" --  were Jewish. (The NSC's purpose is to "advise the President on domestic, foreign, and military policy related to national security;" members routinely include the President, Vice-President, Secretaries of State and Defense, and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.) [ENCY BRIT, 1993, v.8, p. 550] The Jewish contingent (here included as translated from Bar-Yosef's article, with misspellings) included:
         Sandy Berger -- Deputy Chairman of the National Security Council
         Leon Perth -- White House Chief of Staff
         Martin Indyk -- Middle East and South Asia
         Dan Schifter -- Western Europe
         Don Steinberg -- Africa
         Richard Feinberg -- Latin America
         Stanley Ross -- Asia
      Other Jewish members of the President's Office were:
         Abner Mikva -- Presidential Schedule and Programs Manager
                                     (new Attorney General). In his first position,
                                     Mikva succeeded another Clinton-appointed
                                     White House counsel, Bernard Nussbaum
         Ricky Seidman -- Deputy Chief of Staff (Communications)
         Phil Leida -- Economic Advisor
         Robert Rubin -- Media Advisor (later Chairman of the National
             Economic Council)
         David Heiser -- Staff Director
         Alice Rubin and Eli Segal -- in charge of volunteers
         Ira Mezina -- in charge of health program
         Rehm Emmanuel -- Senior Advisor for coordinating White House
                                          Special Projects
     Stanley Greenberg is Clinton's pollster. "Greenberg has been advising Clinton since his 1990 [Arkansas] gubernatorial campaign." [WOODWARD, p. 25]
     Even before Clinton was elected, the National Review noted in 1992 that
      "Michael H. Steinhardt says he is 'singularly proud' of the weighty
      role played by the upstart Progressive Policy Institute in supplying
      advice and advisers to Bill Clinton's presidential campaign."
      [NATIONAL REVIEW, 5-9-92]
      Steinhardt is also Jewish, and a big financier of the Birthright Israel program, which seeks to pull young American Jews to deeper links to Israel. He was also a "target [in] a government bond manipulation scandal that's sparked outrage in Congress." [NATIONAL REVIEW, 5-9-92] The Progressive Policy Institute is a wing of the Democratic Leadership Council, headed by Al From (Jewish too), who is "also a top Clinton adviser." Vice Chairman of the DLC is David Steiner, former president of AIPAC, who was forced to resign that position when he was secretly tape-recorded bragging about how he manipulated American government on behalf of Israel. "We have a dozen people in his [Clinton's] headquarters," the then-president of AIPAC had noted for the tape,"and they are all going to get big jobs." [MOTHER JONES, 5-3-01] Progressive Policy Institute associate Robert Shapiro was also a staff economist for the Clinton campaign. 
       More importantly and prominently, by 1996 Jews held the following cabinet-level positions in the Clinton administration: 
          Robert Reich -- Secretary of Labor.
          Mickey Kantor -- Secretary of Commerce. (Kantor has
                been a member of the national advisory council for AIPAC. In
                1994, notes Fred Goodman, Kantor "threatened trade sanctions
                against China ... Although  the [Clinton] administration refused to
                make a trade issue of the Chinese government's political and
                human rights abuses, it was ready to play hardball to stop the
                manufacture of unlicensed compact discs and videos. The
                commercial piracy, which the entertainment industry estimates
                cost  it as much as $2 billion a year, was the kind of issue that
                was near and dear to the hearts of [David] Geffen and Time-
                Warner, who had given the Democratic National Committee a
                whopping $400,000 in 1992. [GOODMAN, p. 378]  Also in 1994,
                notes Barry Rubin, the world trade agreement "was negotiated by
                Jews representing both the United States [Mickey Cantor] and
                Europe [Leon Britton]. [RUBIN,  p. xii] France's Foreign
                Minister,  Dominique Strauss-Kahn is also Jewish (1994); Jean
                Bernard Levy is France's Chief of Staff for the Ministry of
                Industry. In England, an economic counterpart is Peter
                Mandelson, who resigned in 1998 as that country's Trade
                and Industry Secretary after it was discovered "he had failed
                to declare a large loan from Geoffrey Robinson, who resigned
                as Paymaster General the next day." [OTTAWA CITIZEN, p.
                A7]  By 1993, even Palestinian leader Yassar Arafat had a French
                Jew, Gabriel Banon, as his peoples' chief economic advisor.
                Banon was once a "close advisor" to former French prime
                minister George Pompidou. Banon also claims to have done
                "favors" for U.S. presidents Gerald Ford, George Bush, and

                Ronald Reagan. [BERLEY, M., 6-22-96] (Stanley Cohen
                was even the lawyer in 1995 for "senior Hamas official"
                Moussa Mohammad Abu Marzook, who was jailed in New York
                City. "All the Israeli press, " Cohen said, "wants to know how a
                Jew can
represent the head of Hamas. I ask them, 'How can a Jew
                NOT represent the head of Hamas?'") [WALKER, R., 9-11-95]
                A Jew, Robert
Butkin, can even be found as the state treasurer of                 Oklahoma. [SCHREINER, B., 8-16-2000] (Even in the 1880s, when
                a Jew, Simon Wolf,, was the American ambassador to Egypt,

                a Jew, (Julius) Blum Pasha, was Egypt's Finance Minister!)
                [PANITZ, D & E, 1957, p. 98]

          Robert Rubin -- Secretary of the Treasury. ("Rubin," noted the
                Jewish Telegraphic Agency, "is known for his pro-Israel stance."
                [BATOG, p. 2]
          Dan Glickman -- Secretary of Agriculture. (At a second term Clinton
                 inauguration party, Glickman asked "every organization, every
                 Jewish organization to take another step forward and outreach to
                 Jews." [DORF, BEHIND, p. 1]

            In 1996, FBI agent Gary Aldrich, for five years assigned to do background
            checks on White House personnel, noted that when Glickman was
            nominated to be the Secretary of Agriculture:
"The FBI had yet to begin its background investigation into Congressman Glickman, but already congressmen from both parties -- including the new Republican majority stepped forward to praise him. Again, it seemed as though our investigation would be superflous ... When Glickman's case wasn't finished in the usual thirty days because of serious questions that needed answers, the White House pressured the FBI to complete the probe. One of us [FBI agents], not me, threatened to go to the Washington Post if the pressure from the White House didn't stop ... Meanwhile, the media began its own investigation and reported that there were some questions about bad checks Glickman had written on the House Bank and about dependents of Glickman using congressional credit cards. The media unearthed that Glickman, a millionaire whose wife worked for Congress as chairperson of the Arts Subcommittee, was alleged to have misused congressional funds for personal business. There was some talk of 'traffic tickets.' More shocking were reports that Glickman's administrative assistant had committed suicide, but not before accusing him, in writing, of misuse of funds. She left instructions to submit these allegations to the House Ethics Committee in the event of her death. The House Ethics Committee, however, apparently took no action. Nevertheless, the Senate -- the Republican Senate -- stood by its former congressional colleague and confirmed Glickman the day before April Fool's Day by a vote of ninety-four to zero. I felt the world had been turned upside down. I was disgusted and disheartened." [ALDRICH, G., 1996, p. 162-164].

Charlene Barshevsky -- Special Trade Representative
            John Deutch -- Director of the CIA. Appointed in 1995, "first,"
                 noted the [Jewish] Forward, "he made a series of personnel
                 changes, appointing David Cohen as deputy director of
                 operations and giving the organization's executive director,
                 Nora Slatkin, broad, unprecedented authority over the deputy
                 directors." [FORWARD, p. 9-29-95, p. 7]  Deutch's
                 grandfather, Jean Fischer, was a prominent Zionist and friend
                 of the first Israeli president, Chaim Weizmann. Fischer headed
                 the Zionist Federation in Belgium. A town in Israel, Kefar Yonah,
                 is named in his honor. [STOLL, p. 7] 
                     Israel's Jerusalem Post noted, in a 1996 article, the situation
                 for Jews in the CIA: "Jews fill top positions in the U.S.
                 intelligence community. In the CIA alone, intelligence sources
                 say, Jews fill four of the CIA's seven directorates and the agency
                 is headed by John Deutch, a director described by one Israeli
                 intelligence source as being 'so traditional in his Jewish outlook
                 that he practically wears a kippa [traditional Jewish skullcap]."
                 [RODAN, p. 20]  (Also in the intelligence realm, a Jewish senator,
                 Arlen Specter, was by the mid-1990s chairman of the Senate
                 Intelligence Committee). By the 1960s, Samuel Halpern was the
                 "executive officer of Task Force W"-- the CIA team set up to kill
                 Cuba's Fidel Castro; Sidney Gottlieb, "who could produce a
                 lethal virus or poison on demand" was a "scientific advisor" to
                 CIA assassination projects; and Arnold Silver was the CIA
                 station chief in Luxemberg, also involved in plans for worldwide
                 political murders. [HERSH, S., 1997, p. 191] Journalist Alexander
                 Cockburn noted Gottlieb as the "US official poisoner" who "for
                 many years, most notably in the 1950s and 1960s ... presided over
                 the CIA's technical services division and supervised preparation of
                 lethal poisons, experiments in mind control and administration of
                 LSD and other psycho-active drugs to unwitting subjects."
                 [COCKBURN, A; GOTTLIEB]
                   In the FBI, during the J. Edgar Hoover era, there were allegations that
                 there were few Jews allowed in that department. Yet, "over the years [under
                 Hoover] two Jews became Assistant Directors. Jewish employees
                 were given days off to observe religious holidays, and Jews once
                 made up most of the FBI basketball team." [SUMMERS, A., 1993
                 p. 57]
         An earlier Jewish Clinton cabinet nomination, Zoe Baird, for Attorney General, was rejected by Congress when it was discovered that she had employed two illegal Peruvian immigrants in her home.
      Other major Clinton administrative appointees include
          William Cohen -- Secretary of Defense.  (Cohen's father was Jewish,
                  his mother not; he has not publicly foregrounded a distinctly
                  Jewish identity. "Nevertheless, "noted the [Jewish] Forward,
                  "[Cohen] received a Jewish education and would perhaps have
                  stayed 'in the fold' if a rabbi had not rejected him in his early
                  years. Nevertheless, [Cohen] remains a great friend of Israel,
                  where he had traveled on frequent visits. He has many personal
                  friends there, and we are assure, it is possible to chat with him
                  in simple Hebrew. His defense of Israel on various occasions is
                  well known." [FORWARD, 2-21-97, p. 7]
     (An earlier Clinton selection for Secretary of Defense, Robert Inman, was  dismissed in Congressional hearings thanks to Jewish influence in the mass media and the Zionist lobby. Michael Saba notes that Jewish journalist William Safire was especially critical of Inman's "anti-Israel bias," Inman's support of the "excessive sentencing of Jonathan Pollard" [the Jewish American spy for Israel] and his reluctance to provide Israel with U.S. spy satellite photographs. [SABA, M., 1994]  Another Jewish journalist, Susan Garment, of the Washington Post, wrote that "Inman named five journalists who treated him badly. Safire, Tony Lewis, Ellen Goodman, the cartoonist Herblock, and Rita Braven. All five are Jewish ... This did nothing to dispel public impressions of Inman's anti-Israel bias." [SABA, M., 1994] )
          Madeline Albright -- Secretary of State. (Albright's story is
                   intriguing. She reputedly had no knowledge of her "lost" Jewish
                   heritage until informed about it  by the Washington Post while in
                   office in 1997. The state of Israel is alleged to have known about  
                   her Jewish ancestry two years before she did). [JEWISH
                   TELAG, p.2]  Albright has suddenly, literally, become the
                   "daughter of Holocaust victims ... On a deep, even untapped,
                   psychological level," says the Jewish Week, "Albright may have
                   strong feelings about Israel." [SCHOFFMAN, p. 23]  "When I
                   say I had known that Albright was Jewish," wrote Barbara
                   Amiel, wife of media mogul Conrad Black, "I mean that one
                   look at her features told me so. Of course, I put it in the back
                   of my mind because I attributed absolutely no significance to
                   it ... (Well, perhaps I dissemble. Being Jewish myself, I had a
                   feeling of kinship and admired her achievement a notch more ...
                   Albright happens to be the kind of person whose attractive
                   features correspond to that tribal affinity in an almost
                   unmistakable manner." [AMIEL, p. 26]
                   The Clinton administration has been involved in more military
                   adventures than any other presidency since the Vietnam War,
                   including the bombings of Iraq, Afghanistan, and Serbia. "The
                   Kosovo conflict," notes Newsweek, "is often referred to by
                   her friends and foes as Madeline's War ... More than anyone
                   else she embodies the foreign policy vision that pushed [other
                   Clinton officials] into this war." [ISAACSON, W., p. 25]
                   (In 1999, a wealthy Austrian family threatened to sue Albright
                   for the return of fine art masterpieces allegedly stolen from
                   them from Czechoslovakia by her father). [CAMPBELL, M.]
           Alan Greenspan -- a holdover from before Clinton took office
                   (appointed during the Reagan administration), is the Chairman
                   of the Federal Reserve Board. His political career began as
                   an economic advisor to Republican president Richard Nixon in
                   1968. The (New York) Financial Times noted that Greenspan
                   "has been one of the most powerful men in the world for well
                   over a decade. A single word of expression can be enough to
                   unsettle stock markets around the globe or to send shares
                   soaring." [FIN TIM, p. 14]  Chairman of the powerful
                   Securities Exchange Council (SEC)? Also Jewish: Arthur
                   Levitt. Head of the Federal Trade Commission (FTC)? Also
                   Jewish: Robert Pitofsky, appointed by Clinton in 1994.
     In late 1998 the Jewish Week noted that Jewish billionaire George Soros is
      "often accused of masterminding some world conspiracy ... if the
      [economic] global crisis keeps spreading -- as most experts expect
      -- you won't hear much more talk about blaming Soros and his Jewish
      cronies. Anger will probably focus increasingly on the leaders of the
      [International Monetary Fund] and the Washington policy makers who
      stand behind it. The bad news is that most of them are Jewish too.
      Israel's daily Yediot Achronot recently published an unintentionally
      chilling list of senior economic policymakers known to be attending
      Kol Nidre services in Washington on the eve of the IMF summit.
      Among them: Treasury Secretary Robert Rubin and his top deputy
      Lawrence Summers [who has since succeeded Rubin as Treasury
      Secretary], World Bank Chairman James Wolfenson and his top
      deputy, Josef Stieglitz; Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan,
      and IMF Director Stanley Fischer. That's scary. And it's only a partial
      list." [GOLDBERG, JJ, The Sixth, p. 12]
       In the White House, all the powerful people in the Clinton administration pale in importance to who the (Jewish) Forward calls "the biggest Jew in the Clinton world right now." That is Steve Grossman, who was named in 1997 as the  chairman of the Democratic National Committee. And what job did he leave to take this position? The chairmanship of AIPAC.   "The highlight of Sunday's lunch for leaders of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee," reported the Jewish Exponent, "-- in addition to kosher food trucked in from Baltimore -- was the arrival of Steve Grossman, until last week the chair of the pro-Israel lobby group and now the national chair of the Democratic National Committee." [BESSER, SCENES, p. 61]  President Clinton, declared Grossman, is "committed to Jewish values, principles, and the Jewish agenda more than any other president that I can remember." [GELBWASSER, p. 13] (Sara Ehrman, an old friend of Hillary Clinton is also a Democratic National Committee senior political advisor; she also served as "a former lobbyist for AIPAC." [LIFTON, p. 52] During Ms. Clinton's successful run for the New York senate seat, the (Jewish) Forward also noted in 2000 that "in the latest setback to Hillary Rodham Clinton's effort to reach out to the Jewish voters, a Democratic Party leader and key Jewish adviser to her campaign was arrested this week on corruption charges. Paul Adler, the Democratic leader of Rockland County and a relator with past legal troubles, was charged Monday with public corruption, fraud, extortion and other charges linked to his real estate transactions.") [FORWARD, 9-15-00, p. 15]
     Stunningly, as Grossman rose to head the DNC, in the same year Fran Katz, the AIPAC Deputy Political Affairs Director, became the Financial Director of the Democratic Party. This situation, notes Mitchell Kaidy, "contribut[ed] to the impression that the foreign lobby and the incumbent party have become one and the same." [KAIDY, M., 9-97, p. 42] Likewise, as AIPAC seeped deeper into the American political structure, in 1999 the (Jewish) Forward announced that a Jewish "Democratic consultant, Mark Mellman, is hiring AIPAC's political director, Michael Bloomfield." [GITELL, S., 5-28-99, p. 19] Conversely, prominent Jewish Democrats may seep into AIPAC -- in 1999 Robert Bassin, Chief of Staff for Democratic House of Representatives member John Lewis (Georgia) was reported to be considered for one of the chief AIPAC positions. [GITELL, S., 5-28-99] (There are, of course, Jews in positions of power at the side of non-Jewish Congressman throughout America. Josh Shapiro, for example, is Chief of Staff for Pennsylvania's Congressman Jan Hoeffel). [SALISBURY, G., 3-30-99, p. 65]
     The DNC Finance Chairman before Katz was also Jewish, Alan Solomont, also a "friend" of Steve Grossman. [GELBWASSER, M., 12-6-97, p. 3]  In 1997 Solomont, "a nursing home tycoon" and former president of the Massachusetts Federation of Nursing Homes, was subpoenaed by the Senate Committee on Government Affairs about his role as "a major contributor [who] successfully lobbied Clinton administration officials to modify regulations for his industry." [GOLDSCHLAG, 2-3-97; WEISSENSTEIN, E., 8-18-97]  In turn, Solomont "took over the DNC's troubled funding operation from Marvin Rosen, a Miami lawyer who has been blamed for loosening the controls on fundraising and for using his political contacts to bolster his law firm ... [The DNC had accepted millions of dollars] from foreigners whose donations are illegal under U.S. law." [BRODER, J., 4-3-99] (Amy Weiss Tobe also became the Democratic National Press Secretary in 1996; the next year she was the DNC Communications Director). [The National Finance Chair for the Democratic Party in 1990 was Monte Freidkin, later the Chairman of the National Jewish Democratic Council].
     In 1999, Beth Dozoretz, yet another Jew, took the reins as "chief fundraiser for the Democratic Party" in her new position as the Financial Chair of the Democratic National Convention. [BRODER, p. 22] (Dozoretz later lobbied Clinton to pardon wealthy Jewish financier, Israeli philanthropist, and fugitive criminal Marc Rich. "Another key player in the effort [to get the pardon]," adds Newsweek, "was [Rich's ex-wife] Denise Rich's friend and fellow Democratic fundraiser Beth Dozoretz, who apparently appealed directly to Clinton"). [ENDA/KUHNHENN, 2-15-01, p. A1; ISIKOFF, M., 2-19-01] On the Republican side, Mel Sembler has been for years the Finance Chairman for the Republican National Committee; he is also chairman of Florida real estate company and an active member in the National Jewish Coalition. (He was formerly the U.S. ambassador to Australia. President George Bush Sr. had "named Sembler ambassador to Australia, which got him included in a series of Doonesbury comic strips poking fun at the link between money and patronage."). [TROXLER, H., 1-22-97]
      In 1992, President Clinton named Fred Goldberg to a position in the Treasury Department. He had for the past three years been the Commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Goldberg was earlier a partner at the law firm of Skadden, Arps, Meagher and Fromm. Another partner at the firm at the time was Kenneth Bialkin, for years the chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations, national chairman of the Anti-Defamation League, and, later, chairman of the American-Israel Friendship Committee. (In January 2000, President Clinton even named an Orthodox rabbi, Irving Greenbaum, as the new chairman of the nearby Holocaust Museum in Washington DC). Head of the Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) through most of the 1990s and into the next millenium? Doris Meissner, "a child of German immigrants." (Elinor Caplan, head of the Immigration office up North, is Meissner's mirror in Canada). In 2000, "a three-judge panel ruled ... that [Mazer] Al-Najjer, 43, should be freed [from prison], but Immigration and Naturalization Service Commissioner Doris Meissner appealed to [Attorney General Janet] Reno" to keep him imprisoned. Al-Najjer, an Arab, was accused of have links to terrorist acts against Israel and had been "jailed for more than three and a half years on the basis of secret evidence that immigration authorities refused to show him or his lawyers." [TAYLOR, M., 9-7-00, p. B1:7; LARDNER, JR., G., 12-16-00, p. 2] Reno released him.
    In 1993-94 the two individuals President Clinton appointed to the United States Supreme Court, Ruth Bader Ginsberg and Steven Breyer, were also both Jewish. And multi-millionaires. [CANTOR, p. 401]  (A 1987 Jewish justice appointee to the Supreme Court, Douglas Ginsberg, was discovered to have smoked marijuana while a Harvard law professor and was passed over for the government post). Of the nine current American Supreme court justices, notes the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, "President Clinton's two Jewish appointees to the Supreme Court are by far the richest." Depending upon how one plays with papers, Ruth Ginsberg and her husband are worth between $5.9 to $24.1 million; the Breyer's assets are valued at between $3.3 to $15.9 million. [KURTZMAN, 5-27-98]
     The profoundly disproportionate presence (even dominance) of Jews in important governmental positions, as well as their economic influence in the political field (and its disturbing implications), goes entirely unremarked upon by the mass media. As Seymour Lipset and Earl Raab note:
       "Neither Ruth Bader Ginsburg, nor Stephen Breyer's appointment to
        the Supreme Court called any public comment about them being Jews
        ... [Likewise] during and after the 1992 campaigns in which Californians
        elected Jews to both United States senatorial vacancies, not a voice was
        raised publicly to mark the fact. The Republican nominee for one of
        these seats was also Jewish." [LIPSET, RAAB]
     "One measure of progress that's been made," agreed Hyman Bookbinder, a former official of the American Jewish Committee, "is that when Clinton appointed Stephen Breyer to be the second Jew on the Supreme Court, you heard practically nothing about his being Jewish." [MATUSOW, B., MAY 2000, p. 79] (This situation is of course quite different from the past. When receiving an award from the Jewish Council for Public Affairs, notes the Washington Post, Justice Ginsburg "noted the fear of anti-Jewish bias that Supreme Court lawyers felt some 50 years ago. The names of four Justice Department lawyers, all Jewish, are missing from a legal brief they wrote in 1948, Ginsburg said at the Feb. 18 award ceremony. The decision was made by Arnold Raum, No. 2 in the office that handles Supreme Court appeals, and himself a Jew, Ginsburg said. 'It wouldn't do, he thought, to make it so evident that the position of the United States was 'put out by a bunch of Jews,' Ginsburg said, quoting a later account.") [GEARSON, A., 2-28-02]
     In 1999 Supreme Court Justice Breyer gave an address to the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations entitled "Zion's Justice." He said that "the Zionist ideal is, of course, exactly that -- an ideal. It is an objective toward which imperfect reality must struggle. But, whatever the imperfection of reality, this ideal retains its hold upon our imagination and that of the world." [BREYER, p. 19]  His speech, and later article, rhapsodized about former Jewish Supreme Court Justices Louis Brandeis (whose term began in 1916) and Felix Frankfurter (who began in 1939), both avidly activist Zionists, and their emulative roles in serving the Zionist cause in high level American government. But how things have changed. "It is important to remember," says Breyer,
       "that Brandeis was a leader when Zionism was controversial among
       Jews. Indeed, after Brandeis was confirmed as a member of the
       Supreme Court in 1916, the New York Times, with support from
       some Jewish groups, argued that Brandeis should resign from his
       public position in Zionist organizations. And he did so. This
       opposition reflected something deeper than simple concern for
       judicial propriety. It reflected a widely held view that American
       Jews need not -- and perhaps out not -- support the Zionist
       cause because doing so might prove inconsistent with their
       obligations toward their own country or intervene with their
       participation in American civic life ... [p. 18] ... Felix Frankfurter
       was Brandeis' pupil, in respect to Zionism and everything else ...
       Brandeis needed an assistant to carry on his Zionist activities,
       particularly after he was appointed to the Court. He chose
       Frankfurter. Even when Brandeis was on the Court -- in one
       act now considered highly controversial -- Brandeis would
       deposit between $250 and $3,000 in Frankfurter's expense account
       as he traveled throughout the country advocating causes which
       included Zionism ... In 1919 ... Brandeis told Frankfurter to
       prepare for a practical task, writing legal bequest forms 'adequate
       in several states,' to organize an effort 'to get in touch with all Jewish
       lawyers in America' and try to have many Jewish clients remember
       Zion in their wills. That same year, he had Frankfurter travel to the
       Paris Peace Conference as a leading representative of American
       Zionists." [BREYER, p. 18-19]
      Brandeis' wife, Alice, was even a financial supporter of the Zionist underground terrorist IRGUN organization. She held a membership card in the American League for a Free Palestine, a supportive offshoot of IRGUN. Justice Brandeis himself "met more than once with visiting delegations from the Revisionist Zionist movement to discuss illegal immigration and related issues. At one 1939 session with IRGUN emissary Robert Briscoe, Brandeis reportedly remarked, "If I were a young man like you, I would be with you." [MEDOFF, 1996] ("Revisionists were heavily fascist and profoundly influenced by Mussolini," notes Jewish author Edwin Black. [BLACK, E., p. 143] )
    In 1983 a scholarly work by Bruce Allen Murphy about Jewish Supreme Court justices Brandeis and Frankfurter was published. It was entitled The Brandeis/Frankfurter Connection. The Secret Political Activities of Two Supreme Court Justices. Supreme Court justices, appointed for life terms, are expected to maintain an apolitical, non-partisan bearing as decision-makers of American law. Murphy's volume studies the two Supreme Court justices' secret extrajudicial political activities, largely, but not only, of a Zionist/Jewish nature. As Murphy notes, after his exhaustive study of existent document archives:
     "Felix Frankfurter learned the art of being an extrajudicially active
     member of the Supreme Court at the knee of Justice Brandeis. It now
     appears that in one of the most unique relationships in the Court's
     history, Brandeis enlisted Frankfurter, then a professor at Harvard
     Law School, as his paid political lobbyist and lieutenant. Working
     together over a period of twenty-five years, they placed a network
     of disciples in positions of influence, and labored diligently for the
     enactment of their desired programs. This adroit use of the politically
     skillful Frankfurter as an intermediary enabled Brandeis to keep his
     considerable political endeavors hidden from the public. Not
     surprisingly, after his own appointment to the Court, Frankfurter
     resorted to some of the same methods to advance governmental
     goals consonant with his own political philosophy. As a result,
     history virtually repeated itself, with the student placing his own
     network of disciples in various agencies and working through this
     network for the realization of his own goals ... So extensive was
     the extrajudicial behavior of both Brandeis and Frankfurter that
     one is left puzzled as to how it could have remained secret for
     so long." [MURPHY, B., 1983, p. 10, 11]

Under President Lyndon Johnson, Jewish Associate Supreme Court Justice Arthur Goldberg, says early AIPAC chief I. L. Kenen,

      "accepted my invitation to make a speech to the national AIPAC policy conference
      and he associated himself with the historic pro-Zionist declaration made by Justice
      Louis D. Brandeis just fifty years before. Goldberg came under attack because
      of that speech. [He listened] to a long harangue by Saudi Arabia's Baroody on
      Zionism and the influence of American Jews on American political leaders." [KENEN,
      I., 1981, p. 228-229]

  In 1998, both current Jewish Supreme Court Justices, Breyer and Ginsburg, joined in a 6-3 ruling (a 5-4 loss if non-Jewish Justices in their stead had different views) in favor of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, one that would make

      "it unlikely the pro-Israel lobby will have to disclose information about its membership
       or expenditures. Six former politiicans and diplomats, all stauch critics of U. S.
       Policy toward Isrel, have been seeking increased government regulation of AIPAC
       ... the plaintiffs have been urging the Federal Election Comission to regulate AIPAC
       as a political commitee ... AIPAC ... defines itself as membership organization and              registered lobby on behalf of legislation affecting U.S.-Israel relations ... Justice
       Stepehn Breyer wrote the majority opinion for the court." [KURTZMAN, D.,

     In Bill Clinton's second Presidential term, other Jews in prominent positions of power  included:
      Gene Sperling -- Chairman of the National Economic Council
      Evelyn Lieberman -- Director of Voice of America
      Janie Gorelick -- Assistant Attorney General
      Stuart Eizenstat -- Undersecretary of State for Economics
      Aaron Miller -- Deputy Middle East Coordinator
      Daniel Kurtzer -- Ambassador to Egypt
      Marc Grossman -- Assistant Secretary for European and Canadian
      Princeton Lyman -- Assistant Secretary of State for International
      Stanley Roth -- Assistant Secretary of State for East Asia and Pacific
      Jeffrey Davidow -- Assistant Secretary of State for Inter-American
      James Rubin -- Assistant Secretary of State for Public Affairs
      Jack Lew -- (an Orthodox Jew); Director of the Office of Management
          and Budget [GROSS, N., p. 30]
       This list is just a sampling. "There are uncounted dozens of Jewish White House staffers," noted the Jewish Exponent in 1997. [BESSER, Celebrating, p. 1]  There are so many that Ira Forman, director of the National Jewish Democratic organization, "tells of one Jewish staffer friend who balked at handling the White House Christmas decorations but was told he had to do it 'because, heck, everyone else here is Jewish too.'" [GROSS, N., p. 30] "We've stopped counting the number of Jews in key places in the Clinton administration," noted Hyman Bookbinder, the former Washington representative of the American Jewish Committee, "there are so many of them." [MATUSOW, B., MAY 2000, p. 79]

     Richard H. Curtiss, a former State Department officer, noted the situation in 1998:

     "A large percentage of other top-echelon State Department political appointees
     and ambassadors are Jewish. A U.S. ambassador who happened to be
     visiting Washington in October remarked to the writer that during Rosh Hoshana,
     the Jewish New Year, many State Department offices took on the forlorn,
     nearly deserted visage that used to characterize the brief interval between
     Christmas and New Year's day. The same was true in the White House, where
     the top two foreign affairs officials, National Security Adviser Samuel Berger
     and his deputy, John Steinberg, are Jewish, as is Vice President Al Gore's
     national security adviser, Leon Furth. So are a lot of other White House
     policymakers ... Nor is there anything particularly incongruous about the
     high percentage of top Jewish officials in the Clinton White House and
     foreign affairs establishment. Ins ome other government departments, the
     situation differs only in the details. Ironically, Secretary Donna Shalala
     of the Department of Health and Human Services is the only Arab American
     in the cabinet. But according to HHS insiders, most of her second echelon
     officials, all White House appointees, are Jewish. So are a remarkably high
     percentage of top officials in the National Institutes of Health, which supervise
     hundreds of research grants at home and abroad. At the Department of Commerce
     the situation is similar, even after the resignation of Secretary of Commerce
     Mickey Kantor, a long-time pro-Israel activist and Clinton's 1992 elelction
     campaign manager. At the Pentagon and CIA, at political appointee levels
     (in contrast to career military and CIA officers), things are not that different ...
     The record of a staff meeeting at Secretary Robert Rubin's Treasury
     Department early in the second Clinton administration shows that when
     top echelon leaders were discussing the best times to make announcements
     the Treasury does not want the American public to notice, one official
     said, 'The time to do it is Christmas or Easter, since those are the two biggest
     holidays.' The 'they' the official was speaking about in the apparently all-Jewish
     meeting were the 90 to 95 perecent of US taxpayers who are of Christian
     heritage but who, in the Clinton administration, are so dramatically
     under-represented in top foreign policymaking positions."
     [CURTISS, R.H., 2-28-98, p. 28]

      "There is also a sizeable contingent of Jewish women," noted the Jerusalem Report in 1998, "many of whom started out with a Hillary [Clinton] connection, in the most senior echelons of the White House, including Communications Director Ann Lewis, White House Director of Public Policy Maria Echaveste [who married a Jewish lawyer and converted to Judaism], and Lynn Cutler, deputy director of White House inter-governmental affairs." [GROSS, N., p. 30]  Hilary's own personal staff, notes Netty Gross, "is also heavily Jewish." [GROSS, N., p. 32]  (White House FBI agent Gary Aldrich notes on one occasion what it was like decorating Hilary Clinton's White House Christmas tree, with ornaments from various artists, featuring "sex toys" and self-mutilation devices": "I couldn't believe the disrespect that these ornaments represented. Many of the artists invited to make and send something to hang on the tree must have had nothing but disgust, hatred, and disrespect for the White House and the citizens of this country, a disgust obviously encouraged by the first lady in the name of artistic freedom ... Here was another five golden rings ornament -- five gold-wrapped condoms. I threw it in the trash. There were other condom ornaments, some still in the wrapper, some not.") [ALDRICH, G., 1996, p. 105-106]
     In July 26, 2000, during Hillary Clinton's campaign for Congress from New York, Jewish senator Charles Schumer ("a recognized leader in Jewish issues on Capitol Hill") was recorded on videotape at a fund raiser for the President's wife. He responded to questions by Jews present about Israel, saying, "My guess is [Ms. Clinton] will vote exactly as I vote on Jewish issues. She will look to me to see how to vote ... Is she going to be a leading voice in the Senate? No. Is she going to have the same feeling about it that I do -- born Jewish? No. But she will be good." "Schumer," noted the Associated Press, "in shirt sleeves, chatted casually with supporters on the tape, seemingly unaware that a camera was rolling." [ASSOCIATED PRESS, 7-27-2000]
      Jews, observed Stuart Eizenstat, eventually the Assistant Secretary of Commerce, "have become much more vocal, not just as an outside interests group, but by integrating into the system." [BESSER, Escape, p. 38] (Joe Rubin, by the way, is the "chief lobbyist for the US Chamber of Commerce"). [NELSON, S., 11-20-01] Eizenstat, noted the Baltimore Jewish Times,
      "said that the Jewish community has reached a kind of critical mass in
      politics that guarantees that many of the gains of the Clinton years will
      remain, no matter who occupies the White House. 'I think the change will
      last,' said Eizenstat, 'people in the middle levels [of national
      government] will move up in the years ahead; younger people who are
      being trained at junior levels will, in future administrations, take more
      senior positions."  [BESSER, J. p. 38]

     (Eizenstat is also notable for his public defense of Rabbi Irving Greenberg -- the head of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum -- after Greenberg faced condemnation for writing a letter to President Clinton seeking clemency for Jewish American fugitive Marc Rich. Eizenstat praised Greenberg for "embracing ... Jewishness from its assimilationist drift." After hearing Rabbi Greenberg lecture at a Jewish retreat in 1974, "the Holocaust," writes Eizenstat, something most us of us had barely thought about, became central to our lives, our understanding of Judaism and of Jewish ethics.") [EIZENSTAT, S., 4-3-01]
     With so many Jews in the upper echelons of American government, notes the Jerusalem Post, "Arabs have repeatedly complained that the United States has not acted as an honest broker" in Middle East peace negotiations. [GROSS, N., p. 32] Specifically, Israeli commentator Meron Benevenisti described an Israeli newspaper's depiction of the 4-member Clinton "peace mission" to barter arrangements between Israel and Palestinians in the 1990s as "the mission of four Jews" -- the paper "gloated with pride while talking about the Jewish and even Israeli roots of all its members." "The 'Israeli roots' of those US diplomats," adds Israel Shahak, "comprising what went under the name of a 'peace mission' included the fact that a son of one of them was said to be studying in a Hesder Yeshiva, to receive military training there. He was also said to be a sympathizer of Gush Emunim and was awaiting the opportunity to serve in the Israeli army in the Territories." [SHAHAK, I., ]
      In the international field, Jewish "current or immediate past" [1997] ambassadors to other countries included those to Egypt, Israel, Poland, Switzerland, Brazil (Melvin Levitsky), Nepal (Ralph Frank), Romania, Spain, Hungary, Belgium, Denmark, France, Morocco (Marc Ginsberg), Venezuela (Jeffrey Davidow), Turkey (Marc Grossman), Bahamas (Arthur Schechter: 1998-2001) and Malaysia, among others. Matthew Dorf notes that
      "Indeed, an article in the October [1997] issue of the professional journal
      of the American Foreign Service Association, Foreign Service --
      headlined 'Where've All the Arabists Gone?' -- laments the changes
      taking place. 'If any other group had taken over, there would have been
      a big storm, but with the Jewish-American takeover, nobody has the
      courage to speak,' William Rugh, a former ambassador to Yemen, was
      quoted as saying." [DORF, Focus, p. 3]
     In 1972, Evan M. Wilson, the United States Minister-Consul General in Jerusalem till 1967, reflected a view about American foreign policy in that area that has long since been erased by Zionist expansion in the U.S. government:
     "In retrospect, it seems clear that our support of the creation of a
     Jewish state in Palestine, against the wishes of the [Arab] population
     of that country, was a mistake. It had a catastrophic effect upon our
     relations the Arab world and our important interests in the Middle
     East. It has caused us to be associated in the minds of the Arabs
     with Israel, which they regard as an alien, hostile element in their midst
     and which they identify with the forces of imperialism and colonialism
     against which they have been struggling since the First World War."
     [WILSON, E., 1972, p. 72-73]
        In 1997, when David Hermelin was named to be the U.S. ambassador to Norway, a friend, Jay Alix, was quoted as saying:
         "He's probably one of the world's great philanthropist leaders. He's
         raised more money for Jewish causes than anyone else." [FRENCH, p.

     Hermelin died in office in 2000. He was noted in the New York Times as having been "a devoted supporter of Israel and the Jewish people," serving as Chairman of Israel's 50th Anniversary Committee, Vice Chairman of the United Jewish Appeal, and International Chairman of the State of Israel Bonds." [NEW YORK TIMES, 11-23-00, sec. 11, p. 11]
     Also in 1998, Steven Green, the former head of the Samsonite luggage company, and others, packed his bags for his post as Ambassador to Singapore. In the same year the Jewish Forward noted that Richard Holbrooke, the U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations, "surprised the audience [at the Center for Jewish History's Inaugural Dinner] with the revelation that, like his wife, Kati Marton, he too is Jewish." [LEON, 9-25-99, p. 15] (Daniel L. Spiegel was Ambassador to U.N. from 1994-96).
     Martin Indyk, formerly on Clinton's National Security Council, is the first Jewish United States Ambassador to Israel in history. All other Presidents recognized the obvious dangers and avoided the  intrinsic pro-Israel bias problem in such an appointment. (Canada's 2000 ambassador to Israel? Also Jewish: David Berger). Indyk's story is especially disturbing. In 1973 Indyk was a student in Israel. In 1982 he began work for Near East Research, Inc., the research unit of AIPAC. He later founded the pro-Israel Washington Institute for Near East Policy: "many of the Institute's financial backers were Jews who were members of the American Israeli Public Affairs Committee." [FORWARD, 9-5-97] Co-founder of the Washington Institute was Barbi Weinberg, "wife of AIPAC Chairman Emeritus Lawrence Weinberg." [HALSELL, G., MARCH 1993, p. 9] (Such think tanks, notes former U.S. Ambassador to Saudi Arabia Jame E. Akins, "basically provide spokesmen for Israel. And if they would identify themselves as that, fine. What's pernicious is passing themselves off as an independent think tank. They are not, just as any Arab group would not be.") [HALSELL, G., MARCH 1993, p. 9] Indyk was even once "an international media and communications adviser to former Israeli prime minister Yitzhak Shamir in Israel." [HALSELL, G., MARCH 1993, p. 9] Indyk, born in Australia, about to become intimately involved with American national security secrets, became an American citizen only days  before starting his job on Clinton's National Security Council! [FORWARD, 9-5-97, p. 1]   Facing Congress for confirmation of his (ultimately successful) appointment to the NSC, the (Jewish) Forward noted in 1994 that
      "[Indyk] is expected to face a grilling from Senate Republicans over his
       decision to become an American citizen only last year, just days before
       he was tapped for the NSC slot. GOP members will also quiz the
       London-born, Australian-reared Mr. Indyk about a top position he held
       in an Australian intelligence service for a former prime minister."
       [FEIDEN, p. 1]
     Eventually working as the American ambassador to Israel, two Jewish authors understand that as always his final goal, noting that "with the recognition that Indyk has made 'aliyah' [immigrated] to America specifically so he could work in Israel, one sees the formation of a new American Jewish myth." [SAGE/ZAROMB, p. 41] This Jewish-centeredness to Israel "myth" has a jarringly transworld flavor. Although Connecticut-born Dore Gold decided to move to Israel, he became that country's Ambassador to the United Nations, and acted in that country's interests in his office near the U.N. building in New York City. Intending no sarcasm, Jesse Sage and Franklin Zaromb also note that "One might ask who is more American: [Israeli prime minister Benjamin] Netanyahu, who spent his entire adolescence in America as well as several years after the [Israeli] army, or Indyk, the newly approved U.S. citizen?" [SAGE/ZAROMB, p. 44] Or as one former U.S. Ambassador to the Middle East remarked, "Culturally, when you run into somebody like Benjamin Netanyahu or Moshe Arens [the Israeli Foreign Minister, from America] or guys who speak American-accented English and know your cultural background as well as or better than you do, it is very hard to remind yourself that you are dealing with a foreign country." [STARR, J., 1990, p. 96] "So many Israelis have studied in the United States that attending an American university,” says Joyce Starr, "at least at the master's and doctoral levels, has become almost a rite of passage for Israel's elite." [STARR, J., 1990, p. 101]
     As American-born Israeli Foreign Minister Moshe Arens notes,
     "We've had a Prime Minister from the United States, Mrs. [Golda]
     Meir, and a Deputy Foreign Minister, Yehuda Ben-Meir. There
     are many Americans in Israel in key positions." [STARR, J., 1990,
     p. 232]
     In 1998 the Iraqi foreign minister accused Martin Indyk of being "a known Jew and Zionist." The U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations responded by calling "it 'deplorable' to drag in Indyk's ethnic background," and demanded that the Iraqi "apologize for this dramatically offensive slur." Iraq, of course, is easily dismissed these days, and its foreign ministry is given credence by virtually no one. The very next day, however, the U.S. State Department "sat down to discuss the latest foreign tirade against Jewish influence in Washington." This second, especially uncomfortable attack, was far more difficult to categorically dismiss as an ethnic slur or an expression of irrational anti-Semitism. The new attack came from Nathan Sharansky, a minister in the Israeli government, who complained, noted the Jewish Week, that "Israel was suffering because there were too many liberal Jews in the Clinton administration." [GOLDBERG, JJ, Too Many Jews?, 7-17-98, p. 4] (The Jewish Week article did not try to dismiss the Jewish influence angle of the complaint, but rather than they were not necessarily "liberal.")

     The blurring of the American government into a Zionist/Israeli one is also poignantly illustrated by New Jersey governor McGreevey's selection in 2002 of an Israeli citizen, Golan Cipel, to be his "special counsel to the governor on homeland security" for $110,000 a year. Cipel, noted a New Jersey newspaper, had "limited experience in U.S. Domestic security as [the governor's] closest adviser on terrorism ... He was appointed to the newly created position without an official announcement or the extensive background checks that are routine for most top state officials ... Cipel is a former Israeli sailor" and was once "spokesman for the Israeli Consulate in Manhattan" which was "one of the Israeli government's top spokesmen in the United States." [PILLETS/RILEY, 2-2002]
     In 1997 Jewish American journalist J. J. Goldberg lectured the Labor Zionist Alliance of Canada. The Canadian Jewish News reported on the talk, noting that Goldberg proclaimed that Jews were the "players" in the modern world, not "victims:"
     "[Goldberg] went on to give many examples of American Jewry's
     influential role in American politics. He noted that in addition to the
     Secretary of State Madeline Albright, who was born Jewish, the key
     Americans shaping Middle East policy are all Jews ... A new kosher
     kitchen was recently installed at the American embassy in Cairo
     because Dan Kurtzer, the American ambassador to Egypt, is an
     Orthodox Jew. 'We Jews run American Middle East policy,' however
     most Americans are not concerned that Jews hold such key positions
     of power, he said. U.S. politicians consult with leadership of the
     Jewish community on foreign policy matters as well evidenced by
     the recent state visit of Israeli president Ezer Weizman earlier this
     month, Goldberg said. Jewish community leaders and chiefs of
     Middle East policy were all invited to the White House for lunch
     with the United States and Israeli president, he said. The only
     non-Jews in the room were Bill and Hilary Clinton ... [Goldberg]
     said by comparison; Canadian Jewry has less political clout  --
     'Jews don't run Ottawa [the center of Canadian government]' --
     than American Jews who are able to exert pressure on Congress."
     [SILVERSTEIN, B., 10-30-97, p. 5]
    Another Jewish journalist, Jonathan Broder, noted the situation for Jews looking for top level positions in the State Department in 1997:
     "All [Secretary of State Madeleine Albright's] top candidates for
     a slew of senior positions in the State Department are Jewish
     and male ... Albright has already promoted two Jewish appointees
     to senior positions [Dennis Ross and Stuart Eizenstadt] ... Jews
     lead the list for the six regional assistant secretary posts. According
     to well informed sources, they are: Mark Grossman, currently U.S.
     ambassador to Turkey ..., Princeton Lyman, currently the assistant
     secretary of state for international organizations, and former Rep.
     Howard Wolpe of Michigan ...; Stanley Roth, an aide to former Rep.
     Steven Solarz of  New York and a former staffer on the National  
     Security Council; Karl Indefurth, a former ABC News correspondent
     who served as Albright's deputy at the United Nations ...; Jeff
     Davidow, assistant secretary of state for Latin American affairs ...;
     Martin Indyk, currently U.S. ambassador to Israel." [BRODER, J.,
    Albright's "top candidate" for assistant Interior secretary for policy and management? Bonnie Caplan. [BRODER, J., 2-13-97]
     Worried about publicity about the presence of so many Jews in the upper echelons of the American government, one "senior official" in the State Department refused to be interviewed for an article about the subject by the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, saying, "No good can come from this. Especially because there are so many of us." [DORF, FOCUS, p. 3]  "Although many current Jewish State Department officials dismiss discussion about the Jewish character of the State Department as fodder for anti-Semites and anti-Israel activities," says JTA reporter Matthew Dorf, "some have privately acknowledged that one's upbringing can influence policy decisions." [DORF, p. 3]  "Stigmatization by overt anti-Semites," observes the Jewish magazine Mosaic, "magnifies the extent to which discussions surrounding the American Jewish diplomats can easily descend into nose-counting and age-old racial slurs. Conversely, it is extremely difficult for the American Jewish community to discuss such matters in a comfortable, open, and critical manner ... Mindful of this concern, one would hardly want to spur public awareness and inadvertently damage Jewish interests." [SAGE/ZAROMB, p. 36]  The effect of this upon those who seek to work in the State Department who do not have a pro-Israel slant? David Whalen notes that "concerned legislators and interest groups delayed Strobe Talbott's appointment as Deputy Secretary of State because of some seemingly anti-Israel opinions he expressed fifteen years ago in Time magazine." [WHALEN, p. 75]
     (How times have changed. World Zionist Organization president Nahum Goldmann wrote that, during the Franklin D. Roosevelt presidency, "a majority of the State Department was anti-Zionist." [GOLDMANN, N. 1978, p. 31] )
     Want to work in the United States Foreign Service -- a division of the U.S. State Department -- at an American embassy somewhere in the world? In our American society that is founded on clear principles separating "church" and state (emphatically enforced by Jewish lobbying organizations at every opportunity) the registration booklet for the 1999 Foreign Service Officer Examination (a test for entry into foreign service) noted that the exam would be held, worldwide, on a Saturday. However, notes the booklet, "applicants whose religious beliefs preclude them from taking the examination on a Saturday may apply to take the test on Sunday." A letter may simply be sent in writing "as self-certification" that attests to the applicant's "affiliation with a recognized body that observes its Sabbath throughout the year on Saturday." [REGISTRATION, p. 21] Although the government document never says the word "Jew" or "Jewish," this policy of preferential treatment (exceptionality) refers only to them. The government document states this special privilege explicitly: "Alternative dates for the examination will not be authorized for any other reason than for Saturday Sabbath." [REGISTRATION, p. 22]  To the superficial glance, avoiding discrimination against religious Jews is the reason for Jewish exceptionality here. But there is deeper dimension to this governmental policy. Being Jewish is the only acceptable reason for missing the Saturday test. Anybody else’s' religious reason or, more importantly, secular reason on the face of the earth is (however incongruent for a secular government) summarily rejected, a paradox that fulfills traditional Jewry's religiously-based "unique" self-conception of itself, a status dictated even in the context of an areligious civil system. (Want to donate money to Israel's army? You can and the American government will let you take a tax write-off for it.) [LIBI, 2001]
      In 1998 the London Independent noted that "the State Department line on the Middle East, always skewed towards Israel, has been followed obsequiously by most American reporters. Only weeks after United States diplomats were instructed to refer to the Israeli-occupied West Bank as 'disputed' -- rather than 'occupied' territory, American journalists began using precisely the same word." [FISK, p. 14] 
      In March 1997 the Washington Times came under attack from Jews for an article stating that "several sources said [Clinton's State Department] appointments are partly blocked because there are too many 'white Jewish males' in senior State Department positions to fulfill the concept of balance the administration seeks, especially with several top women leaving." [FORWARD, 3-7-97, p. 5]  In response, the Chairman of the House International Relations Committee, Jewish Congressman Benjamin Gilman, saw such commentary --  that Jews already were way beyond their reasonable share of power in the State Department alone -- as outrageously "discriminatory":
       "For such a statement to appear, even anonymously, in this day and age,
       is outrageous. It goes without saying that religious discrimination in
       personnel decision-making is totally inappropriate and against the
       spirit of all anti-discrimination laws." [FORWARD, 3-7-97, p. 5]
     (Among Gilman's other curious testimonials is that in behalf of Shabtai Kalmanovich, a known "Russian/Israeli gangster," [BLOCK, A., 1996, p. 166] who was charged with a bank fraud in North Carolina. Gilman, at the time the majority leader of the House Banking Commission, "wrote to the court in North Carolina lauding Kalmanovich's character.") [BLOCK, A., 1996, p. 166-167]
       While Gilman wailed about the horrible discrimination against Jews, the Jewish Exponent also noted in the same year that "you can't blame the Aipacers [members of the AIPAC] for feeling smug these days. In addition to [Steve] Grossman's new role [as head of the Democratic National Committee], a former employee (Martin Indyk) is ambassador to Israel, a former executive director (Tom Dine) is a top official in the Agency for International Development and the former top AIPAC lobbyist (Anne Christianson) is chief of staff to House Speaker Newt Gingrich. And dozens of Capitol Hill staffers cut their teeth in AIPAC's offices." [BESSER, SCENES, p. 61]  These people are probably often interviewed by Wolf Blitzer, CNN's White House reporter. Such an expression of "objective news" is stunningly incestuous. Even Blitzer has deep links to AIPAC: he's a former editor of AIPAC's newsletter, the Near East Report. [HADER, p. 27]
     When a Jewish employee sought to sue the CIA for anti-Semitism in 1999, the Jewish Telegraphic Agency noted that "one former foreign service officer wondered how one can claim rampant anti-Semitism when Dennis Ross, the U.S. Chief Middle East negotiator, and his deputy, Aaron Miller, who have both lived in Israel, received [highest level] security clearances without trouble. In addition, President Clinton's national security adviser, Sandy Berger, and State Department spokesman, James Rubin, maintain the highest level clearance." [DORF, M., 4-14-99, p. 13]
     Completely unrestrained, the American Jewish link to Israel enjoys more and more profound closures and configurations. As Jews move up en masse in American government, they increasingly find themselves even negotiating with fellow American Jews (who have emigrated to Israel) in parallel positions in the Israeli government. Such American-Israelis include Dore Gold (Israeli ambassador to the United Nations, who has a PhD from Columbia University and was born and raised in West Hartford, Connecticut), Bobby Brown (Israel's minister of Diaspora Affairs), and Ari Weiss (adviser to Israeli minister Natan Sharansky). "Unparalleled diplomatic opportunities," noted the Jewish magazine Mosaic in 1998,
     "... have recently opened for American Jews -- not just in the United
     States. Imagine, for instance, that when U.S. Ambassador Ross and
     Israeli Ambassador (to the United Nations) Dore Gold sit down to
     negotiate in the context of the Oslo peace process, they converse in
     their native English, representing the West and East coasts of America,
     respectively. Belying the ostensible meeting of emissaries from two
     nations, this thoroughly American ambiance is cross-cultural, trans-
     national, and essentially familiar. The two men are archetypes of
     unprecedented American Jewish possibility. Ross is himself emblematic
     of a coterie of Jews who in the last decade have broken the glass ceiling
     in the State Department." [SAGE/ZAROMB, p. 35]
     At a Harvard's Kennedy School of Government, a questioner asked Israeli ambassador Gold if "the preponderance of Jews on the American [peace] team posed a problem for Israel?" Gold, noted Mosaic magazine, "stared down the questioner with a twinkle in his eye and stated in superb diplomatic double-speak: 'It is the policy of the Israeli government to handle representatives of the United States as Americans and nothing more.'" [SAGE/ZAROMB, p. 35]
     For American-Israeli Ari Weiss's part, he was "one of the most influential personalities in Washington in the 1980s, when he served as senior aide to House Speaker Tip O'Neill." Weiss (also the former secretary of the Democratic Party's Steering and Policy Committee) years later met American Vice President Al Gore in Israel. "While Weiss was wondering whether Gore would remember him, [Gore] stood up, embraced him warmly, and said, "Ari, how could I possibly forget you. It's thanks to you that I was appointed to the House Intelligence Committee." [SAGE/ZAROMB, p. 43]
     In 1998, Mosaic's Jewish authors Jesse Sage and Franklin Zaromb suggested that because the many Jews in the American government had not permanently emigrated to Israel (as declared desirable by traditional Zionist thinking) they were "anti-Zionist Zionists," a genre of Jewry that was of enormous value to Israel:
      "The [U.S.] State Department crew directly shapes the parameters under
      which Israel operates ... These [Jewish] employees of the State
      Department officially act as model American representatives and public
      Jews. But most importantly, they enjoy free trips to Israel all the time.
      This meeting between fantasy and reality reflects a form of non-Zionist
      Zionism wherein American Jews demonstrate how they can do more for
      the political Zionist cause as Americans than as Israelis ...
      Representatives of the American government thus evince support for
      Israel while distancing themselves from the Zionist cause ... Non-
      Zionism argues for the value of a diaspora Jewish politics that can secure
      responsibility for the Jewish state when Zionism falls short:  ironically,
      non-Zionism believes it can do Israel as a nation-state a better service
      than the Zionist position itself." [SAGE/ZAROMB, p. 39-40]
      Even when Clinton appointees were not Jewish, the Jewish lobby usually had much to celebrate anyway. Early in Clinton's first term, in 1993 the MetroWest Jewish News noted that
       "The new [Clinton] administration will also have the added strength
        of two very strong [non-Jewish] supporters of Israel as Secretary of
        Defense U.S. Rep. Les Aspin, D-Wis, and Central Intelligence Agency
        director James Woolsey. Aspin, as Chairman of the House Armed
        Services Committee, has been an architect of -- and key figure in --
        U.S.-Israel strategic relations. Both men are members of the board
        of advisors of JINSA, the Jewish Institute for National Security
        Affairs." [BLOOMFIELD, p. 27]
        "At the pinnacle of American government," proclaimed the Jewish Week at the beginning of Clinton's second Presidential term, "[there is a] raft of Jews (Rubin, Reich, Kantor, Ginsburg, Breyer, Deutch, Berger, Ross, Indyk, et al) who have graced the stunningly philo-semitic Clinton administration, inspiring no small degree of comment among Jew baiters -- you can check it out on the Internet -- and dinner-table discussion among Jews, but causing very little to-do in the mainstream media."  [SCHOFFMAN, p. 23]  "Much of the Bush administration's and almost all of the Clinton foreign policy team ... were  Jews," notes Barry Rubin, "No one complained." [RUBIN, p. 240]
      Some Jewish scholars seem amazed that the massive Jewish and/or Zionist presence at the upper echelons of the American government is never mentioned. "When California's Barbara Boxer and Diane Feinstein got elected to the United States Senate in 1992," says Stephen Whitfield, "what mattered was their gender, not their ethnicity; and it seemed almost parochial to tout their membership in Hadassah [the women's Zionist organization]." [WHITFIELD, p. 9]  Incredibly, comparatively, in 1998, California state treasurer Matt Fong's successful struggle to oppose Boxer for the U.S. Senate revealed another of the many unconscionable American double standards and mass media hypocrisy about Jews in this country. While Feinstein and Boxer are completely screened from critical inquiry about them as Jews and Zionists (with the foreign entity of Israel always hiding in the wings), the Copley News Service noted that:
     "Speaking here [in Los Angeles] to a group of Asian-Americans, the
      treasurer said 'it hurts' that reporters and editors have treated him as
      an outsider with questions that focus only on his ethnicity. [They ask
      about the recent Clinton] Asian-American fund-raising scandal and
      whether his loyalties lie with China." [WILKIE, p. A3]
      In the context of this chapter, and this volume, it is mind-boggling that press attention was also focused upon Barbara Boxer who "said yesterday that she was warned by the FBI last year that Chinese citizens or government officials might try to contact her office 'in an effort to influence U.S. foreign policy.'" [FREEDBERG, p. A1] That such double standard material can be published without ironic intent is a blazing indictment of the American mass media and current political system.
       Both of California's senators, Feinstein and Boxer, are, not surprisingly, also Jewish multi-millionaires. With assets of at least $20 million, Feinstein and her Jewish husband, Richard Blum (who runs a $400 million investment management firm and became part owner of Northwest Airlines in 1989) noted the Los Angeles Times, "are so rich that her [public disclosure statement] form runs 82 pages." [WILGOREN, p. A1]  For her part, in 1998 Barbara Boxer reported a "$1-million to $5-million blind trust." [WILGOREN, p. A1]  "Senator Dianne Feinstein remains one of the richest members of Congress," noted the Sacramento Bee, "while Senator Barbara Boxer and her husband may be among the most active investors." [GANNETT, SACRAMENTO, p. A6]  In 1993 alone the Boxers traded in 102 different stocks.
      In 1992, Feinstein was fined $190,000 for violating state campaign laws. "I think it is the biggest case involving misreporting or improperly reporting in the history of the agency," FFPC (Fair Political Practices Commission) chairman Ben Davidian remarked. "By failing to report such a huge amount of money, Feinstein kept the voters from knowing the true sources and uses of her campaign funds. This was no simple act of forgetfulness." [ELLIS, p. A3]  For her part, Senator Boxer, judged to be one of the top ten Congressional "publicity hounds" by an East Coast magazine (George),  [LACEY, p. A3] in 1996 asked fellow Jew, John Deutch, then the head of the CIA, to investigate reports of a CIA role in the movement of cocaine into America, especially poisoning African-American communities. [KNIGHT RIDDER, SACRAMENTO, p. A3]  Curiously, Boxer is -- and has always remained -- completely silent on the bigger issue of Israeli, "Russian" mafia, and Orthodox Jewish involvement in exactly the same thing. [See earlier details]
      Boxer, in a crowded Jewish field, even defeated a Jewish Republican opponent for her Congressional seat. The MetroWest Jewish News guessed that her next Republican challenger would also be Jewish, the mayor of San Diego, Susan Golding [KLEIN, D, p. 5] whose husband (also Jewish) went to prison for drug money laundering. [See earlier details] "Presently [1998]," notes George Goodwin, "a senator from Connecticut is an Orthodox Jew. Both of Wisconsin's and California's senators are Jews." [GOODMAN, p. 50]
      In 1999, among those -- Jews and non-Jews -- presented Israel's Friend of Zion Award was Sam Gejdenson, a House of Representatives Congressman from Connecticut. (In 2001, outgoing president Bill Clinton pardoned Gejdenson's brother-in-law, Stuart Harris Cohn, guilty in 1979 of a commodity trading violation. "Cohn, a lifelong Democrat, said he asked family members, included Gejdenson, to writes letters on his behalf.") [ASSOCIATED PRESS, 1-23-01] "Though seldom discussed in public," notes the Jewish Week, "the Jewish delegation on Capitol Hill [i.e., Jewish Congressmen] is one of the nation's most important Jewish institutions. Jewish lawmakers, working through an informal network of relationships, do most of the hard, behind-the-scenes work that wins aid to Israel, secures visas for Jewish refugees, ensures church-state separation, UJA tax deductibility, and a host of other crucial needs." [GOLDBERG, Bagels, p. 13]
      The predominance of high-level appointed Jewish government officials in American government, said Israeli journalist Bar-Yosef in his 1994 article in Israel, "are joined by a long list of senior Jewish officials in the [Clinton] State Department, headed by the Middle East Peace Team, Dennis Ross, and followed by many deputy secretaries and even more minor senior secretaries' chief of staff."  [BAR-YOSEF, p. 108-109]  Ross has been a mainstay in Washington government, also in the State Department under presidents Carter, Reagan, and Bush. He was even an adviser to Republican Bush's 1992 presidential campaign. He also wrote the first policy paper for the AIPAC-linked, pro-Israel think tank -- the Washington Institute for Near East Policy. [HALSELL, G., MARCH 1993, p. 9]
     "[My family] opened the first pharmacies in Tel Aviv," Rehm (or Rahm) Emmanuel, White House Special Projects Director, told his Israeli interviewer, "... My uncle ... was killed in Israel's War of Independence. My father was then a member of Etzel (IRGUN) commanded by Begin.  [IRGUN was a terrorist unit fighting British rule in Palestine] ... My first visit to Israel was three days after the Six Day War. My father said that we had to go to Israel ... [BAR-YOSEF, p. 108-109]
     Incredibly, Emmanuel, whose office is next door to the White House Oval Office, during the 1991 Persian Gulf War "volunteered for one month service in the Israeli army through the 'Overseas Volunteer Unit.'"  (A 1992 Baltimore Jewish Times article even identified Emanuel as an "Israeli."  Dual citizenship? [LIFTON, p. 52] )

     In 2002, stirring old ethnic politics, Emanuel decided to run to run for Congress from Chicago. Emmanuel, whose fundraising till of $1.5 million doubled that of his challenger, Polish-American Nancy Kaszak,
was once "an accomplished fund-raiser for [Chicago] mayor Richard Daley before joining Clinton's campaign in a similar role ... He returned to Chicago in 1998, where he made millions as an investment banker." [BUCHANAN, A., 2-26-02] Emanuel's canidacy was assailed by the president of the Polish American Congress, Edward Moskal, who called him a "millionaire carpetbagger" with too strong an allegiance to Israel. "While the country's certain elements, to which he gave his allegiance," said Moskal, "defiles the Polish homeland and continues to hurl insults at the Polish people." For such true statements Moskal was decried as a bigot by local media and "Mr. Emmanuel's campaign trotted out a rainbow of religious leaders to attack what they called the infusion of bigotry and hatred into the race." Emanuel bent Moskal's complaints into the usual charge of anti-Semitism. "[Moskal's] weren't criticisms of Rahm Emanuel as an individual," Emanuel declared, "Those statements, the meaning behind those statements, were criticisms of me as a Jewish American." [WILGOREN, J., 3-6-02]
      Meanwhile, while Jews can go overseas, join the Israeli army, come back, and head a section in the White House, in 1995 Vice President Al Gore fired his speech-maker, 62-year old Richard Marius for having written a book review three years earlier in Harvard Magazine. Marius' offense was to write that
         "Many Israelis, the Holocaust fresh in their memory, believe that horror
         gives them the right to inflict horror on others. Winternitz's account
         of the brutality of Shin Bet, the Israeli secret police, is eerily similar
         to the stories of the Gestapo, the Geheimstaatpolitzei in Nazi-occupied
         territory in World War II." [DORF, INTERNET]
     The book, published by the Atlantic Monthly Press and written by Helen Winternitz, included testimony like this:
      "The [Israeli] interrogators [of Palestinian detainees] at Dahiriya were
       notorious for their painful methods of extracting information and
       confessions, including beating, humiliations, freezing showers and
       confinements in coffin-like boxes ... There were by now almost nine
       thousand Palestinians in Israeli prisons or detention camps. The vast
       majority were not common criminals ... The general section was
       reported to be bad, and the interrogation section a black hole that was
       the Sin Bet's province, off-limits even to the army officer in charge of
       the prison. According to the common wisdom, only a few prisoners
       stood up to the Shin Bet and refused to cooperate ... Neta Goldman,
       an Israeli lawyer and member of the Association for Civil Rights,
       visited Dahiriya with a group of colleagues. She was shocked by what
       she saw when she looked into a cell. 'When they opened the door of
       the cell, it was like a deep, dark hole,' she said. 'It was so stinky we
       could hardly breathe. The smell was horrible.' Fourteen prisoners were
       confined in the cell, which she estimated was not more than fifteen
       square yards of space lighted by a single light bulb... " [WINTERNITZ]
       Gore was reportedly alerted to the old Marius review of this by Martin Peretz, owner of the New Republic who "also writes for the Vice-President and is a staunch supporter of Israel." [DORF, JEWISH TELAG] (In earlier years, Peetz was a far-left, anti-establishment radical. He "helped bankroll SDS, Ramparts, and other radical causes." [ROTHMAN,/LIICHTER, 1982, p. 106] Peretz had fired New Republic editor Mike Kelly in 1997 "for what, Kelly says, was his harsh criticism of Clinton and Gore." [KURTZ, H., 8-20, 2000, p. A12] (Ironically, Marius had earlier written an important 1993 Vice-Presidential speech for the occasion of the Warsaw Ghetto Uprising. Marius's firing recalls the one in 1977, when President Jimmy Carter fired his Ambassador to the United Nations, Andrew Young, a Black man, for meeting with representatives of the Palestinian Liberation Organization; information on this meeting is believed to have been provided by Israeli surveillance.)
    Marius died in 1999. As James Wall, former Illinois State chairman for the Jimmy Carter presidential campaigns, observes:
     "Obituaries in the New York Times and the Associated Press devoted
     more attention to the charge of anti-Semitism that cost him a White
     House job than it did to Marius's extensive writings in theology and
     literature." [WALL, J., 2000, p. 13]
     Another recent case of similar Jewish-inspired censorship was that of Salam Al-Marayati, head of the Los Angeles-based Muslim Public Affairs Council. In 1999 Democratic Congressman Richard Gephardt, the House Minority Leader, nominated Al-Marayati to serve on a newly created National Commission on Terrorism (an advisory group to Congress). A week later Gephardt withdrew the nomination. Why? "The Al-Marayati affair," noted the Los Angeles Times, "marked the third campaign against American Arab or Muslim appointments this year by the Zionist Organization of America and other Jewish groups. The incidents have highlighted community concerns that American Arabs and Muslims are targets of character assassination campaigns aimed at excluding them from U.S. policy-making positions." [WATANABE, p. 1]
     Co-complainants to Al-Marayati's nomination included also the American Jewish Committee, the American Jewish Congress, the Anti-Defamation League, and the Conference of Presidents of Major Jewish Organizations. Jewish professor Norman Birnbaum noted that "a distinguished Congressman has succumbed to ideological blackmail ... [Do] Americans of Arab descent have the rights of other citizens or are [they] to be treated as guilty unless proved innocent, with the Israel lobby as prosecutor, judge and jury?" [BIRNBAUM, p. M5]
     Jewish groups argued that Al-Marayati, in his published writings, condoned Muslim terrorism. In an editorial, the Atlanta Journal and Constitution expressed outrage at the successful Jewish efforts to oust Al-Marayati and the disingenuous manner they did it:
     "To bolster its case, the Jewish group [the American Jewish Committee]
     compiled five statements by Al-Marayati and four other statements
     attributed to members of his organization. Those statements -- the
     worst the Committee could find going back 10 years -- do not come
     close to justifying Al-Marayati's removal. For example, here's the first
     statement cited by the Committee:
          'Most Islamic movements have been branded as terrorists as a
           result of the rising extremism from a handful of militants.'
          Al-Marayati wrote in 1996, 'American freedom fighters hundreds
          of years ago were also regarded as terrorists by the British.'
     And that's as inflammatory as he gets." [AT J & C]  
     The Washington Post, in an editorial, noted that "Americans should not ignore the Muslim community in discussing terrorism. Many Arabs feel their community bears the brunt of aspects of American terrorism policy. It is important for American counter-terrorism measures not to be seen reflexively by Muslims as illegitimate. People like Mr. Al-Marayati should be at the table." [WASHINGTON POST, 7-18-99]
     The Los Angeles Times noted that "There's nothing unusual about politicians caving in to organized pressures. But in this case the pressure was unwarranted and Gephardt should have found the courage to resist it. Those who know Al-Marayati know that he is not an apologist for Arab terrorism or a public defender of radical causes." [LA TIMES, A Loss, p. B4]  Others publicly testifying in Al-Marayati's behalf were James Hilvert, the Executive Director of the National Conference for Community in Justice in Los Angeles, Joe R. Hicks, Executive Director of the Human Relations Commission in Los Angeles, Rabbi Emeritus Leonard Beerman of Leo Baeck Temple, and prominent Jewish Democratic fundraiser Stanley Sheinbaum. Even the editor of the Jewish Journal of Greater Los Angeles, Gene Lichtenstein, joined in the fray, accusing the Zionist Organization of being a "Jewish Thought Police." [TUGEND, Liberal, p. 5]
     The St. Louis Post-Dispatch noted in an editorial that Congressman Gephardt "appeared to be caving in to the vociferous criticism from Jewish groups ... [He] responded as would almost any politician hoping for a future. He found an escape hatch." [i.e., attributing the nomination withdrawal to a "security clearance" problem.] Al-Marayati  (also a member of the Los Angeles Human Relations Commission) responded to the attacks upon him, saying, "There are threats to our democracy, and one of these threats is the exclusion and discrimination that was exposed to us by these developments." [GOODSTEIN, p. A5]  Elsewhere, he noted "that you must toe the line of unconditional, blind support for Israel to be even considered to give advice to Congress." [MURPHY, p. 6]
     Even before the withdrawal of Al-Marayati's nomination, noted the New York Times, "seven members of Congress sent a letter to Director Louis E. Freed of the FBI last week requesting his 'personal involvement' in conducting a background check on Mr. Al-Marayati." [GOODSTEIN, L., p. A5] (In 2001, Raeed Tayeh, a Muslim staff member for Georgia Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, was forced to resing after writing a letter to the editor of The Hill, a Washington DC paper. Tayeh accused some Jewish senators of having dual loyalties (between Israel and America) and was bold enough to mention that he worked for Senator McKinney. [DOADIO, R., 12-7-01].
      While Muslim Americans are subjected to a background shakedown of disturbing proportions (and then even before the initiation of a check, dumped), in May 1997 the Washington Post ran a front page story reporting that "the FBI has opened an investigation to determine whether a senior U.S. government official has been passing highly sensitive information to the Israeli government." [BOUSTANY, p. 1] The four month-old investigation originated because of a conversation intercepted by the National Security Agency, between a Washington-based Israeli intelligence officer and a superior in Tel Aviv. Code named by the Israelis as "Mega," the Post noted that the intercepted conversation led U.S. government officials "to believe that Mega may be someone in the U.S. government who has provided information to Israelis in the past." [BOUSTANY, p. 1]
     Israel's Ambassador to the United States, Eliahu Ben-Elissor, complained that "apparently there is someone [who leaked the story to the press] who not only wants to besmirch the name of Israel, but also perhaps to cause damage to the relations between Israel and America." [GELLMAN, B, p. A20]  Gerald Steinberg, a foreign policies professor at Bar Elan University in Israel, noted the tension at the time between President Clinton and Israeli prime minister Benyamin Netanyahu over Israeli reluctance to concessions in the Clinton-brokered Arab-Israeli peace process. "When American-Israeli relations already seem tense," noted Steinberg, "over a whole series of other issues, this is a killer issue." [BOUSTANY, p. 1]
     The Metro West Jewish News noted that "because the Mega story appeared the same day the administration's top peace process diplomat, Dennis Ross, was meeting with Benjamin Netanyahu in Jerusalem, it is hard to escape the conclusion that the leak was intended to transmit a message to the [Israeli] prime minister: Never mind the pro-Israel/reluctant-to-take-on-the-Jews Clinton White House --we can still get you.' [METRO-JEWISH NEWS, 5-15-97, p. 4]  The Baltimore Jewish News complained that the Washington Post printed, with the "Mega" story, a side article about Israeli Ambassador Ben-Elissar, who spent ten years working for Israel's CIA (the Mossad). [BESSER, J, SPYING, p. 34]  Malcolm Hoenlein, executive vice chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations told reporters that he was confident the Mega story "will blow over." [MANN, C, p. 1]  "There's something almost sinister about the way this was reported," suggested Abraham Foxman, national director of the Anti-Defamation League, "with so little real information. And there's something disturbing about the link the Post made to the Pollard case." [BESSER, J, Spy Charges, p. 1]
      The "Mega" story was reported by no other major American newspaper other than the Washington Post. And it suddenly evaporated from the Post pages with no further exploration, or explanation, of the story.
      British journalist Gordon Thomas, author of a 1999 volume on the Mossad (based on over 100 hours of interviews with Mossad officials and agents), observed that Mega
     "may be more than one person. What's incredible is not so much
     that they have an American mole at the highest level of the United
     States government, but how this small [Israeli] intelligence community
     of about 1,200 people is able to mobilize sayanim [American Jewish
     agents for the Mossad], and control the American media and the
     publishing worlds, and get people like Barbara Streisand to spout
     'Israel-first, America-second' propaganda to the president of the
     United States over the dinner table at the White House." [HOWE, R.,
     6-99, p. 47]
     Jewish spies for Israel in the White House is an old, albeit hidden, theme. In 1988, for instance, there was suggestion in some newspapers that a complicated spy-prisoner deal was being worked out with Israel which would "involve the U.S. halting further investigations in the Jonathan Pollard case." "Pollard," note Jewish authors Ian Black and Benny Morris, "was already serving a life sentence, but Israeli officials were apparently worried that further inquiries might unearth more spies in the heart of the United States administration." [BLACK/MORRIS, p. 443]  "Many in the United States intelligence community," says Seymour Hersh, "... were convinced that [Pollard] had one and perhaps many more accomplices inside the [U.S.] government -- men or women who were supplying Israel with the identification of highly classified documents that Pollard could then be assigned to retrieve." [HERSH, S., p. 307] Interestingly, by 1996, "both the Israeli ambassador to the U.S. and the Israeli ambassador to Canada were former Mossad officers." [OSTROVSKY, 1997, p. 37] (When George Bush assumed the presidency in 2001, Jewish Congressman Anthony Weiner "immediately beseeched" the new president "on his first workday as president' to "grant Pollard clemency.") [JORDAN, M., 1-26-01]
     In May 2000, a Washington DC paper, Insight on the News, after interviewing over two dozen government officials about the problem, described the results of its year long investigation into Israeli spying in the American government:
     "The FBI is probing an explosive foreign espionage operation that
     could dwarf the other spy scandals plaguing the U.S. government.
     Insight has learned that FBI counterintelligence is tracing a daring
     operation to spy on high-level U.S. officials by hacking into
     supposedly secure telephone networks. The espionage was
     facilitated, federal officials say, by lax telephone-security procedures
     at the White House, State Department and other high-level
     government offices and by Justice Department unwillingness to
     seek an indictment against a suspect. The espionage operation
     may have serious ramifications because the FBI has identified
     Israel as the culprit." [WALLER/RODRIGUEZ, 2000]
     As always, a "senior government official" remarked that "It is a politically sensitive matter. I can't comment on it beyond telling you that anything involving Israel on this particular matter is off-limits. It's that hot." "When it has anything to do with Israel," said a former U.S. intelligence officer, "it's something you just never want to poke your nose into." "What price should Israel pay for this?" David Major, former director of counterintelligence programs as the National Security Council said to the paper, "My predictions are that there will be no impact whatsoever. Do we put our heads in the sand or do we take it as a wake-up call?" [WALLER/RODRIGUEZ, 2000]

     In December 2001, a series of Fox News TV programs noted the omnipresence of Israeli "ears" and Jewish power in shielding them from scrutiny:

     "Most directory assistance calls, and virtually all call records and billing in the
     U.S. are done for the phone companies by Amdocs Ltd., an Israeli-based
     private telecommunications company. Amdocs has contracts with the 25
     biggest phone companies in America, and more worldwide. The White House
     and other secure government phone lines are protected, but it is virtually
     impossible to make a call on normal phones without generating an Amdocs
     record of it. In recent years, the FBI and other government agencies have
     investigated Amdocs more than once. The firm has repeatedly and adamantly
     denied any security breaches or wrongdoing. But sources tell Fox News
     that in 1999, the super secret national security agency, headquarted in
     northern Maryland, issued what's called a Top Secret sensitive
     compartmentalized information report, TS/SCI, warning that records of
     calls in the United States were getting into foreign hands -- in Israel, in
     particular." [CAMERON, C., pt. 2, 12-14-01[

     A second Fox News report notes:      

     "An Israeli-based company called Amdocs Ltd. ... generates the computerized
      records and billing data for nearly early phone call made in America ... [A second       Israeli company, Comverse Infosys] provides wiretapping for law enforcement ...       Adding to the suspicions is the fact that in Israel, Comverse works closely with the
      Israeli government, and under special programs, gets reimbursed up to 50 percent
      of its research and development costs by the Israeli Ministry of Industry and Trade.
      But investigators within the DEA, INS, and FBI have all told Fox News that to
      pursue or even suggest Israeli spying thorugh Comverse is considered career suicide."       [CAMERON, C., pt. 3, 12-14-01]

    Cameron's reports about Israeli spying amounted to four in total. He was the first representative of a news organization to also report that scores of Israeli nationals had been rounded up after the September 11 terrorist attack.

     In fact, after the 2001 attack on the World Trade Center, a vast swirl of disturbing clues about Israeli spying in America began to appear -- however delicately -- in small sections of the mass media. (Most media sources -- overwhelmingly Jewish in control -- censored or ignored the stories. The Fox News articles cited above, for example, were withdrawn, with no explanation, from the company's web site within a week. Fox is owned by non-Jewish, but ardently pro-Israel, Rupert Murdoch). The well-known French magzine Le Monde, the French Online Intelligence Letter, and antiwar.com were among the very, very few in the vanguard of inquiry about Israeli spying in America. However guarded about the implications of the widening Israeli spy story, the Associated Press noted that

      "Authorities have arrested and deported since early last year dozens of young
      Israelis who represented themselves as art students in efforts to gain access to       restricted buildings and homes, U.S. officials said. The Israelis tried to get inside       sensitive federal office buildings and the homes of government employees, officials       said. A draft report from the Drug Enforcement Administration -- which first       characterized the activities as suspicious -- said the youths' actions 'may well be
      an organized intelligence-gathering activity ... The arrests, made in an unspecified
      number of major U.S. cities from California to Florida, came amid public warnings
      from U.S. intelligence agencies about suspicious behavior by people posing
      as Israeli art students and 'attempting to bypass facility security and enter
      federal buildings ... A Justice Department official, who also asked not to be
      identified, and investigators have been aware of some 'alleged linkage' between
      the students and alleged espionage activities in the United States since early
      2001, and said authorities have made arrests in Dallas, Chicago, San Diego
      and in South Florida." [BRIDIS, T., 3-6-02, LOS ANGELES TIMES]

     These "art students" supposedly had links to the Universal Art Inc. at 10873 NW 52nd St in Sunrise, Florida. Soon after their busts the Sun-Sentinal noted that "there was no sign of a company called Universal Art Inc ... No one answered the door, and several occupants had not heard of the company. The comnpany's officers, Yitzchak Shish and Chava Sagi, are not listed. The were not among those deported ..." [RAIMONDO, J., 3-8-2002]

     Le Monde outlined the entire Israel spy story as it then appeared, connecting the Israeli phone companies and the vast spy network to suggest that the Israelis obviously knew of the imminent attack on the World Trade Center and Pentagon but did not warn the U.S. government. (This ruthless Machiavellian attitude of course would guarantee a greater American receptivity to Israeli views and needs if America suffered a major terrorist blow). Le Monde, citing Online Intelligence Letter evidence, estimates that about 120 Israeli spies were rounded up in America, echoing on a much larger scale the results of an earlier "secret" investigation "by division 5 of the FBI regarding Israeli phone-tapping targeting the White House, the State Department and the National Security Council." Le Monde contacted Fox News three times asking for a "tape of the broadcast" by Carl Cameron but "it was never done. On February 26, Fox told our correspondent in New York that sending it posed 'a problem,' without being specific." [CYPEL, S., 3-5-02] [online at: http://www.antiwar.com/rep/lemonde1.html]

     Le Monde's own investigation further revealed that

      "six of the intercepted 'students' had a cellular phone bought by an Israeli
      ex-vice-consul in the United States ... Five at least were intercepted in Hollywood       [Florida], and two in Fort Lauderdale. Hollywood is a town of 25,000 inhabitants
      north of Miami, close to Fort Lauderdale. At least 10 of the 19 terrorists of 9/11
      were residing in Florida ...
Four of the five members of the group that diverted       American Airlines flight number 11 ... resided all at various times in Hollywood Florida       ... This convergence is, inter alia, the origin of the American conviction that one
      of the tasks of the Israeli 'students' would have been to track the Al-Qaida
      terrorists on their territory, without informing the federal authorities of the existence
      of the plot." [CYPEL, S., 3-5-02]

     Citing a classified U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) report they had somehow acquired, the Online Intelligence web site names some of the captured Israeli spies: Peer Segalovitz ("military registration number 5087989"), Aran Ofek ("son of a renowned two-star general in the Israeli army"), Michael Calmanovic ("headed up the team in Irving, Texas), Hanan Serfaty (headed the Israeli team in Florida), Legum Yochai (headed the Miami) operation. Spies intercepted a year ago included Yaron Ohana, Ronen Kalfon, Zeev Cohen and Naor Topaz. "The network," wrote Online Intelligence, "targeted some of the most sensitive sites in the U.S., such as Tanker Air Force Base near Oklahoma City." [RAIMONDO, J., 3-8-02] [http://www.antiwar.com/justin/justincol.html]

     As Justin Raimondo notes, citing Online Intelligence material:

     "It seems these 'art students' 'cultivated contacts with Israeli information
     technology compnaies based in the US and serving as regular suppliers
     to various U.S. federal agencies, such as Amdocs' and others. The Fox News
     is cited, by Online Intelligence and Le Monde, and the former even provides
     a convenient map of the Texas chapter of the 'art students' underground
     appareatus, complete with not only names, but arrival dates, corporate
     connections, when and where they were arrested, and their specific functions
     in the Israeli military-intelligence apparatus. How much more evidence do
     we need before the editorialists and the pundits start calling government
     officials on their lies -- and Congres begins an investigation?"
     [RAIMONDO, J., 3-8-02]

    Amidst the many resultant US and Israeli government denials and cover-up about this gigantic Israeli spy story, the Intelligence Online organization's spokesman Guillaume Dasquie announced that

     "It seems irresponsible for us to publish it, but if the denials go on, we could
     put the report on our Internet site and in so doing possibly blacken the names
     of the people most exposed ... The document we have [the DEA report] we
     details not only the identities of the members of this network, but also their
     activities in the Israeli army, and even their serial numbers in the intelligence
     services, their passport numbers and their validity, and their visas and their
     validity." [RAIMONDO, J., 3-8-02]
     Among those under suspicion as an Israeli spy in the heart of American government in earlier years was Howard Teicher, a (Jewish) National Security Council adviser. "Middle East experts in the State Department," noted John Walcott of the Wall Street Journal, "the NSC staff and some Washington think tanks conducted a tireless whispering campaign against him, intimating that he was an Israeli agent." "Teicher's life resembled that of tens of thousands of other young American Jews," says the Jerusalem Post with no sense of irony in the implications of that  statement, "... [He] had a bar mitzva, went to Camp Ramah, spent a summer in Israel at age 17, learned Hebrew in high school and then in college worked in the fish pond at kibbutz Neveh Or [in Israel]."  [RODAN, 1994, p. 18]

    Then, in 2001, there is the mysterious three paragraph article from the Israeli newspaper Haaretz about Robert Philip Hanssen, an American FBI agent turned Russian spy who represented "one of the worst cases of espionage in the history of the United States." The Haaretz headline proclaimed Israeli Angle in U.S. Spy Case Causes Worry in Jerusalem, and then noted that "the recent confrontation between the United States and Russia over the serious espionage case involving FBI agent Robert Philip Hanssen has an Israel angle. This has been the subject of concern at the highest political and security echelons in Jerusalem in the past few days." [BENN, A., 4-4-01] The article explains nothing else at all about the dimensions of this "Israeli angle," nor has any other media source ever taken up the story.

     Fox News had addressed the subject of Israeli spies in America after the September 11 terrorist attacks:

     "Since September 11, more than 60 Israelis have been arrested or detained, either
     under the new patriot anti-terrorist law, or for immigration violations. A handful
     of active Israeli military were among those detained, according to investigators,
     who say some of the detainees also failed polygraph questions when asked
     about alleged surveillance activities against and in the United States. There
     is no indication that the Israelis were involved in the 9/11 attacks, but
     investigators suspect that the Israelis may have gathered intelligence about
     the attacks in advance, and not shared it. A highly placed investigator
     said there are 'tie-ins' ... Numerous classified documents obtained by Fox
indicate that even prior to September 11, as many as 140 other Israelis
     had been deatined or arrested in a secretive and sprawling investigation into
     suspected espionage by Israelis in the United States." [CAMERON, C.,
     pt. 1, 12-14-01]
    What about the aforementioned CIA head John Deutch (and perhaps others in his circle) as a very strong candidate for the Jewish-Israeli "Mega" club? In 2000, a troubling story about him began to hit the newsstands, revolving around an incident that happened as he was leaving his CIA post in 1996. Deutch, who became Director of the CIA after leaving his position as Deputy Secretary of Defense, was caught with 1,700 pages of CIA documents -- many secret, and classified -- on his home computer, one that had also been a visitor to "high-risk" Internet pornography sites. Members in Congress were not informed of Deutch's security lapses until 1998 and not until the year 2000 did all this come under public scrutiny. And he was afforded top-level Pentagon security clearance until late 1999.
     Deutch was known to be a problem earlier in his career when it came to secret information. "According to a knowledgeable official who asked not be identified," noted the (New Jersey) Record, "while Deutch was serving as a senior Defense Department official [the number two in command] in the early 1990s, he failed a polygraph test about his handling of classified materials. The official said Pentagon security officers were concerned because Deutch took highly classified material home with him, but his security clearances were not revoked or downgraded." [THE RECORD, 2-5-2000, p. A6]
    An investigation of Deutch's information cache was undertaken by the CIA Inspector General. The IG report, noted the New York Times, "disclosed that just three days after Mr. Deutch learned that his computer practices were under review, he deleted more than 1,000 classified files from his personal computers. The report also says that Mr. Deutch declined to be interviewed by the CIA's security officials." [RISEN, J., 2-12-2000]  Deutch had been taking secret CIA information home for years. As the Times notes, "according to the IG report, "Mr. Deutch used unclassified MacIntosh computers for classified work through his tenure as director. He chose not to conduct sensitive work on the classified computer system at the CIA because he said he was afraid the other CIA officials would see what he was writing, according to the report." [RISEN, J., 2-12-2000]
    "This is strange behavior, very suspicious," remarked the chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee, Richard Shelby, about Deutch's actions, "It's unprecedented, to my knowledge." [THE RECORD, 2-5-2000]
     The CIA investigators, noted a European paper, "became so frustrated at the limits imposed on them that they concluded senior [CIA] officials were protecting Mr. Deutch and wanted to wash their hands of the case." [BRANSON, L., 2-2-2000, p. 12] "Mr. Deutch," said the New York Times, "refused to be interviewed by the security staff and senior CIA officials allowed him to avoid being questioned." [RISEN, J.] A number of media members began calling Deutch's case a "cover-up." The CIA didn't report Deutch's misdeeds to the Justice Department for over a year. The CIA's Inspector General only did so in 1998 "after an agency employee complained to the Inspector General's office that the inquiry had not been properly handled." [RISEN, J., 2-12-2000] The Justice Department declined to prosecute the former Director of the CIA.
     The Deutch revelation, remarked a Scottish paper, "is particularly embarrassing in the light of the high profile case of Los Alamos scientist Wen Ho Lee, who is being held in jail without bail. He is suspected of transferring secrets from the nuclear research base to the Chinese. The charges against him so far are for exactly what Mr. Deutch did: transferring files from work to his home computer." [BRANSON, L., 2-2-2000, p. 12] Like Deutch, there was no hard evidence that Lee passed along information to a foreign government, but Lee languished in solitary confinement 23 hours a day as a suspected spy (imprisoned for taken classified work home), while Deutch merely had his clearances to enter CIA and Pentagon databases taken away.
     It was even discovered that Deutch had helped a CIA official, Nora Slatkin, get a job as a vice-president at CITIBANK while she was working on the investigation of his breach of security case. [RISEN, J., 2-12-2000, p. A10] In recent years Deutch has been a professor at MIT and an adviser to weapons companies. He was paid over $240,000, for example, in 1998-99 as a non-employee director at Raytheon and member of that company's board of governors. [MCLAUGHLIN, T., 3-30-2000, p. 25] As Bill Clinton left the White House in 2001, Clinton granted Deutch a full pardon, surprising the CIA even as it continued its investigation.

      Another curious -- and controversial -- pardon made by Clinton as he left the White House was that of Marc Rich, a Jewish American citizen, prominent philanthropist to Israel, and "fugitive commodities trader" who fled America in the 1980s. As MSNBC (Microsoft/NBC online news) noted: "The U.S. government is aware that Rich has acted as an intermediary in negotiating the return of captured Israeli soldiers and Jewish dissidents. Several Israeli officials wrote Clinton in support of his pardon." Clinton admitted publicly that Israel had influenced him "profoundly" in the issuance of a pardon. (Rich has given between $70-80 million to Israeli charities, including $5 million to Birthright Israel, the program that seeks to strengthen Zionist ties among Jewish Americans to the Jewish state. The former head of Israel's Mossad spy agency, Avner Azulay, heads Rich's charitable foundation in the Jewish state). [MSNBC, 2-15-01] Rich's ex-wife Denise has also contributed over $1 million to the Democratic Party. [MSNBC, 2-2-2001] As the Denver Post noted about the Rich controversy:

     "President Clinton granted his controversial pardon to fugitive financier Marc
     Rich in part because Israel's prime minister repeatedly pressed him to do so as
     as a reward for Rich's clandestine services to Israeli intelligence ...
On its face,
     Israeli supoport for Rich might seem curious, since Rich did extensive
     business with Iran and Iraq, two of Israel's mortal enemies, in apparent
     violation of U.S. law. But it turns out that Rich used his business contacts
     in the Arab world to pass intelligence to Israel's foreign intelligence service,
     the Mossad, and to top Israeli officials." [ENDA/KUHNHENN, 2-15-01, p. A1]

     "The Marc Rich story," laments Jewish author Walter Reich, "disproves the adage that all politics are local. Here, the machinations of Jewish politics have gone national with a vengeance. The cast of characters in this squalid miniseries is -- let's face it -- overwhelmingly Jewish." [REICH, W., 2-25-01, part M, p. 5] (Reich also alludes to the many, many Jewish officials -- discussed in this work elsewhere -- who chose corruption and disgrace in lobbying Clinton for a pardon of Rich, the international fugitive).

     (Clinton pardoned 140 criminals. In a review of the 32 who had their sentences commuted, at least 7 were Jewish -- 22% of the 32 -- overrepresented here by nearly 1,000 per cent per their American population presence, and an even higher percentage per their representation in American prisons.)

     Sure enough too, in 2000, concurrently with Deutch's escapades , the aforementioned Martin Indyk, Ambassador to Israel, active Zionist, and a former National Security Advisor, had his security clearance suspended by the State Department for "suspected violations" of security norms, ostensibly for, "over a long period of time," "sloppy handling of classified information." The Washington Post also noted that
     "Three sources familiar with the investigation said that one part
     of the inquiry [into Indyk] also involves questions about Indyk's
     former deputy Ronald Neumann [also Jewish] and his possible
     involvement in the alleged composition of a classified memo on
     an unclassified laptop while traveling in the Middle East."
     [MUFSON, S., 9-23-2000]
     And what are we to make of the following newswire item in 1998? Focusing on the fact that the Israeli premiere's public Internet web site had been sabotaged by a computer hacker with pornography, the article also noted that only weeks earlier  
     "the FBI launched a hunt for the Israeli cyber-intruder
     who managed to steal into some of the Pentagon's most closely
     guarded secrets." [DEUTSCHE PRESSE-AGENTUR, 3-11-98]
    As Jewish author Joseph Aaron, in an extraordinarily unusual public admission, observed in 2000, focusing on the case of Jewish CIA employee Adam Ciralsky:
     "Earlier this month, '60 Minutes' featured the case of Adam Ciralsky,
     an observant Jew fired by the CIA. During the segment, a CIA official
     said the agency believes the Israeli government has a program that
     recruits American Jews to spy on the United States ... Let's face it.
     If there is suspicion about Jews working at the CIA, it's understandable.
     If Jews, especially religious Jews, are feared to be working for Israel,
     we deserve it. For we have done so much to make the suspicions seem
     justified." [AARON, J., 2-26-2000, p. 21]

    (In 2001, a Jewish reserve officer, Shawn Pine, charged the U. S. Army (as did Ciralsky of the CIA) with anti-Semitism. Why? Raised in America, he emigrated to Israel in the 1970s, returned to the U.S., joined the American army, and in 1995 returned to study in a Jerusalem university, working part-time again in the Israel Defense Forces. Stripped of his high-level army security clearance and his command of an intelligence unit in 2001, Pine charged that anti-Semitism was 'endemic' to the U.S. Army.) [SAMBER, S., 10-29-01]
     Meanwhile, international Zionist intrigue operates with impunity. In July 2000, for example, the New York Times noted the extraordinary privileges provided to an Israeli spy in Switzerland. The unidentified man was caught by Swiss police during a wiretapping mission. "In an unheard of concession," said the Times, "Swiss justice officials allowed him to use an assumed name for trial on grounds that disclosing his real one would endanger his life." The spy, whose real name his lawyers didn't even know, was convicted on three counts of law-breaking, but was released with a "one-year suspended sentence." "There was speculation," added the Times, "that the Swiss and Israeli authorities had cut a deal for a light sentence to avoid further diplomatic strains." (Switzerland has been involved in negotiations with Jewish Holocaust survivors over billions of dollars of Jewish World War II-era claims). [OLSON, E., 2000, p. A6]
       1999's White House coddling of the Jewish lobbying empire and international Zionist spy networks included the Islamic nation of Iran. The (Jewish) Forward noted that "At last weekends G-7 talks in Germany, President Clinton asked the Japanese government to refrain from approving their third loan installment of $820 million to Iran until the 13 [Jewish] prisoners are freed." [SPENCE]  These 13 Iranian Jews, arrested and accused by Iran of spying for Israel (7 non-Jews arrested in the alleged ring are rarely mentioned in the Western press), had not even been yet been brought to trial to prove their guilt or innocence, yet the American president was an active lobbyist for Jewish/Israeli interests to ignore Iranian sovereignty and demand, pre-trial, all the suspects' categorical freedom. Jewish American National Security Adviser Sandy Berger wrote a formal letter to the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations assuring them that the President planned to "seek international assistance" in freeing the 13. The Jerusalem Post noted the dimensions of international Jewish activism about the issue, noting that an Israeli "Foreign Ministry spokeswoman said Israel had approached practically every country with which it had diplomatic relations and asked help for seeking the release of the Iranian Jews." [KUTTLER, 6-18-99]
     Iranian officials even revealed that some of the accused Jewish prisoners had confessed that they spied for Israel. Nonetheless, U.S. Secretary or State Madeline Albright announced that "We have made this very clear that this is an unacceptable trial. There is absolutely no reason for them to brought up on espionage charges." A prominent Iranian religious leader, Mohammed Emami Kashani, responded to Albright, saying, "You are a political leader, not a judicial official ... There are international laws. Relations between the countries are based on laws ... Woman, you who are Secretary of State, on what logic have you based your remarks? On what basis?" [AGENCE FRANCE PRESSE, 10-22-99]
     Years earlier, as context for understanding such an international Jewish pressure campaign, we may look to Morocco. In 1960 an Israeli-sponsored "underground military cell" (as two Jewish scholars describe it), consisting of about 600 people, was exposed among Jews in that Arab land. Many were arrested. Israel then "foreswore secret diplomacy," notes Ian Black and Benny Morris, "and launched a widespread public campaign on behalf of Moroccan Jewry. U.S. President John Kennedy sent a personal message to King Muhammad; a group of American Congressmen threatened to table a bill to stop U.S. aid to Morocco unless the "persecution" stopped. French President Charles de Gaulle was also mobilized to exert pressure on [Morocco's capital] Rabat." [BLACK/MORRIS, p. 179]  The imprisoned Jews were eventually released. The head of Israel's Mossad, Isser Harel, wrote at the time that "there is no doubt that the [Moroccan] King's and the interior minister's latest steps are a result of our actions and our information campaign around the world." [BLACK/MORRIS, p. 179]
      In the context of this chapter, this book, and the issues they raise, what are we to make of the curiously timed January 1998 Clinton sex scandal? While Israel's newspapers "warned darkly of a new wave of anti-Semitism as a result of a scandal that has been called 'Monica-gate,' " [BESSER, ERIC, p. 22] the mainstream American mass media, of course, systematically neglected to even note the fact that the White House intern, Monica Lewinsky -- who had sexual relations with the President -- was Jewish. Of the 1,317 articles mentioning Monica Lewinsky in the America's major newspapers (as cited in Newspaper Abstracts) to March 10, 1998, one -- in the context of Lewinsky's lawyer's comments about Israel -- mentioned the word "Jew" or "Jewish."
     The Jewish press (i.e., those media outlets that expressly address concerns of the intra-Jewish community ), of course, very much noted the fact of Lewinsky's heritage and the Jewish complexion of the sex scandal. The Jewish Week reported that "Jewish leaders generally do not expect a backlash stemming from the fact that so many of the actors in the steamy melodrama are Jewish, including Lewinsky, [her lawyer] Ginsburg, and Walter Kaye, a retired New York insurance executive and a major donor to Jewish democratic causes who reportedly introduced the former intern to the First Family." [BESSER, p. 22] Kaye "was a great friend of Debra Schiff, a receptionist in the White House's West Wing lobby." [MORTON, A., 1999, p. 113] Karin Joyce Abramson was the Director of the White House Intern Program  (Lewinsky started out as an intern there) and it was Evelyn Lieberman who saw Lewinsky as a growing problem in the White House and transferred her to a job in the Pentagon. [STARR, p. 104] Presidential assistant Sidney Blumenthal was also one of those accused of lying about the Lewinsky scandal. [HOROWITZ, D., 1999, p. 240]
     "During Ms. Lewinsky's first Oval Office encounter with Mr. Clinton," notes the (Jewish) Forward in a review of her own book, "he asks what her name is. She replies, 'Jewish.' " Lewinsiky also compared her problems in the limelight of the Presidential sex scandal to Holocaust victims, Ann Frank, and  Hannah Senesh, a Jewish heroine who parachuted into Nazi-held territory. [GITELL, S., 3-12-99, p. 1]
     "As Monicagate has morphed from a sex scandal to a national fixation to a constitutional crisis," noted the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, "Jews have been there at every major turn -- whether as Clinton's confidants, steadfast defenders, repairers of the breach, or other bit players." [KURTZMAN, p. 3] Originally, Clinton "denied the affair, acting on the advice of his political adviser, Dick Morris, a Jew to whom Clinton has turned for guidance at some of the most trying moments of his political career. Morris, who took his own flogging in the media for a sex scandal with a prostitute, advised Clinton to acknowledge nothing, citing a poll that found the public would forgive him for adultery, but not perjury or obstruction of justice." [KURTZMAN, p. 3] Jewish senator Joseph Lieberman, the only Orthodox Jew in Congress, was the first to attack Clinton in Congress for the scandal. (Lieberman had raised $2 million for Clinton's election in 1992). [BESSER, J., 11-13-92, p. 34] Another, Robert Wexler, was Clinton's "staunchest defender in Congress."  Other Jews on the House Judiciary Committee who "played a key role in trying to paint the proceedings as a partisan witch hunt," included Howard Berman, Jerrold Nadler, Steve Rothman, and Charles Schumer, and Barney Frank. Even the prosecutor of the Clinton sex scandal investigation, Kenneth Starr, has a Jewish wife. [KLAIDMAN, D., 1998, p. 35]
     The aforementioned Dick Morris, was billed on the cover of his own 1997 book about himself as "President Clinton's chief strategist," a careerist behind-the-scenes propagandist and chameleon who writes that "sometimes I vote Democrat and sometimes Republican." White House insider, he has voted throughout his life with the political conviction of a ping-pong ball -- for Democratic presidential candidates Hubert Humphrey, George McGovern, and Jimmy Carter, then to Republicans Ronald Reagan and George Bush, and then back to Democrat Clinton. [MORRIS, D., 1997, p. 19] "I had no agenda," he notes about deciding to work at Clinton's side, "other than victory." [MORRIS, R., 1997, p. 22] In 1996 an editor at Time magazine, Walter Isaacson (also Jewish) told Morris that he was going to be featured on the journal's cover, with the heading "THE MAN INSIDE THE PRESIDENT'S MIND." Time, says Morris, was also considering a "caricature of Clinton with a hinge in his head and an opening, with a cartoon on me standing in his brain -- actually in his brain ... [Isaacson called later and] told me that the final cover would show me sitting on Clinton's shoulder, not in his head and that the heading would be THE MAN WHO HAS THE PRESIDENT'S EAR  ... While I was talking to Time and to the president, the prostitute whom I'd been seeing for a year was on the balcony outside my door." [MORRIS, R., 1997, p. 322-323]
      Early in Morris's career, he was an adviser to Jewish senator Howard Metzenbaum, a victor in Ohio in 1976. "Metzenbaum," says Morris, "had taken such extensive deductions on his tax returns that in 1969 he paid no taxes at all despite an income of $241,000. Ruthless and determined to buy the Senate seat with his personal fortune, he made quite a contrast to the honorable but reserved incumbent, the grandson of President William Howard Taft. Our basic campaign was that Taft was too nice to be a senator, that you needed to send a tough, mean guy to Washington to deal with the big oil companies and government bureaucrats." [MORRIS, D., 1997, p. 45-46]
     Morris wrote Clinton's speech at the Democratic National Convention in 1996. [MORRIS, D., 1997, p. 330] "The President's chief strategist" notes that his own six-member "media team" consisted of "Squier, Knapp, Schoen, Steinberg, and Freedman [and Penn]" -- at least half of these are Jewish names. Of these, Tom Freedman was Morris's "chief of staff." "Team member" Doug Schoen was also a political consultant to Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and "when Shimon Peres took office [after Rabin's assassination]," notes Morris,  "he kept Schoen's services, without, I gather, understanding at first the pivotal role Schoen was playing in the Clinton presidency. [MORRIS, D., 1997, p. 332, 103, 256]
     Here are some other Morris comments, a man who always had the ear of America's President:
    "Everything else I have written [before this book] was a speech, an
    ad, a memo, a tract -- all text with a mission to convert, a goal to
    persuade." [MORRIS, D., 1997, p. xiii]
    "I did not let [the prostitute] eavesdrop on my conversations
    with the president on an extension phone. What I did, when I let my
    inflated ego get the better of me, was to put my phone to her ear for
    a moment or two so she could hear his voice. I had behaved in a
    similarly immature way with my brother-in-law and my uncle. It was
    just a stupid thing to do." [MORRIS, D., 1997, p. xvii]
    "[Considering popular preacher Billy Graham as a speaker at the
    Democratic National Convention] I worried about how Jews and
    others would react." [MORRIS, D., 1997, p. 325]
    "[President Clinton] increasingly saw me not as a political medicine
    man but as an adviser who could develop programmatic ideas to
    express concretely his idea of where he wanted to lead America."
    [MORRIS, D., 1997, p. 324]
    The aforementioned Congressman Barney Frank, brother of White House Communications Director Ann Lewis, was likewise no surprise at Clinton's side in the direction that the President "wanted to lead America." Frank, elected from the tolerant blue-collar, largely Catholic Massachusetts town of Fall River, had survived his own sensational sex expose in 1989. Frank, noted Newsweek then, "came under fire for his relationship with a male prostitute. The case raises new questions about the private conduct of public officials." Frank, "darling of the Democratic Party's left wing," met hooker Stephen L. Gobie by answering a gay newspaper "personal" ad which read "hot bottom plus large endowment equals a good time." [WINNEKER, 1998] "His real difficulty," observed Newsweek, "is explaining how he came to hire Gobie as a chauffeur and personal assistant, why he wrote supportive letters to Gobie's parole officer, and how Gobie wound up using Frank's home for commercial sex." [MORGENTHAU, 1989, p. 14]  Gobie was also a "convicted child pornographer and drug dealer."  Especially troubling too, noted Newsweek, was Frank's long-term pattern of behavior: "Until recently, Frank was often seen in public with young hustlers described by more responsible gays as 'Provincetown trash.'" [MORGENTHAU, 1989, p. 14] "Frank," noted Washington's Capitol Style magazine,  "was confronting charges that he not only solicited a male prostitute, but knowingly permitted a brothel to be operated from his Capitol Hill apartment and improperly intervened with probation officers on behalf of a convicted felon. The allegations were so salacious that few politicians could have survived them." [WINNEKER, 1998] Frank survived; confessing many of the charges against him, he was merely reprimanded by Congress and elected by Fall River voters to a sixth term.
     While under public siege during the President's own embarrassment, Clinton's "most extensive confessional" was at a national prayer breakfast in which he "turned to the Yom Kippur liturgy. He opened up Gates of Repentance ... and read a passage about the challenge of penitence and changing one's ways ... In December, just days before he was impeached, Clinton again turned to Israel, this time traveling to the Jewish state for a three-day visit. Some were baffled when he didn't cut the trip short and fly home to fight for his political survival." [KURTZMAN, p. 3]
      Wall Street Journal reporter Tom King, in a biography of Jewish media mogul David Geffen, even "credits Geffen as the scriptwriter of Clinton's 'inappropriate sexual relations' speech to the nation during the Lewinsky affair." And Geffen's moral credentials for such work?  "When [Yoko] Ono rang him shortly after [Beatle John] Lennon was shot, Geffen had to prise himself away from male prostitute in his bedroom to get to the hospital -- a story he delighted in retelling over the years." [BOYD, B., 3-4-2000] (On the other end of the political spectrum, Frank Luntz "helped write Newt Gingrich's Contract with America speech" and Lisa Schiffen "wrote Vice President [Dan] Quayle's famous 'Murphy Brown family values' speech." Both of these people too are Jewish. [FRIEDMAN, M., June/Sept 1999, p. 110]

     Tom King, in his biography of Geffen, also notes:

     "Geffen eagerly answered the call when President Clinton asked him for feedback
     on his proposal to end the ban on homosexuals in the military ... Geffen ...
     put the art department at Geffen Records on the job of creating newspaper
     ads advoating the overturning of the ban ... Geffen, whom had escaped
     military service in Vietnam by meekly admitting he was homosexual, could
     not understand why anyone would want to serve in the military."
     [KING, T., 2000, p. 492-493]
     (Clinton's wife, Hillary, also embarked upon her own political career in 1999, looking to garner a few more Jewish votes in her run for the Senate from New York -- her campaign spokesman was Howard Wolfson -- by letting it be known that she had a Jewish "step-grandfather" named Max Rosenberg. For that matter, the 1988 Democratic presidential candidate, Michael Dukakis, had a Jewish wife, Kitty. Ms. Dukakis, appointed to the United States Holocaust Memorial Council, writes that she had a "preoccupation with Israel. By 1979, I'd been to the Holy Land three times." [DUKAKIS, K., 1990, p. 143] She eventually changed her mind about a planned trip to Cuba because "in a United Nations vote against Israel equating Zionism with racism, Cuba had cast its vote with the majority; I felt I could not in all good conscience go to a country that censured Israel." [DUKAKIS, K., p. 158] One of current Vice-President Al Gore's daughter's also has a Jewish husband. Jewish New Age feminist Naomi Wolf was also brought into the 2000 Gore presidential campaign, earning $15,000 a month to advise on his image. Media jokes emphasized her efforts to remold the presidential hopeful into an "Alpha Male," emerging from Clinton's shadow.) [ORIN, D., 7-6-2000, p. 21]
     Born to a rich Jewish family in Beverly Hills, Monica Lewinsky and her lawyer Ginsburg have been to Israel "many times." [GREENBERG, p. 23] Lewinsky's mother, Marcia, has written a column for the Hollywood Reporter and, using the pseudonym Marcia Lewis, wrote a "saucy celebrity biography" about the private lives of male opera stars. Divorced from Monica's father, at the time of her daughter's scandal Marcia was engaged to R. Peter Strauss (also Jewish), a New York media executive who owns radio stations and newspapers in the upstate Hudson valley. [STONE, A, USA, 1-28-98, p. A6] His family owned Macy's department store and his late wife was a member of the New York Times-owning Sulzberger family. While Monica landed her intern post with the help of Walter Kaye, before the scandal story broke Lewinsky was provided another job in public relations at Revlon, a company controlled by Jewish billionaire and chum of Michael Milken, Ronald Perelman. [NEWSWEEK, ISIKOFF, p. 31-42] (In 1995 President Clinton and his wife spent a vacation at the Perelman ranch in Wyoming,  the same hosts who had earlier held a fundraising party for the President at the Perelman's Palm Beach home. [WECHSLER, p. 11])
    While the mainstream American press completely ignored the Jewish dimensions of the scandal, the ethnic media that expressly served the Jewish community consistently highlighted not only the fact that Lewinsky was Jewish, but also the fortuitous timing of the sex expose, just when Clinton was preparing to forcibly intercede in the stalled and embittered Israeli-Palestinian peace process, in opposition to Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's reneging on early agreements of land withdrawals from Palestinian areas.
    The Jewish Forward (New York), the Jewish Week (New York), the Jerusalem Report (Israel), and the Jewish Chronicle (England) all immediately noted Lewinsky's status in the world Jewish community as a "Queen Esther" (Queen Esther, in Biblical tradition, saved the Jewish people from destruction from their nemesis, Haman). (Both the Jewish Chronicle and the Jewish Week published photographs of a billboard campaign in Israel featuring an image of President Clinton and a caption saying, "We support you, friend." )
      A Jerusalem Report headline beamed "Monica Lewinsky: Bibi's Queen Esther?" (Bibi was former Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's nickname. In 1993 he faced his own sex scandal in the Jewish state.) [HIRSCHBERG, P., 4-22-93] Leonard Fein in the Forward noted that:
      "Even if some observers from within our own community hadn't
      compared Monica Lewinsky to Queen Esther, the idea is that just as
      the President was preparing to dump on Israel, she whispered sweet
      Zionist phrases in his ear, or maybe the idea is simply that by pushing
      him into scandal, she rendered him politically impotent -- the Jewish
      threads of the story would have been intriguing. The sturdiest thread
      has been provided by Bill Ginsburg, Ms. Lewinsky's lawyer who, in
      an interview with Israel's Yediot Ahronot, allowed that neither he nor
      his client, devoted Jews, had any interest in bringing down a President
      who had been 'so good to Israel.' The reporter: Should Monica go to
      Israel and escape the pressures she's under now? Ginsburg: Not while
      the proceedings are still under way. But if, when it's all over, she wants
      to live in Israel, that might be a wonderful idea."  [FEIN, MONICA, p. 7]
     The Jewish Chronicle noted:
     "A nationally prominent Orthodox spokesman calls Monica Lewinsky ...
      'a modern day Queen Esther,' and he is only half-kidding. A Northeastern
      Chabad rabbi says, straight-faced, that Ms. Lewinsky has, as far as they
      are concerned, removed the White House as a deciding factor in Mideast
      Peace, at least for now. Because President Clinton's personal
      involvement was the one thing keeping the moribund peace talks moving,
      hopes for a near-term breakthrough are now near zero. Hello [Israeli]
      land, goodbye peace. Last week was, according to many a pundit,
      supposed to be a watershed in the troubled tenure of Prime Minister
      Binyamin Netanyahu. He came to Washington a wounded leader,
      expecting intense pressure from a determined Bill Clinton. Enter Ms.
      Lewinsky and 'Zippergate,' and the Middle East abruptly vanished from
      our screens. The pressure was off." [J CHRON, p. 2]
    A third editorial, this one in the Jewish Week, entitled, "Monica, a Modern Queen Esther?," began:
      "Did you know that Monica Lewinsky is an agent for Mossad, the
       Israeli equivalent of the CIA? That's the charge in some of the Arab
       press, which asserts that the alleged affair between the former White
       House intern and President Clinton was a Zionist plot to distract
       attention from the Mideast and take the pressure off the Netanyahu
       government. 'Why did it come at the end of Clinton's meetings with
       Netanyahu and before his meetings with Arafat?' wondered a columnist
       for the Palestinian daily, Al-Ayyam. And Sheikh Ahmad Yassin, the
       spiritual leader of Hamas who was released from an Israeli prison last
       year, reasoned that 'the Zionist lobby and world Zionism creates   
       disasters for anyone who may cause it problems.' So much for any
       lessening of Arab paranoia about Jewish clout. On the other hand, some
       supporters of Netanyahu were referring to Lewinsky as a modern-day
       Queen Esther -- a beautiful young Jewish woman who, through her
       sexual appeal to the nation's leader, helped save her people. More than a
       bit far-fetched, of course, but the description was reflective of the
       feeling among some Israelis that the sex scandal involving Clinton has
       taken Netanyahu off the hot seat in terms of complying with U. S.
       requests from withdrawing from additional West Bank land. There was
       also speculation in Israel that Clinton may resign, elevating Al Gore to
       the presidency. Gore is considered even  more supportive of Israel than
       Clinton." [JEWISH WEEK, 1-30-98]
     "Gore," noted the Jerusalem Report, "engaged a reputation as one of Israel's best supporters during his 14 years in the House and Senate." He once told a Jewish gathering that included Israeli Prime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu that "the United States will never pressure Israel to do what it doesn't want to do." [BRODER, J., 2-19-98, p. 36]  In 2000, Gore during his campaign for president, named an Orthodox Jew, Joseph Lieberman, former head of the Democratic Leadership Council, as his vice-presidential running mate. Lieberman has been a prominent lobbyist to move the U.S. embassy in Israel from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem a move American foreign policy makers have resisted for the past half century. [KURTZMAN, D., 6-2-99, p. 3] Upon Lieberman's selection, Rabbi Steven Dworken, Executive President of the Orthodox Council of America, declared that anti-Semitism "doesn't show up in the polls, but it shows in the voting booth. It will force Americans to look themselves in the mirror and say, 'I am not an anti-Semite,' or to admit to themselves, 'Yes, I am a bigot.'" [LATTIN, D., 8-8-2000, p. A13] Among those quickly lambasted as an anti-Semite was Wilbert Tatum, the publisher of New York City's African-American newspaper, the Amsterdam News. Blunting noting the Jewish context of American politics, Tatum editorialized that "America is being sold to the highest bidder." [PR NEWSWIRE, 8-16-2000] One news report also noted that "not only was his active Harvard pupil and friend of 35 years [Al Gore] for president, but the fiercely pro-Israel publisher [Martin Peretz, of the New Republic] got to watch his Jewish buddy of two decades, Lieberman, take the number two spot." [KURTZ, H., 8-20-2000, p. A12]
     The selection of Lieberman as an Orthodox Jew on the traditionally liberal Democratic ticket highlights the usual double standard of evaluation whenever, and wherever, Jews are concerned. What one wonders, would the many homosexual rights, women's rights, and other organizations say if they had access to open public discourse about the world view of Orthodox Judaism? Lieberman's conservative religious views in many ways parallel Christians Pat Robertson or Jerry Falwell. But as Jewish journalist Paul Greenberg, "Pulitzer-prize winning editorial page editor of the Arkansas Democrat Gazette," observed:
      "One suspects that, if Senator Lieberman were an equally committed
      Baptist or Mormon, many of those now, hailing his nomination would
      be murmuring darkly about the dangers of the Religious Right. It'll
      be interesting to see if the ACLU objects to a fundamentalist on the
      ticket when he's a Jewish one." [GREENBERG, P., 8-9-2000, p. B10]
    Jewish professor Deborah Lipstadt notes the Jewish response to Gore's selection:
     "The announcement of the Lieberman selection as Al Gore's running
     mate unleashed torrents of joy. When the news first broke, American
     Jews breathlessly called one another to share the news ... We caught
     our breath and let out a collective whoop. Lieberman is not just any
     Jew. The prism through which his view of the world is refracted is
     a Jewish prism." [LIPSTADT, D., 8-20-2000, p. B3]
     What about this "Jewish prism?" Soon after the selection of Lieberman as Al Gore's running mate, an embarrassing relationship came to light between  Lieberman and his uncle, Bernard Manger. As the Houston Chronicle noted,
     "When Bernard Manger died in 1995, he left behind a will that
     disinherited two of his four children from his $48 million estate. The
     reason: they had married people who weren't born Jewish. He counted
     on his nephew to enforce his wishes. His nephew is Sen. Joseph
     Lieberman, the Democratic vice presidential candidate ... As he grew
     older, Manger became more and more concerned that intermarriage
     was threatening the existence of the Jewish people." [KUNTZ, P., 8-27-
     2000, p. 3]
    Both of the spouses of the disinherited children had long converted to Judaism, but "not in the Orthodox fashion Manger would have liked." Lieberman eventually figured out a way to get the disinherited individuals their cuts of the estate (one of the disinherited children found an "unsigned" document that allegedly claimed that Manger had changed his mind). But, after all, Lieberman is a politician; how could he have politically survived among non-Jews if he fulfilled his uncle's nakedly racist and anti-Gentile wishes? More troubling, one wonders, why is it that Manger so much trusted Lieberman to fulfill his will? He must have known his nephew's honest position on Jewish identity issues. (Lieberman has been awarded $75,000 to execute the estate, and is entitled to another $50,000 a year to oversee it. Lieberman's wife, Hadassah, likewise gets $40,000 a year to manage Manger's wife's will). [KUNTZ, P. 8-27-2000, p. 3] Manger's chauvinist and racist views, as we have witnessed throughout  this volume, are not an anomaly; they represent a current in the thinking of large numbers of modern Jewry. 
    Lieberman also found it necessary to dissimulate Orthodox belief in a related area, publicly saying that it didn't matter to him as an Orthodox Jew if Jews married non-Jews. This, of course, is merely a politician talking.  Rabbi Avi Shafran, of the Agudah Israel of America Orthodox organization, quickly responded, emphasizing that, as any Orthodox Jew knows, there is a "clear and irrevocable Torah prohibition" against Jews marrying non-Jews. Even a Conservative rabbi, Jerome Epstein, noted that "I do believe our tradition is quite clear that Jews are expected to marry Jews." [JOLKOVSKY, B., 9-20-2000]
    During a two hour trip to Baltimore, Lieberman absorbed nearly a million dollars for Democratic campaign coffers. "Organizers estimate that between 60 and 80 percent of the money given tonight will come from the Jewish community," noted the Baltimore Sun, "... Lieberman, who according to a DNC spokeswoman has brought in more than $17 million in the two months since his nomination, has energized Jewish supporters across the country." [WALDRON, T., p. 1B] (Lieberman's "former top aide," Micheal Lewin, surfaced in the news later as a consequence of the scandals surrounding the collapse of the notorious Enron company. Lewin had left Lieberman to become a lobbyist for Enron. [MARGASAK, L., L., 1-16-02] (One of the central players in the Enron scandal was Chief Financial Officer Andrew Fastow, also Jewish.)
     Other Jews in Al Gore's intimate political circle have included Marc Greenberg, "senior coordinator for foreign policy in the Gore [for president] campaign,” Steve Grossman, "an informal adviser to Gore" (and the eventual head of AIPAC), Mel Levine, and Nita Lowey, an adviser on abortion issues. [SAMBER, S., 2-92-2000, p. 8]  David Steiner, one-time president of AIPAC and continued board member, is Gore's "financial consultant." Another AIPAC board member, Meldon Levine, is another "Gore campaign advisor." [LAKE, E., 3-21-2000, p. 1]  Leon Feurth is Gore's "longtime national security aide." Marc Ginsburg co-chaired Gore's Middle East advisory committee. Joan Spero is an advisor on economic policy and Steven Rabinowitz (who also worked on Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak's campaign) another Gore "consultant." (Even Al Gore's father, Al Gore, Sr., a senator from Tennessee was a partner in the cattle business with corrupt Jewish entrepreneur Armand Hammer. Gore, Sr., was a "loyal friend, who had defended Armand against accusations of attempted bribery on the floor of the U. S. Senate.") [BLUMAY, C., 1992, p. 57] [Click her for an outside link to Lubomyr Prytulak's keen analysis of the deep Gore family link to corrupt Jewish businessman Armand Hammer]
     "Key campaign strategists at the [2000] Democratic National Committee in Washington and Gore headquarters in Nashville include general election campaign chairman John Giesser, Josh Wachs, Laurie Moskowitz, Eric Kleinfeld, Deborah Mohile and research director David Ginsburg." [TUGEND, T., 8-9-2000, p. 17] The law firm of Manatt, Phelps and Phillips was even chosen to represent the 2000 Democratic National Convention in Los Angeles. The CEO of that company is Irving Phillips, and its "principal liaison" to the convention was Lisa Specht, earlier winner of the American Jewish Committee’s "Learned Hand Award." [BUSINESS WIRE, 6-7-2000] Two (Eli Broad, David Geffen) of the three people "that brought the [2000] Democratic Convention to Los Angeles" were also Jewish, as were both of the Convention co-chairs, Dianne Feinstein and Barbara Boxer. [TUGEND, T., 8-9-2000, p. 17]

     The Jewish Telegraphic Agency noted the Jewish Democratic gatherings in Los Angeles for the National Convention:

     "President Clinton, addressing nearly 4,000 Jews at an outdoor party on Sunday
     afernoon, quoted [Jewish] comedian Red Buttons that 'in Los Angeles, the Democrats
     are changing their theme sone from 'Happy Days Are Here Again' to [the Jewish
     song] 'Hava Nagila.' Senator John Rockefeller (D-W. Va.) keynoted an elegant
     fund-rasier for the American Israel Public Affairs Committee on Saturday night
     and wound up a somewhat disjointed speech by declaring, 'I wish I were a
     Jew.'" [TUGEND, T., 8-14-00]
     In 1999, St. Martin's Press published a book by British journalist Gordon Thomas about Israel's Mossad organization. (Major newspapers, including the Washington Post, New York Times, and Los Angeles Times, ignored it). Thomas, a veteran of 40 years of worldwide reporting, asserted (from his extensive interviews with a variety of intelligence operatives) that Danny Yotam, the Inspector General of Mossad, had nearly 30 hours of tapes of President Clinton having telephone sex with Monica Lewinsky and they were considered as leverage to blackmail Clinton into reigning in the FBI's search for the Israeli mole (or moles), the aforementioned "Mega,"  in the upper echelons of the American government. Such an assertion, of course, is impossible to prove. The fact that Clinton had phone sex with Lewinsky, however, was documented by Clinton prosecutor Kenneth Star; it is also public knowledge that Clinton warned her that they had probably been wiretapped by a "foreign government." As TV journalist Barbara Walters noted: "There was something like 60 different phone calls. There is a lot of phone calls. There was phone sex. It was part of the recklessness of the whole act. He was calling from the White House. The fact that he would do this from the beginning two or three times a week -- this is a tremendous chance to take in addition to everything else." [WHITE HOUSE BULLETIN, 3-3-99;  AGENCE FRANCE PRESSE, 3-3-99; GURDON/DAVIES, 3-4-99, p. 14]]
     For Hollywood's part during the Lewinsky scandal, the mass media widely noted with wonder the curious timing of how "art imitates life" in the cases of the then-current motion pictures "Wag the Dog," directed by Barry Levinson, and "Primary Colors," directed by another Jewish filmmaker, Mike Nichols. The first film depicted a President of the United States who cuts a deal with a Hollywood producer to create a fake war to detract attention from the President's womanizing. [In real life, Clinton faced both the Lewinsky scandal and a possible attack on Iraq at the same time]. Primary Colors -- based on a book by Newsweek columnist Joe Klein -- is about a southern governor who is mired in sexual scandals. John Travolta, as the governor, noted the Washington Post, "mimics Clinton's style, mannerisms and voice." [WELKOS, p. A19]
     This was not the only sex controversy Clinton had involving a Jewish bedmate, laced with political intrigue. In 1997, a political influence scandal broke open over Larry Lawrence's grave at Arlington National Cemetery. Lawrence, a San Diego real estate developer who had donated millions of dollars over he years to the Democratic Party, was the Ambassador to Switzerland at the time of his death. He was also Jewish. "A firestorm of criticism erupted yesterday," noted the Boston Globe, "over allegations that the Clinton administration waived military rules so that major campaign donors could be buried at Arlington National Cemetery." [HOHLER, B., p. A1]  "Congressional investigations," wrote the New York Daily News, "are trying to determine why [Lawrence's'] lies went undetected when he was named ambassador to Switzerland in 1994, and why he got a special waiver for burial at Arlington with a push from President Clinton." [GOLDSCHLAG,  10]  Only after his death it came to light that Lawrence had built elaborate lies about being a wounded military hero as a Merchant Marine officer -- a career that in no way existed. "When he testified before Congress during his 1993 confirmation hearings for his ambassadorship," noted the Boston Globe, "[Lawrence] told them of being thrown through the air after a torpedo slammed into his ship, the Horace Bushnell. It was a lie, outraging members of Congress and decorated veterans, that led to Lawrence's removal from Arlington last week." [FARRAGHER, p. A14]
     Soon thereafter, Arianna Huffington, a syndicated columnist, was sued by Lawrence's wife for stating in a column that her husband's ambassadorship was a payoff for Lawrence's silence about an affair between his wife and President Clinton. Huffington appeared on CNN to defend her accusation, noting that lawyers for Paula Jones [a woman suing Clinton for sexual harassment] subpoenaed Lawrence's wife, Sheila, "to ask her about the possibility of a payoff between an alleged affair and the pact that the man who was so completely unqualified to be ambassador would fabricate his military record, [and] who had dozens of pending disputes with the IRS, was nevertheless appointed to a preeminent ambassadorial position." Huffington also asserted that she had "at least two dozen sources of people who talked about the alleged payoff ... -- former employees of the Lawrences who had personal knowledge of an alleged affair." A former State Department employee, Christina Alexander, also "filed [other] charges against the Lawrences with the State Department under the Management Fraud and Waste Act." For her part, Sheila Lawrence was also appointed "without any qualifications" by President Clinton to the Conservative Union, an environmental organization. [CNN, Burden of Proof, 3-9-98]
     (Yet another Jewish politician, Madeline Kunin [a former governor of Vermont] replaced Lawrence as the ambassador to Switzerland).
     In 1999, Rabbi Daniel Lapin noted with concern the repeated Jewish-based governmental scandals in the Clinton administration:
     "The scandals in this administration have brought to public attention
     an entirely different group of Jews, from Monica Lewinsky, whose
     sexual proclivities have made me burn with shame, to all the spinning
     defense lawyers on national TV night after night, from Bernard
     Schwartz of Loral, who apparently sold missile technology to China
     [discussed elsewhere in this volume], to Larry Lawrence, who
     falsified his war record to be buried in Arlington National Cemetery.
     This is a new group of Jewish faces, a whole different generation from
     that of Einstein, and Cardozo, Salk and Buber. Frankly, they strike
     me as arrogant, shameless, and very foolish. They have all the
     answers, or so they think, but the people who see them on TV night
     after night know better." [LAPIN, D., 1999, p. 42]
      On the Republican side of Jewish politicking, in 1972 Seymour Lipset noted that "some of the most pro-Israel senators are among the most conservative Republicans in Congress." [LIPSET, in COX, p. 196]  Among Richard Nixon's high-level Jewish appointees were Secretary of State Henry Kissinger, the chairman of the President's Council for Economic Advisors, Herbert Stein, and the chairman of the National Endowment for the Arts, Ronald Berman. Ronald Ziegler was Nixon's press secretary. After Watergate, Len Garment, a Jewish liberal Democrat, became Nixon's lawyer. [HICKS, J., 3-29-97, p. B1] Among President Ford's Jewish appointees was Edward Levi, the Attorney General. Among George Bush's Jewish appointees was David Kessler, Commissioner of the Food and Drug Administration. Bill Kristol was the Chief of Staff for Vice President Dan Quayle in the George Bush administration. The chairman of the Board of Directors of the Barbara Bush Foundation for Family Literacy was also Jewish: Joan Abrahamson. "Most of the senior Middle East positions [in the Bush administration] are Jews," noted Joyce Starr in 1990. [STARR, J., 1990, p. 247]
       In 1999, in the early stages of the Republican presidential primary campaign, the former president's son, candidate George W. Bush, the governor of Texas, "surrounded himself with a number of Jewish advisers, including Indianapolis mayor Stephen Goldsmith; Josh Belton, policy director for the campaign, and foreign policy hawk Richard Perle. [ROTH, B., 10-11-99]  Ari Fleischer was Bush's spokesman to the mass media. (When Bush became president, Fleischer became his press secretary. Fleischer is "active in a group of Jewish congressional staffers who study with the Lubavitch Chasidic movement's Washington representative, Rabbi Levi Shemtov." [FORWARD, THE FORWARD FIFTY, 2000/2001] In fact, Fleischer "was an early leader and co-president of Chabad's Capitol Jewish Forum." He was awarded Chabad's Young Leadership award in October 2001. [BESSER, J., 10-26-01, p. 30] Note Chabad's racist tenets here.) Bush had went on a tour of Israel the year earlier, under the auspices of the National Jewish Coalition. "Gov. Bush Shores Up Image with Jews," headlined the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, "By Visiting Israel." "The relationship between the United States and Israel is a very special relationship," said the candidate, "It will always be that way." [DORF, M., 12-7-98] Alfred Lerner, the Jewish CEO and chairman of credit card giant MBNA, "was the single largest corporate contributor to George W. Bush during the last election cycle." [MOTHER JONES, 5-3-01] A rabbi, Victor Weissberg, was even selected to be the religious leader to give the invocation on the first night of the 2000 Republican National Convention. [ZACHARIA, J., 10-3-2000] This is not surprising, especially when two of the three co-chairmen of the Republican National Convention were Jewish, David Cohen and Brian Roberts. [FELDMAN, S., 6-22-2000, p. 12]

     The New Jersey Jewish News noted

     "Cliff Sobel, finance chair of the Bush for President campaign in New Jersey,
     says the Republican National Committee's platform subcomittee on foreign
     policy went out of its way to 'make sure its positions were right from Israel's
     standpoint.' Although the subcommittee, of which Sobel was a member, confronted
     issues in "Japan, China, Ireland, and elsewhere, those were dealt with differently
     than the issues in Israel. Regarding the Middle East, with Israel at its center,
     there was a uniformity of opinion in determining what is in the best interests
     of Israel and the United States -- always considered a common interest,
     Sobel said. This predisposition, he added, was 'opposed to special interests
     within the framework of some other countries." [FRIEDLAND, E., 8-10-02, p. 8]
     In August of the same year, the Forward, a Jewish journal, noted in a headline the depth of the Jewish contingent in the Republican Party: "Republican Convention Gives Key Roles to Jews."  "The 'who's who' of Jews in the camp of the Republican presidential nominee, George Bush of Texas," said the article,
     "reaches far into the inner circle, including senior adviser and
     spokesman Ari Fleischer, policy director Joshua Belton and foreign
     policy advisers Dov Zakheim, Richard Perle and Paul Wolfowitz,
     all former Reagan aides.
       A former mayor of Indianapolis Stephen Goldsmith, is Mr. Bush's
     top domestic policy adviser, while the campaign's counsel is lawyer
     Benjamin Ginsberg. Jews also hold top spots in the Republican
     National Committee and its platform committee: the RNC's campaign
     finance director is a former ambassador to Australia, Mel Sembler;
     its communication director is Clifford May and its platform committee
     is headed by Mitch Bainwol. Top fundraisers include Eric Javits,
     the chairman of an elite group called the Republican Eagles, and Cheryl
     Halpern of the Republican Jewish Coalition." [DONADIO, R., 8-4-2000]
    The Forward interviewed Kalman Sporn, the youngest member of the Republican Eagles, who observed that
    "The Republican leadership recognizes, rightly or wrongly, that Jews are
    the key to raising millions for their political interests. To sustain that
    support, they know they need to support Jewish concerns, and number
    one, the principal way that Republican leadership has demonstrated
    support for Jews has been through its unyielding support for the state
    of Israel." [DONADIO, R., 8-4-2000]
     "Jewish Republicans," notes the Baltimore Jewish Times,
     "provide a nagging reminder to the Republican congressional leaders
     that support for Israel is not the exclusive property of the Democrats.
     Jewish campaign contributors, an important part of the party's money
     base, do more than just nag ... Many young, conservative Jews serve
     as staffers to Republican members of Congress, and some say their
     numbers are growing ... The presence on Mr. Bush's campaign team
     of a handful of well-known Jewish activists and the critical role of some
     top Jewish givers, [some] believe, will pay off when Mr. Bush puts
     his government together, should he win the election." [BESSER, J., 7-28-
     2000, p. 25]

     In February 2002, Jewish speechwriter David Frum was identified as the author of Bush's controversial "Axis of Evil" speech, in which Iraq, Iran, and North Korea were identified as "evil" entities and implicitly threatened. [NOAH, T., 2-5-02] In the wake of taking credit for the speech, Frum resigned his post. The Asia Times subsequently editorialized about the profound political power he and other Jews in powerful foreign policy positions represented:

     "White House speechwriter David Frum who coined the incendiary 'axis of evil'
     moniker used by President Bush is leaving Bush's employ for the neo-conservative
     American Enterprise Institute (AEI). It seems a perfect fit ... The AEI has long
     been a source of provocation, particularly for intelligence professionals at the
     State Department and the Central Intelligence Agency (IA). The staunchly
     unilateralist AEI, and its foreign policy honcho, Richard Perle [also Jewish]
     have never been so powerful. Much to the frustration of Secretary of State
     Colin Powell and Washington's European and Arab allies, the administration
     has embraced virtually all of the AEI's policy positions on the Middle East,
     inlcluding the right-wing [Israeli] Likud Party's opposition to the Oslo peace
     process for Israel and Palestine ... Unlike the 'axis of evil,' members of the
     'axis of incitement' share a passionate belief in the inherent goodness and
     redemptive mission of the United States; the moral cowardicee of 'liberals'
     and 'European elites''; existential necessity of supporting Israel in the shadow
     of the Holocaust and in the face of 'implacable hatred,' as Frum has written,
     of Palsetinains, Arabs and Muslims, and the primacy of military power. Their
     reach within the administration exteneds far. At the Pentagon, they include
     Deputy Defense Secretary Paul Wolfowitz [also Jewish], whose relationship
     with Perle goes back 30 years, and Undersecretary for Policy Douglas Feith
     [also Jewish] whose pro-Likud sentiments led him to denounce the 1978
     Camp David accords between Israel and Egypt as an Israeli sell-out."
     [ASIA TIMES, 3-9-02]

     (Perle has an office in the Pentagon today as chairman of the Defense Policy Board. Former U.S. Congressman Paul Findley once noted that an "FBI wiretap recorded Perle discussing classified information with someone at the Israeli embassy." "In 1983," adds Grace Halsell, "newspapers reported that Perle had received substantial payments for representing an Israeli arms manufacturer while he was working for the senator. Despite this background, Perle received the Reagan administration appointment as assistant secretary of defense. He later resigned from that post to write and speak for Israeli interests.") [HALSELL, G., MARCH 1993, p. 9]

Outside government, Asia Times also notes the "axis of incitement" extends to include propaganda from the Jewish Institute for National Security, as well as Jewish journalists Charles Krauthammer, A. M. Rosenthal, and former Jewish "CIA Mideast operative" Michael Ledeen. [ASIA TIMES, 3-9-02]  

      In the new American governmental propaganda wars, post 9-11 attack, to socialize Arab youth to Western/Israeli interests, and spread American cultural imperialism, Norman Pattiz, a Jewish radio mogul, headed the project. Pattiz, noted New Yorker magazine,

      "is the founder and chairman of Westwood One, the $3.5 billion company that
       is the country's largest distributor of commercial radio programming. Starting
       next month, he will oversee an innovative radio network aimed at bringing American        values and pop culture to Arabs in the Middle East. The project, which has a
       budget of thirty million dollars, is being launched by the U.S. Broadcasting Board
       of Governors, which oversees international government-sponsored programs.
       Pattiz [was] appointed to the board by President Clinton ... Pattiz also hired
       Casey Kassem's producer, Bert Kleinman, to give the station a more Top Forty
       style. 'Will the [Muslim] religious extremists like it?' Pattiz asked himself the other
       day. 'Probably not. But you've got to go after the hearts and minds you can get.'
       He has a lot of faith in the power of American pop culture. 'After all,' he said, 'it
       was MTV that brought down the Berlin Wall." [MAYER, J., 2-18-02]
     In May 2000, in the heat of the American presidential campaign, the Jewish Telegraphic Agency noted the sameness, on at least one issue, of the Democratic and Republican candidates:
     "Whoever the next president of the United States might be, the pro-Israel
     community seems to like what he has to say. Then again the messages
     Texas governor George W. Bush and Vice President Al Gore conveyed
     to delegates at this week's annual policy conference of the American
     Israel Public Affairs Committee seemed indistinguishable ... At the end
     of his speech, Gore brought the crowd to its feet when he said
     safeguarding Israel was not just his policy, but is 'in my heart, in my
     conscience and in my bones and in my soul." [SAMBER, S., 5-24-2000]
     And if George W. Bush rival John McCain had won the 2000 Republican primary? "I have known the senator [McCain] for many years," said Jewish McCain fundraiser Marvin Jubas, "No one in this town is more aware of his integrity and character than I. Nobody is more pro-Israel than the senator and those of us associated with AIPAC know that if we really need someone, we turn to John." [TUGEND, T., 2-16-2000, p. 8] [McCain's 2002 speech to AIPAC: here]
     Joseph Gildenhorn, also Jewish, and formerly the U.S. Ambassador to Switzerland, also headed the George W. Bush campaign in Washington DC. [FORWARD, 6-18-99, p. 15] Joel Strom is the chairman for Bush volunteers in the crucial state of California. [TUGEND, T., 2-16-2000, p. 8] In 1999, Jewish billionaire Michael Dell, of Dell Computers, was named chairman of a Bush "high-tech advisory council." [MARKS, M., 7-15-99, p. 6] Even in the American hinterlands of Utah, Jewish real estate developer John Price "has long been one of the nation's most generous political donors and the biggest Utah donor to the national Republican Party." [KNUDSON, M., 3-23-97] With the 2001 bombing of Afghanistan, the Los Angeles Times noted that Bush's Secretary of State Colin Powell

     "announced that he had appointed Richard Haass, director of policy planning
     at the State Department, as his special coordinator to explore with United
     Nations and key countries the issue of Afghanistan's future."      
     [RICHTER/PADDOCK, 10-16-01, p. A13]
      Likewise in 1999, on the Democratic side, like virtually all modern day politicians, presidential candidate Bill Bradley felt the same need for Jewish pre-eminence in his campaign. The Jewish Journal of Greater Los Angeles noted that he "has built up considerable Jewish friends and political support. Several of his top aides are Jewish: Doug Berman; his campaign chairman; Gina Clantz, his campaign manager; spokesman Eric Hauser; and Marcia Aronoff, a top adviser." [SHAPIRO, M., 11-19-99]  Even political maverick Pat Buchanan (widely decried by the Jewish community as an "anti-Semite," particularly for his unusually sharp public stands about Zionist influence in Washington), announced in 1999 that Rabbi Aryeh Spero was a "Senior Adviser" to his presidential campaign. One of his four national co-chairmen for the 1996 Buchanan for President Campaign was Rabbi Yahuda Levin. [BRODER, J., 3-12-96, p. A5] In 2000, Buchanan's main rival for the Reform party presidential nomination was John Hagelin. Leonard Goldman, "Hagelin's faction's attorney, said that if the FEC rules in Buchanan’s favor [for government funding], he will seek a court injunction to freeze the money and file a lawsuit." [THE COMMERCIAL APPEAL, 8-14-00, p. A4] Hagelin's vice presidential running mate, Nat Goldhaber, was also Jewish.
     When Massachusetts governor Michael Dukakis challenged George Bush for the presidency in 1988, the head of his presidential finance committee was also Jewish, Alan Levanthol. [UPI, 4-20-87] (That year, in his Dukakis' home state, Jewish businessman Sheldon Adelman made the news for giving both Democrat Dukakis and Republican Bush over $80,000). [BEAM, A., 11-4-88, p. 67]  Dukakis's campaign manager, Susan Estrich, was also Jewish. In 1996, Simon Fireman, also Jewish, vice chairman of the Robert Dole for President Campaign and formerly the head of an organization called Massachusetts Democrats for Reagan, was forced to "pay a record $6 million in fines for funneling illegal contributions through his employees to the Dole camp and other political causes." [COMMERCIAL-APPEAL, 7-11-96, p. 4A] "His plan," noted the Boston Globe, "was to raise enough money for Dole so that Dole would consider him for an ambassadorship if he won." [FLINT, A., 7-22-96]  Fireman was also that year's Hebrew Center "Man of the Year." [PATRIOT-LEDGER, 7-12-96, p. 8] 
     On the Republican side of Massachusetts politics, in 1996 James Rappaport was re-elected as the chairman of the state Republican Party. At the same time, Ron Kaufman, also from Massachusetts and formerly the Political Director in the White House for the George Bush presidential administration, was the GOP National Committeeman. [KLEMOVICH, D., 4-12-96, p. 7; DISTASO, J., 1-14-97, p. 6]
     Elsewhere, within government bureaucracy itself, in 1985, the Jewish Week noted Dov S. Zakheim, the Pentagon's undersecretary for planning and resources in Ronald Reagan's tenure as President (and also an ordained rabbi), [STARR, J., 1990, p. 79] adding that
       "Zakheim ... is not alone as a Jew in a sensitive position dealing with
       U.S.-Israel matters. Whether in the Pentagon, the State Department,
       the Central Intelligence Agency, the White House, the National Security
       Council, the Justice Department, the Federal Bureau of Investigation or
       the Congress, there is no shortage of Jews working in very senior and
       extremely sensitive positions." [BLITZER, 6-27-86, p. 3]

    With George W. Bush's presidential victory in 2000, he appointed Zakheim -- "an ordained -- and meticulously observant -- Orthodox rabbi as Undersecretary of Defense and Comptroller of the Pentagon ... Another [Jew], Paul Wolfowitz, [became] deputy Secretary of Defense, the number two position at the Pentagon." [SIEFF, M., 3-2-01, p. 5] Wolfowitz, noted the Jewish ethnic magazine Forward as the U.S. invaded Afghanistan, "is the official whose feral-sounding surname and bellicose sound-bites have marked him as the administration's wild-eyed warmonger, the wooly counterpoint to that suave and sensible diplomat, Secretary of State Colin Powell ... He has also emerged ... as one of the administation's leading hawks and one of Israel's most important allies ... Mr. Wolfowitz is also a fixture of the capital's Jewish circles.") [KINTISCH, E., 10-12-01, p. 6]

     Coming into the Pentagon with Wolfowitz was fellow Jewish activist Douglas Feith. As the Forward further notes:

     "Mr. Wolfowitz and his associate Douglas Feith, an undersecretary of defense
     for policy, are known as among the administation's most hawkish members when
     it comes to Israel. With [Secretary of Defense Donald] Rumsefeld, they round
     out a Defense triumvirate that has often clashed over Israel with Mr. Powell.
     Speaking to the Jerusalem Post last December, an official of the American Israel
     Public Affairs Committee commended both Mr. Wolfowitz and Mr. Rumsfeld
     for their 'very strong records on Israel.' Mr. Powell's team at [the State Department]
     reportedly fought the nominations of both Mr. Feith and Mr. Wolfowitz."
     [KINTISCH, E., 10-12-01, p. 6]

     In October 1997, Douglas Feith, with his father, Dalck, were formal guests of honor at a yearly Zionist Organization of America awards dinner, both men heralded by the ZOA as "noted Jewish phianthropists and pro-Israel activists." Dalck, who "was active in [far right-wing] Betar, the Zionist youth movement founded by [neo-fascist] Ze'ev Jabotinsky," received the ZOA's "special Centennial Award ... for lifetime service to Israel and the Jewish people. His son, Douglas J. Feith, the former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense, will receive the prestigious Louis D. Brandeis Award at the dinner." [ZIONIST ORG. of AMERICA, 10-13-97]

     Upon Feith's new appointment in the Bush administration in 2001, James Zogby, head of the Arab American Institute, wrote with alarm in an article entitled "A Dangerous Appointment":

     "Douglas J. Feith has been appointed Undersecretary of Policy at the U.S.
     Department of Defense (DOD). This is one of the Pentagon's four senior
     senior posts, charged with 'all matters concerning the formulation of national
     security and defense policy and the integration and oversight of DOD policy
     and plans' ... This is a powerful position with great influence ... A prolific writer,
     Feith has left a long paper trail of anti-Arab tracts and diatribes against those
     who challenge or seek to compromise Israel's strength and as he defines it,
     'moral superiority' over the Arabs ... Feith's law practice in Washington sheds
     further light on the one-sided nature of his work. His small law firm hs one
     international affiliate, in Israel. Over two-thirds of all their reported casework
     involves representing Israeli interests. And, in light of Feith's new appointment,
     one of these cases deserves some attention. As described on the firm's website,
     Feith 'represented a leading Israeli armaments manufacturer in establishing
     joint ventures with leading U.S. aerospace manufacturers for manufacture and
     sale of missile systems, to the U.S. Department of Defense and worldwide ...
     Serious questions must be asked whether or not someone with his views
     and associations can fairly serve in a critical post at the Department of Defense.
     I, for one, am terrified at the prospect. He is an ideologue with an extreme
     anti-Arab bias, and his role in the sensitive position of chief architect of U.S.
     defense policy can, I believe, have grave consequences for the United States
     and its relations with the entire Arab world."
     [ZOGBY, J., 4-16-01]

     Marc Grossman, the new Undersecretary of State, told Israeli President Moshe Katsav at a dinner in Washington DC hosted by the Israeli ambassador that "The main relationship between Israel and the United States is rock solid. Making sure Israel has a military edge over the Arabs is a cornerstone of our foreign policy." [JERUSALEM REPORT, 2001] Bush's first appointment for Secretary of Labor was Linda Chavez. She is married to Chris Gersten, former Executive Director of the Republican Jewish Coalition. [BESSER, J., 1-5-01] Jamie Rubin is the State Department's spokesman in the Bush era.

     "At the time Pollard [the Jewish American spy for Israel, exposed during the Reagan administration] was trading secrets with the Israelis," notes the Jewish magazine Moment, "the Secretary of the Navy was John Lehman [also Jewish]. Never before or since was there a more pro-Israel person in that office. The level of co-operation [with Israel] was unprecedented." [BLOOMFIELD, 4-30-96, p. 24]  In 1982, the biography of another Jewish naval officer, Admiral Hyman G. Rickover, head of the Navy's nuclear power program, was published. "It is difficult to find another twentieth-century American," noted its authors, "who has striven so hard in so many areas of military and civil endeavor. And, especially, one who is doing so has, without elected office, without even accountability to his superiors in government, attained absolute and total control of a large segment of the American defense establishment ... [POLMAR/ALLEN, p. 11] ... By the 1970s Rickover was practically an honorary member of Congress." [POLMAR/ALLEN, p. 244]
     And what of the likes of a fellow Jew at the heart of the US Navy nuclear program -- Israel-lover Alvin Radkowsky? Radowsky, notes the Jerusalem Post, "immigrated to Israel in 1972 after serving as chief scientist of the US Navy nuclear propulsion program for 24 years." [SIEGEL, J., 6-2-97] Would not such a scientist moving to Iran or Russia, or anywhere else, deservedly raise some eyebrows, and probably the creation of some new laws?
     Seymour Hersh notes Israeli power in maneuvering through the American government for what it has needed militarily : 
      "William Bader, who was serving in 1979 as Assistant Deputy
      Under-Secretary of Defense for Policy, recalled his frustration at
      knowing that the Israelis were 'edging deeper into the overhead'
      and not knowing how to stop it. 'You didn't know where to
      complain,' Bader said. 'We knew that these guys [the Israelis]
      had access that went around the colonels and the deputy assistant
      secretaries.' If a complaint got to the wrong office, he explained,
      'you might get your head handed back to you.'" [HERSH, S., p. 13-14]
     In 1988 the Jewish hunt for anti-Semites among Republicans succeeded in having eight George Bush administration aides "dismissed" -- or forced to "resign" -- for anti-Semitism. One of them was Frederick Malek, Deputy Chairman of the Republican National Convention. His crime was that in 1971, under orders from President Richard Nixon, he collected a list of Bureau of Labor employees with Jewish-sounding names. Nixon was concerned, says the Jewish Week, with a "Jewish cabal" in that bureau. 13 of 35 top administrators in that department were ascertained to be Jewish. [JEWISH WK, 9-16-88]  When Nixon faced the Watergate investigations that eventually drove him from office, two of the three Justice Department prosecutors on his tail were also Jewish. [VOLKMAN, p. 103] With the release to the public of the famous "Nixon tapes" in 1999, London's Daily Telegraph notes that
      "In July 1971 Nixon felt he was undermined by the unexpected release
      of bad unemployment figures by the Bureau of Labour Statistics. He
      ordered Charles Colson, a staff member he often used for unpleasant
      tasks, to investigate the bureau with a view to sacking its Jewish head.
      On the tapes, Colson lists the names of the leading officials at which
      Nixon exclaims incredulously, 'They are all Jews?' Colson replies:
      'Every one of them. Well, with a couple exceptions.'" [FENTON, B.,
      10-7-99, p. 24]
     In 1981, a Reagan appointee to the Department of Health and Human Services office, Warren Richardson, was dismissed when it was discovered he had a link to the far right-wing Liberty Lobby organization, a group known to be especially critical of the Jewish community. [VOLKMAN, p. 58] Likewise, in the same year, Ernest Lefever was forced to withdraw his nomination as Assistant Secretary for Human Rights when it was discovered that he had written an article that was interpreted to be too sympathetic to Arab nations in their conflict with Israel. [VOLKMAN, p. 62-65]
     In earlier years, United States Attorney General William Saxbee found himself under attack as an anti-Semite when, in the context of discussing the shift from governmental concerns about Communist spies to new kinds of subversion, he made the public relations mistake of mentioning the "change in the Jewish intellectual, who in those days was very enamored of the Communist Party." [VOLKMAN, p. 105] This statement, based on considerable fact as we have seen, threw Saxbee into an apologetic mode for all the Jewish organizations that soon assailed him. Modern Jewish scholarship has also decided that there were anti-Semites in the State Department (so much dominated by Jews and Zionist policy today) in earlier decades. William Carr, "backbone of the State Department" in the 1930s stands accused by Richard Breitman and Alan Kraut, as does William Phillips, an undersecretary to Franklin Delano Roosevelt ("Phillips hated Jews"), and Breckenridge Long. [BREITMAN/KRAUT, 1986, p. 170, 176, 188]
     In 1969, Vice President Spiro T. Agnew even told Jewish newswoman Barbara Walters on NBC's Today Show that a "Jewish cabal" in the media permitted "Zionist influence" to "tilt American foreign policy unduly towards Israel." (Agnew later even wrote a novel, The Canfield Decision,  "in which pro-Israeli zealots conspire with an American vice-president to take over the United States.")  [VOLKMAN, p. 104] Two of Agnew's former (Jewish) speechwriters -- William Safire and Victor Gold ( who was also once Agnew's press secretary) -- protested the vice-president's public commentary on national TV. In the 1970s, Stephen Isaacs noted the "entrepreneurial bent" of men like Safire:
     "The strong entrepreneurial bent of Jewish political professionals
     is discernible in careers like those of [Frank] Mankiewicz, William
     Safire, and [Ben] Wattenberg, to select three of the more prominent
     ones. Mankiewicz, who has a degree in law, has moved from law
     to journalism to political staffing to journalism, back to direct
     politics, then to book writing. Safire went from journalism to
     television producing to public relations to speech writing in the
     Nixon White House and then again into journalism, as a columnist
     for the New York Times." [ISAACS, p. 34]
     Wattenberg started out as a speech writer for Lyndon Johnson. [JARVIK, L., 1997, p. 196] He was also once the campaign manager for ardently pro-Israel senator Henry "Scoop" Jackson. [RADOSH, R., 1996, p. 155]
      In 1995, during the Presidential campaign, Republican challenger Bob Dole was accused by a former low-level aide, Stanley Hilton, of having anti-Semitic views. "Dole sometimes privately expressed envy and resentment at Jews for having an unduly large amount of money, power, and influence in the United States," wrote Hilton, "... Like his hero Richard Nixon and many other traditional WASP Republicans, Dole has sometimes been critical of Jews, their politics, and their financial power." [DORF, M, Unauth., p. ]  
     Incredibly, even Hillary Clinton was charged with anti-Semitism in July 2000, an accusation that loomed as a possible death blow to her campaign for Senate in New York. More incredibly, this charge made national news. A former (Jewish) writer for the National Enquirer (!) wrote that Hillary once called a man who worked for the Bill Clinton, Paul Fray, a "Jew bastard." Fray, the accuser, wasn't even Jewish, there was no evidence that the incident ever took place except his own charge, and it allegedly took place 26 years ago in Arkansas. Even Ms. Clinton, champion of the Jews, surrounded by Jewish aides and associates throughout government, was twisted down and forced to squirm before the omnipresent Jewish Inquisition. At a special press conference she emphatically denied the charge. [MSNBC, 7-17-2000]
      In 1991, the White House Chief of Staff, John Sununu, of Lebanese Arab ancestry, found himself embroiled in controversy over governmental travel expenses for personal use. The controversy stretched further when he was alleged to have accused Jewish lobbying groups of carrying out a vendetta against him. "The charge that he may have blamed Jewish groups and others for his woes is serious," noted the Boston Globe, "because it could arouse widespread concerns among Jews that Sununu is antagonistic to them." [KURKJIAN, p. 1] Earlier, the Wall Street Journal had quoted an unnamed source who said that "Israel's supporters quietly campaign against him." [KURKJIAN, p. 1]  Jewish leaders had long been concerned about Sununu from the start of his tenure, noted the Los Angeles Times, because of his "refusal to join other governors in denouncing the 'Zionism is racism' vote at the United Nations." [WALKER, p. M2]
       Also in 1991, a speech by the Bush administration's Secretary of State, James Baker, to AIPAC, was noted in the Jewish Week: "The speech was written by American Jews because Baker's key aides are Jewish." [AIN, S, CULTURAL, 1-18-91, p. 16] (The "speech writer and policy analyst" for the Reagan administration's first Secretary of State, Alexander Haig, was also Jewish, Harvey Sicherman. Haig's Executive Assistant was Sherwood Goldberg.) [HAIG, p. 61-62] James Baker's four-person team to broker the Arab-Israeli peace negotiations were also all Jews -- Dennis Ross, Daniel Kurtzer, Aaron Miller, and Richard Haas. [GOLDBERG, JJ, p. 231] "We act in America's interest, but through a prism," one of the peace team members told a Jewish reporter, "speaking on condition of anonymity." [GOLDBERG, p. 232] In the Republican administration's White House State Department, in the same year, 1991, seven of 19 assistant secretaries were also Jewish.
     Even more recently, a popular "media consultant, pollsters, and strategist" for prominent Republican politicians has been Arthur Finkelstein. His client list, noted the Metrowest Jewish News in 1996, "reads like a who's who of conservatism including [Israeli right-wing Likud party Prime Minister Benyamin] Netanyahu, New York governor George Pataki, Senator Alfonso D'Amato (NY), Jesse Helms (NC) and Ronald Lauder. [FRIEDLAND, E., 7-11-96, p. 8]
     In 1991 President George Bush was nearly overwhelmed by the Jewish American lobby against his efforts to limit (via conditions on loan guarantees, as part of the Israel-Arab peace negotiation) continued Israeli settlement in (the largely Arab) Occupied Territories. Church organizations that urged Bush to deny Israel's request for money for this project included the American Friends Service Committee, Episcopal Church, American Baptist Church, Evangelical Lutheran Church, Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers, National Council of Churches, Presbyterian Churches, Roman Catholic Conference of Major Superiors of Men, Unitarian Universalist Association and the United Church of Christ. [GINZBERG, p. 227]
      Jewish journalist Glenn Frankel noted the scenario: "Reading the satellite data, the headlines and [Israeli minister] Ariel Sharon's public statements, [Bush] and his staff concluded that Israel had launched a large-scale settlement program even while Shamir was telling Washington that no such buildup was taking place. Bush grew increasingly furious ... And now AIPAC and Shamir and their allies in Congress were telling the administration that the loan guarantees were no longer in Bush's power to grant or deny. To George Bush, it felt as if Israel and its friends were spitting in his face." [FRANKEL, G., p. 301]
     Framing the loan guarantees as non-negotiable humanitarian aide to help build housing for new Jewish immigrants from Russia escaping anti-Semitism, the Jewish forces against President Bush became "one of the biggest and most emotionally powerful lobbying campaigns American Jewish groups had ever organized ... Bush fielded phone calls from senators who warned that they could not resist American Jewish pressure to approve the guarantees without a strong public stance by the president himself." [FRANKEL, p. 303]
     Bush did go public, complaining in a speech that he was "up against some powerful political forces ... We're up against very strong and effective, sometimes, groups that go up in the [Capitol] Hill." [FRANKEL, p. 304] Bush's courage to stand up to the Jewish lobby, however veiled, drew an avalanche of condemnation from Jews who saw it "as a blatant appeal to anti-Semitism, a claim that Jews were too powerful and too shadowy, that they needed to be confronted. They also did not like being portrayed as serving the interest of a foreign power in opposing the President." [FRANKEL, p. 305]  Israeli cabinet members Ehud Omert and Rehavim Zeevi openly called him an anti-Semite. Bush eventually was forced to make a public apology to the Jewish community for the few careful clauses he had spoken about Jewish power. "Bush's role in defeating [Israel's] request [for the funds]," notes Glenn Frankel, "helped elect Democratic opponent Bill Clinton in November 1992." [FRANKEL, p. 313]
     Across the world, in 1999 a French author, Jean d'Ormessan, a member of the French Academy, stirred controversy when he wrote that France's former socialist president, Francois Mitterand, made an "anti-Semitic" statement to him in 1995. "According to M. d' Ormessan," noted the Times (of London), "Mitterand said, 'There you can see the powerful and harmful Jewish lobby in France.' Although there is no evidence to support this claim, some of Mitterand's aides, including Jacques Attali, said yesterday the former president had made similar anti-Semitic comments on other occasions. Jean Daniel, the editor of Le Nonvel Observateur and a staunch supporter of Mitterand, said he had talked of a Zionist lobby." [SAGE]  (For that matter, the same year, another deceased French hero, underwater explorer Jacques Cousteau, was also assailed in the news media for a similar crime. "The biographer of Jacques Cousteau," announced the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, "has uncovered evidence that the late underwater explorer harbored anti-Semitic attitudes." [DAVIS, D., 6-22-99, p. 14]

     In 2002, outgoing French Foreign Minister Hubert Vedrine made Jewish international news. "In a closed meeting" with European Union and Mediterranean state foreign ministers, said the Jerusalem Post, Vedrine declared that Israeli prime minister Ariel Sharon was "an obstacle to the [Mideast] peace process bolstered in his intransigence by American Jewry, which Vedrine said is essentialy more Sharon than Sharon ... The French foreign minister said American Jewry -- which supports Sharon -- is more 'intransigent' than the prime minister, and influences the positions of President George Bush." [KEINON, H., 4-24-02]
     In Italy, in 1994, the Italian government felt enough international Jewish pressure  to "formally reassure American Jews that it had no anti-Semitic bias after a Cabinet minister blamed 'New York's Jewish lobby' for Italy's economic problems." [COWELL, A., p. 14]
     Meanwhile, Jews in the upper echelons of the American university system typically produce protective fictions about Jewish/Zionist power, like this from professor Steven Spiegel:
     "Jewish political strength arises from thousands of individual Jews who
     are prepared to express their sentiments to politicians and officials.
     Intense concern in part compensates for small numbers. Moreover, Jews
     have neither a bureaucratic mission nor a profit motive. Their religious,
     humanitarian, and ethnic concerns often appear more altruistic and less
     self-serving to politicians than those of their adversaries." [SPIEGEL, p.
     Moving along in the nation's capital, "the Adat Yisrael synagogue in Washington," observed Israeli journalist Bar-Yosef, in his article about Jewish influence in the Federal government, "is not only a place of worship. It is a Jewish community center .... its members are the creme of Washington society, rich businessmen. All are wealthy people ... The entrance fee to the synagogue is $1000 for a single holiday ... the most important reason for their praying is that they feel a close connection to Israel." [BAR-YOSEF]
     Across town, in Georgetown, is another prominent synagogue where "its prayers," says Bar-Yossef, "are conducted in the Israeli style favored by 'Gush Emunim'  [the racist Jewish messianic movement]. The Israeli flag is proudly displayed above the Sacred Ark alongside the American flag ... Many Jewish Administration officials pray there. They not only don't try to conceal their religious affiliation but go to great length to demonstrate their Judaism since it may help their careers greatly." [BAR-YOSEF]
     The prominent Washington DC Jewish community does not just have deep roots in the American government. "In the Washington media," says Bar-Yossef, "a significant part of the most important persons and most popular programs on the TV are warm Jews. A significant part of the senior media correspondents, newspaper editors, and analysts are Jewish and many of them are warm Jews too. Many of them are influenced in Israel's favor by attending suitable synagogues." [BAR-YOSEF]
     Media members cited by Bar-Yossef include Barry Schweid (Associated Press' political reporter) and Amy Schwartz (the Washington Post's education reporter) who "regularly participate in a prayer session which is considered to be close to Israel at the Cleveland Park synagogue. Also the Israeli flag is posted proudly about the Sacred Ark." [BAR-YOSSEF]
      In 1997 the Wall Street Journal carried a disturbing item in its pages about Vadim Rabinovich, founder and head of the All-Ukrainian Jewish Congress and business associate of prominent Jewish-American Republican entrepreneur Ronald Lauder in Eastern European mass media enterprises. Rabinovich, as noted earlier, made the news for his alleged connections to the Russian mafia, particularly through a Russian-owned company in Vienna called Nordex. The Journal said this:
     "A Congressional fund-raising probe last year disclosed that Mr.
      Rabinovich and [Nordex President] Mr. Loutchansky met President
      Clinton in 1993 and were invited to a Democratic National Convention
      fundraiser in 1995. Though they never attended, the revelation prompted
      another former CIA director, R. James Woolsey, to issue a written
      statement accusing the Clinton administration of 'at a bare minimum
       ... a severe lack of scrutiny and appalling bad judgment. It would be
      unwise in the extreme for there to be any ties between the United States
      government and ... Nordex."
     The other former CIA director quoted, John Deutch, had noted that Nordex "is an example of Russian criminal activity moving out of Russia." [BRZEZINSKI, M. WOES, p. A18]
      But Vadim Rabinovich did attend the Democratic fundraiser in Miami in 1995. The Washington Post even ran a snapshot of Rabinovich standing between President Clinton and Vice President Al Gore, the three men posing for the camera, obviously as a memento for Rabinovich, this when his visa to the United States had been revoked a month earlier. [FARRIS, p. A18]   Who managed to get him there between the two most powerful men in American government? How did they do it? Who was beholding to who and what does it all mean? (Upon Clinton's closure as American president, he has had many well-paid opportunities to speak to his Jewish constituency, including three such audiences (Glasgow, Manchester, London)in a single week in England. Coming up was a $100,000 speaking engagement in Israel sponsored by "Nes Technologies, headed by former ministry director general Aharon Fogel." Thanks to Clinton's efforts in raising $17 million for an Israeli project in the Negev desert, a reservoir was tabbed to be named after him.) [MARCUS, R., 12-17-01]
     A common paradigm to Jewish devotion and transcendent allegiance within, but rooted without, the American political scene may be measured in the following example.  In 1995, Barry Rubin, a former Jewish American foreign service diplomat (press officer) who was held captive in the notorious Iran "hostage crisis," by now a professor at Hebrew University in Jerusalem, listed the following arguments against a complete Jewish assimilation into American society:
        " * Total assimilation diminishes the individual ... To ignore the unique
              factors shaping one's standpoint is intellectually and
              psychologically impoverishing ...
           * Total assimilation means the extinction of a type of individual
              whose worldview and standpoint has shown extraordinary social
              and intellectual worth ...
           * However cloaked as altruistic or universalist, total assimilation is a
              desertion of comrades for basically selfish interests ...
           * Rejection of Jewish peoplehood for another ideology, nation, or
              religion does not denote progress but a descent in moral and
              historical consciousness ... Jews ... possess ... a past and an
              alternative intellectual universe extending before and beyond
              America." [RUBIN, p. 250-251]
      How many non-Jewish readers will read this section on government -- and the rest of the book -- and be stunned by the sheer scope of what they didn't know. Is a Zionist-centered government the kind of rule non-Jewish Americans would choose, if (breaking through systematically enforced censorship on the subject of Jewish dominance) they had any access to information about the problem, and grasped the enormous dimensions to the issue? This is what President James Madison, one of the founders of the American Constitutional government, had to say about the prerequisite for a healthy democracy, today so disturbingly lacking:
      "A popular government, without popular information, or the means
      of acquiring it, is but a prologue to a farce or a tragedy; or perhaps
      both. Knowledge will forever govern ignorance; and a people who
      mean to be their own government must arm themselves with the power
      which knowledge gives."

    Let's conclude this section of this chapter with the very tangible implications of our Zionist-centered government for the American people: war, increased animosity against the American people by Arabs and Muslims everywhere because of pro-Israel foreign policy,
and a frightening future for everyone. The following words in 1998 are those of Osama Bin Laden, America's foremost terrorist enemy, internationally notorious after the 2001 Pentagon and World Trade Center jet attacks upon thousands, including both civilians and military personnel:

The American government, we think, is an agent that represents the Israel inside
      America. If we look at sensitive departments in the present government like the
      defense department or the state department, or sensitive security departments like
      the CIA and others, we find that Jews have the first word in the American government,
      which is how they use America to carry out their plans in the world and especially
      the Muslim world. The presence of Americans in the Holy Land supports the Jews
      and gives them a safe back. The American government, in a time where there are
      millions of Americans living on the street and those living below the standard of
      living and below the poverty line, we find the American government turning toward
      helping Israel in occupying our land and building settlements in the Holy Land."

      [MILLER, J., 6-9-98, ABC News]

      Samplings elsewhere:
      "Jews," noted M. Hirsch Goldberg in 1976,
     "have served as the heads of governments in the Diaspora in nine
     different countries: England (Benjamin Disraeli), France (Leon Blum,
     Pierre Mendes-France and Rene Mayer), Italy (Luigi Luzzatti and
     Sidney Sonnino), Austria (Bruno Kreisky), Australia (Sir Isaac
     Isaacs), Bavaria (Kurt Eisner), Hungary (Bela Kun), India (Marquis
     of Reading), and Palestine (Sir Herbert Samuel) ... In [South] Africa ...
     Saul Solomon ... declined several offers to serve as Prime Minister."
     [GOLDBERG, M., 1976, p. 51-52]
     In Great Britain today, Jews are an incredibly influential lobbying presence in the national government. Even England's most famous (and non-Jewish) statesman, Winston Churchill declared in 1954: "I am a Zionist. Let met make that clear. I was one of the original ones, after the Balfour Declaration, and I have worked faithfully for it." "As a boy," notes the Zionist journal Midstream, "Churchill saw that, however rude his father could be to everyone else, he maintained a warm social connection to Nathan Rothschild and Sir Ernest Cassel, the heads of the two greatest banking houses. (Cassel was a German-born banker who adopted England and moved in the most elevated circles, including that of Edward, Prince of Wales, with whom he was an intimate.") [COLEMAN, D., MAY-JUNE 1999, p. 10]
      An Arab critic noted the political situation in England in the 1980s with concern. "English people were often furious about the disproportionate representation the Jews got in [Margaret Thatcher's] cabinet," wrote Asem Hamdan, "One branch of the Conservative Party, known as the Monday Club, openly criticized key portfolios such as interior and finance being held by Jews. Thatcher responded by closing the club." [HAMDAN]  (A former "pillar of the Monday Club" was Harold Soref, who resigned from the British Board of Deputies in 1984. "It has long been my view," he said, "that the policies of the British Board of Deputies help create anti-Semitism." [DAILY TELE, 3-17-93]
     As half of one percent of the British population, Jews in the Margaret Thatcher era held 5 of 20 cabinet positions. Her high office Jewish contingent included Nigel Lawson (Chancellor, who resigned over the "Westland Affair"), Leon Brittan (Trade and Industry Secretary), David Young (Minister without portfolio, Malcolm Rifkind (Foreign Secretary), and Keith Joseph. British Chief Rabbi Immanuel Jacobovitz was awarded a seat in the House of Lords. "I was born to a Lithuanian father and am of Jewish descent," noted Minister David Young. "My only brother, Stewart, is chairman of the BBC. My father used to say, 'One son deputy chairman of the government, another chairman of the BBC -- that's not bad for immigrants." [TALATI, p. 12]
     Gerald Kaufman, an eventual British Member of Parliament, notes that he "followed  [his father] into Zionism. I became a member of PZ [Poale Zion] and of Labour Friends of Israel ... During the [1967 Israeli] six-day war and its aftermath, when I worked in Harold Wilson's office at 10 Downing Street, I went every day to the Israeli embassy as a secret link between the [British] prime minister and the Israeli ambassador, Aharon Remez. My work was well known to the Israeli government and a subsequent [Israeli] prime minister, Golda Meir, thanked me for it." [KAUFMAN, p. 14]
     In 1983 a Russian communist (Leonid Belkin) perspective was cited by the BBC:  "Inconspicuous Conservatives such as Brittan and Lawson ascending to the pinnacle of power is by no means a miracle. One contributing factor which is not taken into account as a rule is the support of the Jewish bourgeoisie and the numerous Zionist organizations in Britain which served its interests. This factor reflects the growing Zionist influence on the country's political life ... Before the 1970s the Jewish bourgeoisie was represented by only two MPs in Parliament ... By the end of the 1970s the number was 12, and in 1983, 17." [BELKIN] By 1997, 20 Jews were members of Parliament. [BUTLER/KAVANAGH, p. 200]
      As one observer, Galina Orionova, noted about traditional Soviet views of the West:
     "[The Zionist conspiracy theory] permeates the Soviet press corps
     at both the national and the local level. They are not only interested in
     Israel itself. They're interested in the power of the American Jewish
     lobby and how it defines American foreign policy." [RA'NNAN/LUKES,
     p. 229]
     In 1997 the Jerusalem Post ran an article sub-headlined: "The British Labor Party Leader Tony Blair Has Assiduously Courted the Jewish Community. It Looks Like It Will Pay Off in Next Thursday's Election." It did; Blair won. He was England's new prime minister. The article further noted that:
     "Blair has repeatedly pledged that he would 'not repeat the mistakes
     of the previous Labor leaders during the Eighties,' who were
     regarded as insensitive, if not apathetic, to Jewish causes, notably
     Israel. Blair has been well rewarded when the media revealed last
     year that a secret fund had been set up to finance his office, it
     was also revealed that the architect of the fund was a prominent
     Jewish accounting firm in London and that the major donors
     included leading members of the Jewish community." [DAVID, D.,
     4-25-97, p. 8]
     Such Jewish donors included Sir Trevor Chinn (chairman of England's largest motor dealer, and also "president of the Joint Israel Appeal, Britain's biggest fundraising charity for Israel," [RUFFURD] and Michael Goldstein, a partner in the Blick Rothenberg company that oversaw the fund. "David Rothenburg, the firm's senior tax partner," noted the (London) Sunday Times, "was in Israel this weekend and unavailable for comment [about the fund]." [RUFFURD] Other secret contributors included Alex Bernstein -- the chairman of the Granada television empire, and Emmanuel Kaye.
     In 1998, the (London) Guardian noted another lobbying case, that of the new Lawson Lucas Mendelsohn (LLD) "company [that was] embroiled in the row over political lobbying." [HENCKE, p. 3] Steve Rubin, "the main venture capitalist" behind the company met John Mendelsohn, a founder of LLD, "after working with him on Jewish charities." [HENCKE, p. 3]  Yet another powerful Jewish British lobbyist (and eventual politician), Michael Levy, was noted by the Daily Telegraph in 1996 as the "millionaire record producer and philanthropist [who] is the power behind the Labour leader's [Tony Blair's] throne ... His crucial gift to Labour's war chest will be through fund-raising, something he is extremely good at." [SYLVESTER, p. 9]  Levy noted the Independent, "owns luxurious homes in north London and Israel." [WOLMAR, p. 3] He "is estimated to have raised some $60 million for Blair, much of it from Jewish donors and much of it channeled through a blind trust to shield the identity of the donors and protect Blair from scandal." [DAVIS, D., 2-10-2000, p. 5]
     By 2000, Levy (now deemed the position of Lord Levy by Blair) was being criticized by the British press for his role as "Blair's secret Foreign Minister." "Officials are concerned," noted the Express, "that Mr. Blair is bypassing normal diplomatic channels, using a close friend [Levy] who is unelected, unaccountable, and publicly unknown, as a roving ambassador. Lord Levy is the man who raised the cash for the 'blind trust' which financed Mr. Blair's office before he became Prime Minister in 1997." Levy has visited Syria, Jordan, Oman, Qatar, Bahrain, Lebanon, Egypt, and Israel on British ambassador-like missions. [BEVINS, A., 3-10-2000] Levy, noted the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, "is deeply mistrusted by large sections of the British political establishment and has been the subject of questions by legislators." [DAVIS, D., 2-10-2000, p. 5] He "is now the the chief fundraiser for the 'high value' donors account at the Labour Party, along with his deputy Amanda Delew (who worked with him at Jewish Care)." [RED STAR RESEARCH]
     In a later article the Jerusalem Post noted with satisfaction the growing prominence of Jews in places of power in the British government:
     "'We're not yet a majority, but we certainly have more than a
     minyan [the minimal number of Jews necessary to hold religious
     services together] -- and Tony Blair is helping,' said Lord Wolf,
     one of several Jewish members of the House of Lords. Recent
     examples of that brand of assistance included Michael Levy, former
     Jewish Care chairperson ... former Labor MP Greville Janner [also
     an honorary vice president of the World Jewish Congress and former
     head of the Board of Deputies of British Jews], and Anthony Jacobs,
     an active Liberal Democrat who is chairman of the board of governors
     of Haifa University [in Israel]. All three have been elevated to peerage
     since Blair became prime minister." [CASHMAN, p. 14]
     Other Jews in the House of Lords in the late 1990s were Andrew Stone (also chairman of the British Overseas Trade Board Group for Israel), Daniel Sainsbury ("one of the richest men in the country" [JONES, G.], and Daniel Finkelstein, among many others. (Finkelstein is the "personal policy advisor" for "Tory leader" William Hague. In 2000 the Times of London noted that Hague "is hoping that his current visit to Israel will help to capture at least four marginal [Parliament] seats with significant Jewish votes.") [WATSON, R., 6-2-2000] The British Home Secretary was also Jewish, Michael Howard. As noted earlier, Peter Mandelson resigned as Britain's Trade and Industry Secretary. (Caught in a minor scandal, the charges against him, suggests one supporter, was "insidious, unregistered anti-Semitism." [GLANVILLE, p. 10] In recent years Keith Joseph has been the Education Secretary and head of the Department of Trade and Industry. In 1998, the testimony of a British M-15 officer "linked [former Defense and Foreign Secretary Malcolm Rifkind] to an alleged plot to assassinate [Libya leader] Colonel Gaddafi." The February 1996 bomb did not succeed in killing him. [HANNAH/DINGWELL, p. 16]
     In 1999, Leon Brittan, by now the European Union's Trade Minister, complained about a trade dispute between the United States and Europe. "He blames," said the Economist, with no trace of humorous irony, "the 'extreme political influence wielded by Chiquita,' an American banana company.'" [ECONOMIST, p 2-6-99, p. 56]  

    Jewish lobbying influence in the British Parliament is comparable to that in the United States Congress. In 2001, during the much-reported Palestinian revolt against Israeli rule,
"a meeting of MPs and peers supportive of Israel ... [was held] to counter the growing pro-Arab sentiment at Westminister. Organised jointly by the Labour, Conservative, and Liberal Democrat Friends of Israel groups, the rally [was] expected [to attract numbers] ... well into three figures. [The sponsoring umbrella group was] the all-party Britain-Israel Parliamentary Group." [JOSEPHS, B., 3-2-01, p. 19]

     In 2002, wary of the subcurrent of Zionism, the Iranian foreign minister to Great Britain was "doing his best to block the appointment of a British ambassador who comes from Jewish stock." [MARCUS, Y., 1-13-02]
     Ireland? There are scant Jews in that country but as Hank Greenspun noted in 1966,
     "Bear in mind Robert Briscoe, the Jewish Lord Mayor of Dublin ...
     worked for both Irish Republican and Zionist causes; and Rabbi
     Herzog, Israel's first Chief Rabbi, [was] once the Chief Rabbi of
     Ireland." [GREENSPUN, H., 1966, p. 35] [More Ireland]
      In France, Jews constitute about one percent of the French population. In 1997, the American Jewish Yearbook noted the "relatively high number of Jews active in French politics." [SINGER/SELDIN, 1997, p. 287] In 1999, Daniel-Cohn Bendit was "one of the best-placed leftist candidates for mayor [of Paris], just behind the socialist finance minister [of the French government], Dominique Strauss-Kahn." [WEBSTER, 7-9-99] "During the heady days of the [19]68 protests that rocked France, it seemed Cohn-Bendit was everywhere, on every barricade, at the head of every protest." [SEWARD, D., 3-22-99] "As long as there is anti-Semitism, I am a Jew," says Cohn-Bendit. [WOSNITZA, R., 1-26-01] For Strauss-Kahn's part, he resigned in the midst of a scandal in November 1999. He was accused of having earlier accepted $100,000 from a health care company for fictitious services. His signature appeared on two forged documents.  Strauss-Kahn had "the broadest portfolio --finance, economy, and industry -- in the French government." [DAHLBURG, J., 11-3-99, p. A20]  Jean Kahn is the president of the French Central Consistory and Jack Lang is another former government minister.
      Among others of the political elite, Laurent Fabius was the youngest (38) prime minister (the fourth Jewish one) [GOLDBERG, M. H., 1976, p. 167] in French history).  He began his term in 1984. By 1999, now president of the National Assembly (the parallel to the U.S. House of Representatives), he was involved in emotionally-charged controversy. He, and two other politicians, were tried on charges of involuntary manslaughter in their decisions (years earlier) to delay government testing that could have  prevented the HIV virus from contaminating hospital blood supplies. 1,000 people eventually died as a result of the delay.  In a controversial decision by a French court, he and the other defendants were ultimately acquitted. "The Court of Justice of the Republic has given the impression," responded the Le Figaro daily, "of sparing those in power." "The verdict," declared Liberation, "was political." "The verdict issued Tuesday by the special court of judges and politicians," noted Agence France Presse, "triggered angry cries of political bias and judicial incompetence from across the spectrum." [AGENCE FRANCE PRESSE, 3-10-99]  "Mr. Fabius," said the Irish Times, "has over the past five years orchestrated a vast public relations campaign in which scientists, professors, and politicians have defended him in the media. Some claimed that Mr. Fabius, who is Jewish, was ... a victim of anti-Semitism. The strategy paid off yesterday." [MARLOWE, L., 3-10-99, p. 14] "Friends," noted the Times (of London), "see the Jewish politician as a victim of anti-Semitic emotion." [BREMNER, C., 2-13-99] Fabius is also co-author of the Fabius-Gayssor law, which makes it a punishable crime in France to deny the existence of the Holocaust.
     For decades, Jewish politician Simone Veil has also been in the forefront of French politics. She was the president of the European Economic Union Parliament in 1979-82. In 1994, as the French Social Affairs and Health Minister, she enforced the government's ban on Muslim schoolgirls' headscarves in classes. "The ban has provoked outrage among Moslems," noted Agence France Presse, "since it effectively allows the wearing of crucifixes and [Jewish] skullcaps." [AGENCE PRESSE FRANCE, 11-2-94]  In 1983, Veil was awarded the Zionist Jabotinsky Foundation's "Shield of Jerusalem Prize" for "defense of the rights of Jewish people." [NEW YORK TIMES, 11-14-83, p. B2] She was also, noted the Washington Post, "instrumental in forcing French television to show the American-produced 'Holocaust' series on the fate of the Jews in Nazi Europe after the head of all three TV stations had made public statements refusing to show it." [KOVEN, R., 5-15-79]
     As early as the 1950s, notes Barnett Litvinoff,
     "From 1950 to 1954 [French] politics were largely dominated by
     Rene Mayer and Pierre Mendes-France. They were both of the
     Radical-Socialist wing, yet at the same time such bitter enemies
     as to prompt one anti-Semitic monthly, Ecrits de Paris, to see
     their feud as an age-old conflict between Ashkenazi and Sephardi!
     Gilbert Grandval, a baptized Jew, had been Resident-General in
     Morocco, Jules Moch was playing an important international role
     at the United Nations, while the faithful Gaullist Rene Cassin won
     immense prestige as president of the Supreme Court of Appeal.
     Prime Minister [Edgar] Faure's wife too, was a Jewess [LITVINOFF, p.
     126] ... The Jews themselves did not realize their own importance
     until the national elections of March 1967, when every party, not
     excluding the Communists, hastened to express its admiration for
     the state of Israel." [LITVINOFF, p. 132]
     In 1988, "one of France's leading Jews," Rene Cassin, former president of France's Jewish umbrella group Alliance Israelite Universelle, "was reinterred in the Pantheon, the resting place of France's heroes ... with full national honors ... He represented France at the League of Nations from 1924 till 1938 and served as a legal adviser to [president Charles] De Gaulle's Free French Forces in London during the war ... In 1967 Cassin bitterly criticized De Gaulle's decision to embargo French weapons to Israel." [SINGER, D., 1989, p. 313]
     Also in France, in 1991, the former national spokesman for the left-wing ecology-based Green Party, Jean Briere, was sued by two Jewish organizations and the "International League Against Racism and Anti-Semitism"  for comments he had made in an internal party memorandum about that year's Persian Gulf War. In it he denounced the "warmongering role of Israel and the Zionist lobby." Israel he wrote, was a "racist, militaristic, theocratic and expansionist state, with a policy based on the logic of perennial war ... The influence of the Jewish lobby in the United States was decisive in the states in favor of war." [ZLOTOWSKI, M., 4-21-91]
     For these statements, Briere was given a suspended three-month jail sentence and fined $3,700 under existing "hate laws" by a French court. The punishments were later overturned, only because the memo was intended as an internal memorandum and not to be made public. [More France] (In October 2000, the [Jewish] Forward reported that the Green Party, behind its presidential candidate Ralph Nader, "called this week for a suspension of United States aid to Israel and blamed the jewish state for the current violence in the Middle East ... Democratic activists are calling the Green Party's statement one of the most anti-Israel ever attributed to a party engaged in a presidential campaign -- They are demanding that Green Party Jews abandon Mr. Nader and his running mate, Winona LaDuke, a Native American activist whose mother is Jewish.") [CATTAN, N., 10-27-00]
     In 1999, a Jewish woman, Ruth Dreifuss, became Switzerland's new president. Jo Benkow was the head of the Conservative Party of Norway from 1980-84. He was the Speaker of the Norwegian Parliament from 1985-93, a position that "is often referred to as 'president' and is second in the official chain of command behind the King." [ALTMAN-OHR, 2-11-2000, p. 8] Despite the fact that Jews have always been a tiny group in Denmark, (there are only about 7,000 Jews in today's population of 4.2 million), Edvard Brandes was once "leader of Denmark's Liberal Party and twice minister of finance; Herman Trier, president of Parliament; General C. J. De Meza, commander of the Danish army during the war with Prussia in 1864." [SACHAR, H., 1985, p. 73] In 2001, in the Netherlands, the State Secretary of Justice, Job Cohen, became the mayor of Amsterdam. As the Jewish Chronicle noted, "most recent mayors have been Social Democrats, and Jews ... Harry van den Bergh, a Cohen political ally and head of the Dutch Refugees Association remarked, "As a Jew, I find it exceptional that we have a Jewish mayor of Amsterdam for the fourth time since the war ... Premier Wim Kok is said to be looking for a chosen successor, and Job Cohen is among the names which have been mentioned.." [FRIEDMANN, E., 1-26-01]
      In Italy, Tullia Zevi, head of the Union of Italian Jewish Communities, is described by the American Jewish Yearbook as "one of the most prominent women in Italy." [SINGER/SELDIN, 1997, p. 324] [See earlier discussion of Jewish prominence in Mussolini's fascist Italy] In 2001, non-Jewish media mogul Silvio Berlusconi became the prime minister of Italy, heading a right-of-center government. "Berlusconi's new administration," noted the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, "will be the most pro-Israel government in Italy in years. Defense Minister Antonio Martino, for example, is vice president of the Italian Friends of Israel association ... 'We have a lot of friends in this government,' said Amos Vidan, currently in charge of the Israeli embassy in Rome ... 'The people in power have a more sympathetic approach to Israel, especially Berlusconi himself.'" [GRUBER, R., 6-12-01]

      In Australia, in 1996 Gordon Samuels became the first Jewish governor of New South Wales. In 1995 Gil Marcus became Australia's Deputy Minister of Finance joining "the other Jewish deputy minister (of defense)" Ronnie Kasrils. [SINGER/SELDIN, 1997, p. 427] In 1993, Peter Wilenski, ambassador to the United Nations, became head of the Department of Foreign Affairs. [SINGER/SELDIN, 1994, p. 372]  Zelman Cowan was Governor General of Australia from 1977 to 1982.
    In 2000 in Australia, powerful and influential Jewish mogul Joseph Gutnick made the local political news. Attempting to lobby Prime Minister John Howard to change existing laws to kick alleged former Nazis from the country, Gutnick was rebuffed and threatened to sue the prime minister for his frank commentary about his Jewish donor. As the Melbourne paper The Age noted,
     "ABC radio yesterday reported that Mr. Gotnick had threatened
     to withhold financial support for the Liberals over the issue and
     when asked on ABC radio if he could 'do without Gutnick's money,'
     Mr. Howard said ... "I don't change policy according to the
     financial contributions from anybody, whether it's Mr. Gutnick
     or not." [THE AGE, 8-10-2000]
     Even in New Zealand, "as far back as the nineteenth century, Sir Julius Vogel was twice elected prime minister (in 1873 and 1876), while Sir Arthur Myers served as minister of munitions in World War I. There were five Jewish mayors of Auckland, and almost every city had a Jewish chief magistrate at one time or another." [SACHAR, H., 1985, p. 171]
      In Poland, a country that has -- post-World War II -- only a few thousand Jews, the government's Foreign Minister, Bronislaw Geremek, is Jewish, as was 1993 Prime Minister Hanna Suchocka. As noted earlier, while Jews were prominent in leadership positions in the communist rule of Poland, they were also noteworthy in positions of leadership in antithesis to the ruling regime. Prominent leaders of Jewish descent in the Solidarity resistance movement included Jan Litynski, Adam Michnik, and Karol Modzelewski. [WESCHLER, p. 40]
      In the Czech Republic, a country that has an estimated Jewish population of only 6,000, in 1998 the Jewish Telegraphic Agency noted that "there is a strong Jewish representation in the Czech Foreign Ministry. Deputy Foreign Minister Otto Pick is Jewish, for example." So is Jiri Pehe, "senior political adviser" to the president. [GREENE, R., 8-4-98, p. 6 & 6-23-98, p. 11] Thomas Jelinek was elected chairman of the Prague Jewish Community in 2001. He is also "a confidant of President Vaclav Havel and an economic adviser in the presidential office." "I am strictly separating my agenda with the president, which covers mainly economic issues, from my position as chairman," Jelinek told a Jewish ethnic news agency, "But for sure if there would be some serious issue affecting the Jewish community in the Czech Republic, it would feel natural to inform him about it." [BENNETT, M., 7-2-01] A Jewish Austrian member of the European Parliament, Peter Sichrovsky, is even a member of the far right Freedom Party (much maligned for alleged anti-Semitism by the international Jewish community). [HARRIS, D., 2-3-2000, p. 1]

  From the Ukraine, in 1994 the Jewish acting head of the Ukrainian cabinet, Yefim Zvyagilsky, "was faced with charges of embezzlement of state property [worth $25 million]." [STETSYURA]  After fleeing to Israel, the Jewish state denied the Ukrainian request for his extradition.  "Ukrainian officials," noted Reuters, "say Zvyagilsky, a Jew by origin, acquired an Israeli passport during his two and a half years in Israel but he denies this ... Some top [Ukrainian] government officials, including Foreign Minister Hennady Vdovenko have suggested that Ukrainian authorities might have to think twice before appointing Jews to senior jobs in the future." [REUTERS, 2-12-97] [Bulgaria?]
     In South Africa, by 1998 "in an extraordinary political turnaround, whites outside the ranks of the African National Congress are now looking for leadership from a brilliant young Jewish liberal [Tony Leon] who has become the [Black] government's fiercest critic ...[and] the new champion of white interests in South Africa ... [He] grabbed the leadership of the [Democrat] party." [BERESFORD, 5-29-98, p. 16]  Lous Shill became the South African Minister of Housing and Public Works in 1994.
     Tzippi Hoffman and Alan Fisher note that
     "In Cape Town, since 1867 there have been 69 mayors of which
     12 were Jews. In Cape Town nearly a third of the Parliamentary
     Council are Jews." [HOFFMAN/FISHER, p. 26]

 How about the African nation of Zimbabwe, home to 750 Jews? In 2001, that country's (Jewish) Chief Justice, Anthony Gubbay (born in Manchester, Great Britain) resigned his post after political troubles with president Robert Mugabe. [BELLING, S., 3-12-01]
      In Canada, Simon Haskel is chairman of the Labor Party's Finance and Industry Committee. Julius Isaac is the Chief Justice of the Federal Court of Canada. [SINGER/SELDIN, 1995, p. 274; SCHURMACHER, T., 4-22-94]  Eddie Goldenberg is variously known as today's Canadian prime minister's "chief adviser" or "alter ego." His father, Carl, was "senior adviser" to three prime ministers. [MCGREGOR, G., 8-22-2000, p. A1; WILSON-SMITH, A., 6-19-2000, p. 14; BOYLE, T., 7-25-96, p. A6]

     In 2002, Sheila Firestone retired after 18 years in the Canadian Senate. Firestone won her position in 1984 in election battles against fellow Jews William Dery and Sharon Wolfe. "In her farewell address to her colleagues," noted the Canadian Jewish News

     "spoke first of her 'ancestral land,' Israel ... In an interview, Firestone said she
     regarded bringing the concerns of the Jewish community, including ensuring
     fair representation of Israel's cause, as fundamental to her role as a
     parliamentarian -- in caucus, in government, and internationally. 'I have a
     strong sense of Jewish responsibility and the need to ensure respect and
     fair play for Israel,' said Finestone ... 'I have taken my share of taunts for
     making reprsentations for Israel. I've been called an Israeli agent and Mrs.
     Israel, but I'm proud to be acknowledged as a concerned member of the
     Jewish people." [ARNOLD, J.]

     That same year, Jewish politicans from around the world were invited to a conference in Israel. As the Globe and Mail noted:

     "An influential group of Canadian Liberal MPs [Members of Parliament], led by
     Deputy Prime Minister Herb Gray, is lending its support to Israel by attending
     a conference of Jewish politicians organized by the Israeli government. More
     than 50 legislators from Europe, the Americas and South Africa are attending
     the four-day meeting in Jerusalem, sponsored by the Israeli Ministry of
     Foreign Affairs. 'I made the decison [to come] because I am a Jew,' said
     Anita Neville, a rookie Liberal MP from Winnipeg. 'I have a large Jewish
     community in my riding, and I care deeply about the nature of the relationship
     between Canada and Israel.' Five of Canada's six Jewish MPs are attending,
     along with two Liberal senators. Although the United States has a larger
     delegation, Canada is the only country to be represented by two senior
     ministers, Mr. Gray and Immigration Minister Elinor Caplan. Ms. Caplan
     said she sees no problem wearing 'two hats,' one as a Canadian minister
     and another as a supporter of Israel." [ADAMS, P., 1-8-02]
     In 1985, Frank Stuart Miller became the first Jewish premiere of Ontario, that country's richest and most populace province. In 1993 Jacqueline Holzman was elected mayor of Ottawa. In 1991, Gary Weiner became Canada's Secretary of State. In 1991 alone, Judy Rebick became President of the National Action Committee on the Status of Women, Harvey Webber became President of the Council for Canadian Unity, and Karen Mock became Chairman of the Canadian Multicultural Advisory Board.  Invariably at the helm of any "minority" movement that is open to them, in Quebec, the director (David Birnbaum), the chairman (Harold Chorney), and the first vice president (Andy Housefather) of the "Alliance for Quebec" (an "English-speaking rights group" in predominantly French Quebec) are Jewish. So is Howard Galganov, founder and president of another "English-rights" group there, the Quebec Political Action Committee. Galganov is a former member of Meir Kahane's Jewish Defense League. In 1996 he charged that the majority French-speaking movement was against him, it was "anti-Semitic," and they "must be stopped before it [anti-Semitism] gets started." [FORWARD, JEWISH, p. 2] In 2002, in French-speaking Montreal, David Levine became "the first Jewish cabinet minister in a Parti Quebecois (PQ) government." A former senior adviser to now-Premier Bernard Landry, Levine's cabinet position is an appointment; it "is not an elected member of the National Assembly." [ARNOLD, J., FEB 2002]
      Tired of all the Judeo-centric/Zionist censorial power everywhere around us, including America, and like to address it? Perhaps you might think to approach the National Coalition Against Censorship (NCAC) until you discover that the "first and longtime director" was Leanne Katz, succeeded by Joane Bertin. [BLUME, p. 67] Taking an airplane any time soon? The Director of Aviation Safety for the National Transportation Safety Board, retiring in 2001, is Bernard Loeb. "It did not escape [Egyptian officials'] attention that the legendary head of aviation investigations at the NTSB -- a brilliant and abrasive engineer named Bernard Loeb -- who was overseeing the Flight 990 inquiry [an Egyptian airliner crash in 1999] -- was Jewish and something of a Zionist." [LANGEWIESCHE, W., NOV 2001, p. 47]

      The head of the U.S. Space agency, NASA? Also Jewish: Daniel Goldin, honored at the First Annual National Jewish Leadership Awards dinner in 2001. Goldin, who has "family in Israel and has visited [t]here numerous times since 1967," announced that an Israeli astronaut would be part of a crew into space in 2002. On a recent trip to Israel he "emphasized the possibilities of integrating Israel into the European space center and having it join the exclusive club of countries participating in the international space station, along with involving Israeli research and researchers in the station. [Israeli Prime Minister Ariel] Sharon commented that he sees Israel's integration in NASAS's research and development plans as critically important." [SIEGEL, J., 8-15-01]

      The head of the U.S. government-funded National Democratic Institute for International Affairs? Kenneth Wallach. Co-chair of the United States Global Strategy Council? Also Jewish: Joyce Starr, formerly coordinator for President George Bush's Middle East task force. President of the Ethics and Public Policy Center, a Washington "think tank"? Elliott Abrams. Head of NOW (National Organization of Women)? Marilyn Fitterman. Executive Director of FAIR (Federation of Americans for Immigration Reform)? Dan Stein. President of Citizens Against Government Waste? Thomas Schatz. The Executive Director of lobbying group Negative Population Growth? Sharon Stein. Joel Rosenthal is president of the Carnegie Council on Ethics and International Affairs. Daniel Levitas is Executive Director of the Georgia Rural Urban Summit. Robert Greenstein is Executive Director of the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities. Burton Blumert is president of the Center for Libertarian Studies and publisher of lewrockwell.com. Kenneth Roth is Executive Dirctor of Human Rights Watch. David C. Rapaport edits the Journal of Terrorism and Political Violence. Richard Rubenstein is even president of the Reverend Sun Myung Moon-funded Washington Institute for Values and Public Policy. [STOLL, I., 6-19-98] Head of the Sierra Club? In 1997 Adam Werbach became the first Jew, and, at age 24, the youngest person ever, to be the environmental lobbying organization's president. "In grade school," he says, "I remember planting trees and raising money to plant trees in Israel." [KARFELD, M., 2-6-98, p. 16] When Werbach left as head of the Sierra Club, he co-founded a company called Act Now Productions with Todd Gold, formerly the editor of People magazine.)

      Judeo-centric, pro-Israel (albeit veiled) government think tanks (as of 1993) included the Washington Institute for Near East Policy (co-founded by Martin Indyk), the Foreign Policy Research Insitute ("the personal think tank" of Jewish academic Daniel Pipes), and the Jewish Insitute for National Security Affairs (JINSA; founded by Michael Ledeen -- Ledeen was involved in the Irangate affair. His wife was then-Assistant Secretary of Defense Richard Perle's secretary). "Stephen Bryen," notes Grace Halsell, "served as JINSA's executive diretor during the time charges were being investigated that, as a Senate Foreign Relations Committee aide, he had offered military secrets to a visiting Israeli defense official. Bryen was not indicted, and subsequently was named Reagan administration deputy assistant secretary of defense in charge of protecting sensitive American technology. While Bryen was in the Pentagon his wife, Shoshanna Byren, served as executive director of JINSA. Former Minnesota senator Rudy Boschwitz became president of JINSA in 1991). Richard Perle's own think tank babies include the International League for the Reparation of Russian Jews and the Committee for Peace and Security in the Gulf. Joseph Churba, an "ultra-right pro-Likud activist," heads the Center for International Security. [HALSELL, G. MARCH 1993, p. 9]
     In 1988, five Jews -- all Toronto-based --were elected to Canada's national legislature. Three became cabinet ministers: Monte Kwinter (Minister of Industry, Trade, and Technology), Elinor Caplan (Minister of Health -- later, of Immigration), and Chaviva Hosek (Minister of Housing). Jewish deputy ministers included Martin Barkin and Elaine Todres. [SINGER, D., 1989, p. 255] The chief justice of the Supreme Court of Canada, Brian Dickson, was also Jewish as was Quebec chief justice Alan B. Gold. Jonathan Schneiderman was also president of the "youth wing" of the Liberal party. [SINGER, D., 1989, p. 268]
      The Jewish oligarchs dominating today's Russian political situation are noted earlier (as is Jewish pre-eminence in the communist governments of the last few decades throughout Eastern Europe), but a 1997 World Press Review commentary sums it up well enough for purposes here:
     "The [Russian economic] crisis also explains why Boris Berezovsky
     and his six prominent Russian bank allies, who, according to
     Berezovsky's own account, first made President Boris Yeltsin's
     reelection possible, then arranged the promotions of presidential Chief
     of Staff Anatoly Chubais and First Deputy Prime Minister Vladimir
     Potanin. Berezovsky runs a conglomerate that includes Russia's
     Channel 1 television network. He boasts of controlling most of the
     independent television stations and newspapers." [HELMER, p. 44-45]

     Any addressing of Jewish political empowerment in Latin America must inevitably consider the implications following 1998 observations by professor Judith Elkin, whose specialty is the Jews of Latin America:
    "Following formation of the state of Israel, Yiddish was replaced by
    Hebrew in most Jewish schools, and Israel became the preferred locus
    for teacher training. Financial subsidies for Latin American schools
    were allocated by the World Zionist Organization and the Jewish
    Agency. Zionism conquered the schools on the way to conquering
    the [Jewish] communities as a whole ... [ELKIN, 1998, p. 176] ...
    Organized Jewish life came to revolve around Zionist activities:
    the sale of Israel Bonds, celebration of Israel Independence Day,
    the training and hiring of Hebrew teachers, and so forth ... Jews
    living in Latin America are occasionally able to apply political
    leverage in support of the government of Israel ... The close
    relationship between Latin American Jews and Israelis sustain
    the suspicion among nacionalistas that Jews' extraterritorial
    loyalties exceed the bounds of patriotic propriety. The accusation
    of double loyalty dogged the communities from the start, and
    continues today." [ELKIN, 1998, p. 232-233]
     The potential of Zionism empowered in Peru? There are only 3,000 Jews in Peru, a land of 27 million. [PERELMAN, M., 4-20-01] But when Sally Goodgold followed a fellow Jew identified with the last name of Golden to meet the Prime Minister of Peru, Ephrain Goldenberg, in 1997 at the Museum of Natural History in New York, she noted that "he joked about 'all the Golds' at this 'Gold of Peru' event ... The prime minister bent down and said to me, 'Madame,  ... my mother [co-founded] Hadassah  [the women's international Zionist organization] of Peru." [LEON, 9-26-97, p. 13]  "In a meaningful symbolic act," notes Judith Elkin, "Peruvian President Alberto Fujimori [of Japanese ancestry] prepared for Efrain Goldenberg's swearing in as prime minister by removing the crucifix that usually presides over such ceremonies." [ELKIN, 1998, p. 278] (A Jewish heir to a mining fortune, August Salcedo, was Peru's president from 1906-1912, and again from 1919 to 1930.) [SACHAR, H., 1985, p. 268]
     As Jewish historian Howard Sachar notes about the modern Jewish community in Peru:
     "[It] is a tightly knit, quite ethnocentric community, with a remarkably
     lower record of intermarriage than in most other Latin American nations."
     [SACHAR, H., p. 269]
     In 2000, the shadowy head of the state Peruvian spy agency, Vladimiro Montesinos, known as Peru's "Rasputin," was arrested for bribing a Congressman; the incident was captured on videotape. The arrest of the powerful behind-the-scenes leader (one television-sponsored survey noted that 30% of Peruvians believed Montesinos ran the country) [BOYD, S., 12-97, p. 33-34] caused a crisis in the President Fujimori government. He was born into a "Marxist family" in 1944, later becoming a prominent lawyer known for defending major drug dealers. [LANE, C., 9-22-2000, p. A37] The wife, Elaine Karp, of a defeated Peruvian presidential candidate (Alejandro Toledo), is an Israeli. Karp, noted the Jerusalem Post in 2000, "brought charges against the Israeli defense establishment for allegedly assisting Montesino's organization." [COHEN, C., 9-18-2000, p. 5] In 2001, a Peruvian special prosecutor, Dr. Jose Carlos Ugaz, determined that Montesinos -- still a fugitive -- had stashed millions of dollars in bribery payments in Swiss banks. The money came from "Israeli businessmen as part of a deal for the sale of Russian fighter aircraft to Peru's armed forces ... Montesinos was closely connected to a group of businessmen -- some Israeli and some Jews with Peruvian citizenship -- who acted for him in international arms deals, from which he collected illegal commissions." [DAYAN, A., 3-5-01]

    (In 2001, Alejandro Toledo was elected President of Peru and Elaine Karp became Peru's First Lady. Karp was "born in Paris to a staunchly Zionist family [and] settled in Israel as a teenager ... Her father ws a member of the right wing Zionist youth group, Betar, while her mother belonged to the left-wing Zionist youth group Hashomer Hatza'ir." Former President Fujimori fled Peru in 2000 under a cloud of corruption, opening the way for Toledo. "Quite a number of Jews were linked with Fujimori, as ministers or advisers," notes Karp, "In addition, some Israeli intermediaries were involved in shady arms deals. And some of the money funneled off by the previous regime was handled by Israeli banks." The Jewish Chronicle further noted that Karp's marriage to Toledo did not endear her to local Jewish ethnocentrism: "Ms. Karp has caused widespread resentment, partly because of her high profile marriage to a non-Jew ... Her mixed marriage and her leftist views have caused some rejection [from the Peruvian Jewish community].) [PERELMAN, M., 4-2001] (Nonetheless, the Jewish Week noted American Jewish lobbying pressure upon Toldeo to pardon Lori Berenson, a Jew from New York, who had been sentenced by a Peruvian court "to 20 years in jail for collaborating with [Peruvian] terrorists." "California Rabbi Steven Jacobs," noted the Jewish Week, "who sat with the Berensons [parents of Lori] during the verdict, said he intends to put together a delegation of rabbis to meet with Toledo, whose wife and daughter are Jewish.") [GREENBERG, E., 6-28-01]
     Montesinos was dismissed from the Peruvian military in 1977 "for selling state secrets to the CIA." He grew to power as a lawyer and became part of the Fujimori government in 1990. He is the alleged "architect" of a military coup in 1992. [LANE, C., 9-22-2000, p. A37] "When an ostensible democracy had been restored," notes Charles Lane, "its revamped institutions were stocked with people Montesinos controlled through classic institutions of espionage: bribery and blackmail. The previously obscure National Intelligence Services, known as SIN, emerged as the true source of power in Peru, and Montesinos ran it ... Even prominent citizens lowered their voices when they mentioned his name ... [There are] credible charges of death squads [against Montesinos], drug payoffs, and, most recently, large scale electoral fraud that the two [Montesinos and Fujimori] had faced." [LANE, C., 9-22-200] "Human rights groups and United States senators," noted the Los Angeles Times, "also have expressed concern over allegations linking Montesinos to slayings and torture of leftists and turncoast spies. Critics accuse him of masterminding the alleged dirty tricks that brought international condemnation on the presidential election." [ROSELLA/TARNAWIECKI, 9-16-2000, pt. 1, p. A1]
     An earlier defeated presidential candidate, novelist Mario Vargas Llosa, writes that the Peruvian "regime [is] manipulated from behind the scenes by the all-powerful and sinister Vladimiro Montesinos." [LLOSA, M., 4-4-2000, p. B1] "Brazilian police," reported Deutsche Presse-Agentur, "believe [Montesinos] is involved in drug trafficking." [GROTH, H., 7-25-97]
     In Chile, the principles of Salvador Allende's early 1970s Marxist government (overthrown in large part by the CIA) "were in part designed by Senator Volodia Teitelboim, chief strategist of Chile's Communist party who as a youth had belonged to Hashomer Hatzair, the left wing of the Zionist movement." Other Jews in Allende governmental posts were David Baytelman, David Silberman, Jaime Faivoich, Jacobo Schaulsohn, Enrique Kirberg, Enrique Testa, and Luis Vega. [ELKIN, p. 268] By the 1970s about 30,000 Jews lived in Chile. The commander of the Chilean air force was Jewish, notes Jewish historian Howard Sachar,
     "as was Chile's ambassador to Israel. Two or three hundred other
     Jews held administrative positions [in government], served as deans
     and department chairmans in the nation's universities ... Here, as
     elsewhere in the West, Zionism served as the binding integument
     of Jewish life." [SACHAR, H., 1985, p. 275, 276]

 How deep is this committment to Israel? Former President of the American Jewish Congress, Joachim Prinz, once noted the allegiance of the so-called "secret Jews," people of Jewish heritage who had been living for generations as Christians in Chile:

     "Once, in 1950, when I delivered a lecture in Santiago, Chile, I was asked to receive
     a delegation of apparently good, faithful Christians who were collecting money
     for the purchase of land in Israel through the Jewish National Fund. They confessed
     that this was their link to their Jewish past. When I asked how they knew about
     their heritage they said, 'Our fathers passed it down to us, as they received
     this knowledge from their parents and grandparents. We recognized each other
     because each of us observed the Sabbath, fasted on the Day of Atonement and
     kept other Jewish customs.' Today this group of Marronos ["secret Jews"]
     call themselves Sons of Zion and have emigrated to Argentina, where they
     live in a commune in preparation for their emigration to Israel." [PRINZ, J.,
     1973, p. 5]
      In Argentina, the American Jewish Yearbook noted in 1987 that
      "right-wing members of the military and rightist elements of the
      Catholic Church and the Peronist trade unions charged that
      [earlier president Raul] Alfonsin's government was in the hands
      of the so-called Sinagoga Radical (Radical synagogue), referring
      to the large number of Jews in high-level government positions ...
      Among Jews who occupied prominent positions in the government
      were Marcos Aguinis, secretary of culture and advisor to the president,
      and later the person responsible for organizing the First National
      Educational Congress; Cesar Jaroslavsky, president of the Radical
      Civic Union bloc in the Chamber of Deputies; Bernardo Grinspun,
      the first minister of the economy in Alfonsin's cabinet; Leopoldo
      Portnoi, president of the Central Bank; Jacobo Fiterman, public works
      commissioner in the Buenos Aires city administration ... Fiterman had
      earlier been president of the Zionist Organization and head of the local
      United Jewish Appeal, called CUJA." [SINGER, D., 1989, p. 72]
     The appointment of Aguinis, a "well-known Jewish psychoanalyst and writer," as cultural minister "enraged the Catholic Church and its allies." [ELKIN, 1998, p. 264-265]
     Other Alfonsin-era Jewish prominent officials included the Treasury Secretary (Mario Brodersohn), the Minister of Education (Adolfo Stubrin), the Secretary of State for Science and Technology (Manuel Sadosky),  the Undersecretary of State for Information and Development (Robert Schteingart), the Undersecretary for Research and Administrative Reform (Oscar Oszlak), and the rector of the University of Buenos Aires (Oscar Shuberoff). [ELKIN, J. 1998, p. 264]  (Earlier, Polish-born Jose Ber Gelbard was a controversial Minister of Economics).
      "The warm acceptance of Jews by the Alfonsin regime," notes David Singer, "was evident not only in the conspicuous presence of Jewish individuals within the government but in specific indications of support for Jewish issues."  [SINGER, D., 1989, p. 272]  This increasing warmth to Jews in Argentine business and government prompted a right-wing general, Ramon Campos, to publish "a book in which he charged the Jewish banking interests were subverting the state and [he] warned of Zionist infiltration." [ELKIN, J. 1998, p. 264] "Some Argentine military sectors," wrote Jacobo Timerman in 1981,
      "... at various times, [ha]ve voiced the need to avoid any expression
      of anti-Semitism, maintaining this as a tactical necessity ... Their main
      argument in favor of avoidance of any suspicion of anti-Semitism
      invariably has been the need to avoid confrontation with the powerful
      Jewish community in the United States." [TIMERMAN, J., 1981, p. 131]
     Alfonsin's successor through the 1990s, Carlos Menem, has had close Jewish advisors, particularly Samuel Muzykanski and Moises Iknonicoff. His Minister of Interior (Carlos Corach) and Deputy Justice Minister (Elias Jassan) are also Jewish. [ELKIN, J. 1998, p. 265]  Celso Lafer was also Minister of Foreign Affairs and Israel Klabin the mayor of Rio de Janeiro in the 1990s. [ELKIN, 1998, p. 92] In 1989, the Jerusalem Post noted the visit of the Anti-Defamation League Morton Rosenthal (head of ADL's Latin American division) to Israel:
     "Newly-elected Argentine President Carlos Menem hopes to obtain
     American assistance in extracting his country from its current
     economic morass. Rosenthal noted in an interview here last week,
     'Menem is aware that Jewish opinion is important in Washington.
     Where economic and political help is concerned, we try to help
     our friends, and Argentina does need our help.'" [HOFFMAN, C.]
     Decades earlier, under famed Argentine leader Juan Peron,
     "Angel Borlenenghi was appointed Minister of Interior, Abraham
     Kirslavin became his subsecretary, and Liberto Rabinovitch was
     named a federal judge. Several Jews were allowed to hold responsible
     positions in Peron's Justicialista Party." [SACHAR, H., 1985, p. 286]
      The ambassador from Costa Rica to the United States is Jaime Daremblum, also Jewish. [LAKE, E., 3-31-2000, p. 21] as is Mexico's Ambassador to the European Union, Jaime Zabludovsky. Mexico's Secretary of Foreign Affairs is Jorge G. Castaneda (Gutman), also Jewish. [http://www.aztlan.net/mexzion.htm] In 2001, the Washington Post noted that

     "Jorge G. Castenda is Mexico's Foreign Minister and [Andres] Rozental is one
     of his key troubleshooters. Together, they have played leading roles in
     engaging the United States and Mexico in their most serious negotiations
     in decades aimed at reforming their immigration policies ... Casteneda, 48,
     and Rozental, 56, share the same mother -- a Russian immigrant to the
     Mexico -- and deep understanding of the United States ... Casteneda, whose
     father was also foreign minister, is the intellectual author of much of [Mexican
     president Vicente] Fox's thinking about the world ... Named ambassador-at-
     large while continuing his consulting business, Rozental is often on the road ...
     Rozental's dual role has led to questions about whether his work on behalf
     of the government is benefiting his consulting clients ... In his private office,
     overlooking the heart of Mexico City, Rozental [said]: 'We are each other's
     best friend ... I don't think many people know how close we are.'"
     [SULLIVAN/JORDAN, 8-28-01]

     In October 2001, Ernesto Cienfuegas posted the following list in an article about Castenda:

          "Partial List of High Level Mexican Officials of Jewish Descent



    In 2001, a Jewish ethnic newspaper featured an article about Mexico's President, Vicente Fox, and his attendance at the American Jewish Committee's annual dinner:

     "When Barry Jacobs, a Foreign Service officer for 28 years and now director
     of strategic studies for the American Jewish Committee, learned that Mexican
     President Vicente Fox was to speak at the group's annual dinner, he was more
     than surprised. 'It's mind-blowing,' said Jacobs, who serves as AJCommitee's
     liaison to the Mexican-Jewish community. "It was an incredible honor that he
     flew up for this event. Fox was eager to participate in the May 3 dinner, according
     to AJCommittee officials ... Fox's well-received speech -- indeed, his mere
     presence at the event
-- reflects the growing importance that Mexico's 40,000
     Jews have obtained in their country, says observers. When AJCommittee
     visited Mexico in October and invited Fox, then the president-elect, to speak
     a their dinner, he accepted immediately ... Jacobs said several members of
     Fox's Cabinet have some Jewish background, even though Jews make up
     less than half of 1 percent of Mexico's population. 'The importance of the
     Jewish community in Mexico is that they are a small community doing
     well economically,' Jacobs said." [BERGER, M., 5-11-01]

     In fact, the Finance Chairman for the Vicente Fox presidential campaign was also Jewish, Lino Korrodi. [http://www.aztlan.net/foxfunds.htm]

Even in a place like Guyana, in South America, Janet (Rosenberg) Jagan, who was born in Chicago and had married a prominent Guyanan, became that country's president in 1998.

     There are only 44,000 Jews living in Uruguay, but
     "in recent decades, there have been Jewish senators, ministers and
     deputy ministers, directors of the Central Bank and the central
     tax collection office, a rector of the university. Uruguay was the
     first Latin American government to recognize Israel ... The single
     lingering consequence of these political changes [a Uruguayan
     army coups] has been an intensification of Uruguayan Jewry's
     Zionist commitment ... Leaders of the Jewish institutions [in
     Uruguay] dutifully consult the Israeli ambassador -- their status
     symbol -- on matters not only related to Israel but to domestic
     Jewish affairs ... Jewish education, both the day schools, and
     in some eleven Sunday schools, has remained Israel-centered."
     [SACHAR, H., 1985, p. 273]
     In Brazil, notes Judith Elkin, where the 120,000 Jews represent less than one-tenth of one percent of the total Brazilian population,
      "Individuals from the important commercial families Lafer, Klabin,
      Moses, Bloch, and Levy have entered politics as ministers of
      state, bankers, and presidential advisers. There are Jews in
      numerous posts and in significant military positions." [ELKIN, p. 269]
    Horacio Laufer was the Brazilian Minister of Finance from 1949-1959. "In later years," notes Howard Sachar,
    "Jews sat in state and municipal cabinets. Max Feffer ... was appointed
     Secretary of Culture, Science and Technology for the state of Sao Paolo
     ... His predecessor, Jose Mindlin, was also a Jew. Jews have been
     mayors of Curtiba and Rio de Janeiro, where squares and streets are
     named for [Zionist leaders] Theodore Herzl, David Ben-Gurion, Ann
     Frank and other Jews. There have been Jewish generals in the armed
     forces -- six of them in 1966. The nation's cultural life has been as widely
     influenced by the Jewish leaven as in any Western land, from the
     conductor of the national symphony orchestra to directors of state
     academies and institutes to deans of universities." [SACHAR, H., 1985,
     p. 258]
    "This is a Zionist community," noted Fiszel Czeresnia, chairman of Brazil's Zionist Organization, in 1985, "Zionism animated every Jewish institution we have in this country." [SACHAR, H., 1985, p. 262] And as Howard Sachar adds about the political mood of the very affluent Jewish community in Brazil:
     "With a few exceptions -- mainly university students and a handful of
     progressives in the state and national legislature -- Jews have not taken
     a stand on the nation's horrifying economic inequities. Living in
     comparative prosperity, accepted by the elite strata of Brazilian
     society, they appear content with the political status quo. As in Chile
     and Argentina, the largest numbers of Brazilian Jews remain suspicious
     of populist democracy." [SACHAR, H., 1985, p. 264] 


    In conclusion for this chapter, let us simply note the editorial of a London newspaper, The Sun, which in 2001 (in the wake of the results of widespread Western foreign policy that supports the Jewish state)
declared its support for Israel in this chilling manner:

     "Terrorism is now, without a doubt, the greatest scourge in the free
      world. It has to be fought with utter determination wherever it threatens
     us. As we are seeing in [the] Afghanistan [war] this is not a pleasant task.
     When the Americans turn their attentions to Iraq -- as they must -- it will
     get even more unpleasant. And when the Israelis defend themselves -- as
     they must -- it will not be pleasant either. But if we have learned anything
     from the New York attacks, we should have learned this: WE ARE ALL
     ISRAELIS NOW." [Emphasis in the original; SUN, 2001]

      Or as journalist Richard Brookhiser's article in the New York Observer proclaimed, echoing this growing theme throughout America:

"We Are All Jews in Our Enemy's Eyes."

[New York Observer, May 4, 2002]

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